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The Role of Imagination in Kant`s Theoretical Know ledge

دور المخيلة في المعرفة النظرية عند كانط

2055   1   54   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research sheds light on the real role imagination plays in building our knowledge besides the two fuclies of sensitivity understanding ,all through finding Coherence and harmony between the two world`s of sensation and understanding via two major roler through which imagination achieves it`s special function of connecting and constituting this making objective knowledge a possibility . An empirical sensuous role in which imagination presents embodiments of things, after uniting sensuous impressions of the faculty of understanding, so it provides it`s characteristics with the appropriate intuitions and makes them conceive things rationally and spontaneously . A creative role in which role imagination practices its most important role of constituting , through providing pure intellectual drawings and plannings ,which introduces for general constituting that understanding characteristics achieves on the level of intellect ,and allows through it for composing objective judgments that accomplish the condition of possible scientific knowledge . The research also demonstrates that word of imagination takes the form of time, that time is homogeneous with intuition because it includes our sensuous embodiments , and it is a general total, and primary role suites all phenomena .

References used
يوسيف كرم، تاريخ الفلسفة الحديثة، دار القلم، بيروت، ب- ت .
يحيى هويدي، دراسات في الفلسفة الحديثة و المعاصرة، دار الثقافة للنشر، القاهرة، 1990
rate research

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In this article, we propose a mathematical model, fundamentally based on evidence theory in order to process and to combine the information elements coming from different sources of information in a security system. These elements could be heteroge neous (qualitative, quantitative, ordinal, binary … etc.) and imperfect (imprecise, ambiguous, probable, missing values … etc.). Along with the heterogeneity and the imperfection, we must consider the case bases that contain security cases with solutions to help us to make decisions as supplementary sources of information (this is called in machine learning field ''case-based reasoning''). Furthermore, the proposed method must consider the conflict and the contradictory resulting from the different sources of evidence. The afore-mentioned issues will be explained through an illustrative numeric example to clarify the proposed model.
Nowadays, the world witnesses a great knowledge wealth that has allowed the developed countries to transform their economies into what is called « Knowledge Economy ». This term, entirely, means producing, spreading and using knowledge in between its sectors by investing in its fundamental constituents that are manifested in education, research and development. Through this research, we aim at showing the notions related to the knowledge economy and at the diagnosis of its practical fact in Algeria by presenting the principal challenges that faced this new type of economy and by looking for the mechanisms which must be adopted by the state in order to overcome these obstacles.
يشكل الرصف المرن (Flexible Pavement) النوع الأكثر انتشاراً في انشاء الطرق في الجمهورية العربية السورية كما أنه يستخدم بشكل واسع في كافة مناطق العالم حيث تبلغ نسبة الطرق التي تعتمد في انشائها على هذا النوع من الرصف حوالي 93% في الولايات المتحدة الأمري كية ويعود ذلك الى سهولة وسرعة انشائه وصيانته . وهذا الانتشار الكبير للرصف يتطلب وضع منهجية للعمل في تصميم الخلطات الاسفلتية بحيث تحقق المتطلبات الفنية المتبعة في تنفيذ الطرق قادرة على مقاومة اجهادات التعب وحمولات المرور والعوامل الجوية . وفي بحثنا هذا قدمنا شرحا مفصلا عن مكونات الخلطة الاسفلتية وطريقة تصميم الخلطات الاسفلتية وفق خلطة مارشال . حيث قدمنا في الفصل الأول دراسة مفصلة عن الروابط البيتومينية وأنواعها وتصنيفها . أما في الفصل الثاني دراسة الخواص العامة للخلائط الحصوية المستخدمة في الطرق والتجارب التي تجري عليها وطرق دمجها . أما في الفصل الثالث والرابع تحدثنا عن مفهوم فلسفة الخلائط البيتومينية ومراحل تصميمها . وفي الفصل الخامس والفصل السادس ناقشنا الأسس النظرية لتصميم الخلطة الاسفلتية وفق طريقة مارشال . أما في الفصل الأخير تم تصميم خلطة اسفلتية تمثل المراحل التطبيقية لتصميم الخلطة الاسفلتية وجميع التجارب المنفذة على مكونات هذه الخلطة .
Computational resources such as semantically annotated corpora can play an important role in enabling speakers of indigenous minority languages to participate in government, education, and other domains of public life in their own language. However, many languages -- mainly those with small native speaker populations and without written traditions -- have little to no digital support. One hurdle in creating such resources is that for many languages, few speakers would be capable of annotating texts -- a task which requires literacy and some linguistic training -- and that these experts' time is typically in high demand for language planning work. This paper assesses whether typologically trained non-speakers of an indigenous language can feasibly perform semantic annotation using Uniform Meaning Representations, thus allowing for the creation of computational materials without putting further strain on community resources.
This research aims to discuss "knowledge management and its technology" and " managerial development" and the relations between them. Researcher has concluded that organizations get many benefits and achieve entrepreneurship by application of know ledge management and its technology. Results showed that there are a positive relationship between knowledge management and technology and managerial development. Results also indicated impact for knowledge management and its technology in achieving managerial development. Subsequently, this topic provided a number of recommendations subserve in implementation application of knowledge management and its technology and achieving managerial development.
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