يدرس هذا البحث بإسهاب الصعوبات و المشاكل العلمية المختلفة حول فكرة
النموذج الاجتماعي في العلوم الاجتماعية و لاسيما علم الاجتماع. و يعيد النظر في
مجموعة واسعة من الأدب في هذا الموضوع و تحديد العديد من النقاط الغامضة
المرتبطة بهذا المفهوم. و يطرح بعض الحلول و التوضيحات الفكرية المجردة للتعبير
عن الاختلاف الدقيق بين النموذج الاجتماعي و مفهوم الدور. و يقدم فيما يلي تصنيفاً لأربع من الآليات أو المصادر الكبرى التي قد تنشأ عنها النماذج الاجتماعية فيحددها علماء الاجتماع: المهنية و النفسية و الثقافية أو الثقافية الفرعية الخرافية. فكل مصدر أو آلية يشكل نموذجاً اجتماعياً مختلفاً، أو مختلفاً قليلاً.
This paper elaborates on the various scientific problems and
difficulties regarding the notion of social type in the social sciences,
particularly in sociology. An extensive body of literature on this topic is
reviewed, and numerous ambiguous and vague points associated with this
concept are identified. Some conceptual clarification and resolution is
proposed to articulate the precise difference between social type and the
concept of role. A typology of four major mechanisms or sources from
which social types may emerge and be identified by sociologists is
presented: occupational, psychological (inborn traits), cultural/,sub
cultural, and mythological. Each source/mechanism forms a different, or
slightly different, type of social type.
References used
Arditi, G. ,"Role as a Cultural Concept." Theory and Society, 1987
Barthes, R. , Elements of Semiology. New York: Hill and Wang, 1967
Bellah, N. R., Madsen, R., Slivan, M. W., Swidler A., and Timpton M. S. , Habits of the Heart - Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Berkley: University of California Press, 1985
This research deals with the reality of the General and the Higher Education in Jerusalem and the Occupied Palestinian lands in addition to their problems and requirements.
This research aims to be introduced to old schools in Jerusalem city and to
The research aims to know the degree of use of social networking
among the students of the Faculty of Education at the University of
Damascus. And know common mental problems among the
students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus.
And know the relationship between the use of social networks and
mental problems.
This paper investigates incorporating quality knowledge sources developed by experts for the medical domain as well as syntactic information for classification of tweets into four different health oriented categories. We claim that resources such as
The present study aims to identify the nature of virtual relationships and their
distinctive characteristics, and to identify the reasons behind the rush of large numbers of
people to join the virtual society and to engage in various economic, soci
This study aimed to analyze the content of the most important social problems facing
the Tishreen government universities students and Kalamoon, knowledge and compare
them and arrange them according to their importance in the light of the universit