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Foundations of theoretical and applied in the design of asphalt mixtures

الأسس النظرية والتطبيقية في تصميم الخلطات الإسفلتية

5090   8   1223   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by iyad sakour

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No English abstract

References used
د.م بسام سلطان ، محاضرات السنة الرابعة والخامسة (2015-2016) ، قسم هندسة المواصلات ، جامعة تشرين
د.م مروان عاصي ، هندسة طبقات الرصف (طرق 2) ،جامعة حلب ،2007
د.م رامي حنا ، محاضرات السنة الرابعة (2015-2016) ، قسم هندسة المواصلات ، جامعة تشرين .
الشروط والمواصفات الفنية لأعمال الطرق والجسور ، وزارة النقل (2002) .
بحث ماجستير بعنوان تصميم الخلطات الاسفلتية ،جامعة دمشق
مجموعة من الكتب الالكترونية بعنوان تقانات الطرق مكتبة البخاري .
م. باسم علي علي ، بحث ماجستير ، جامعة تشرين .
rate research

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The Individual is the main entity of society, if he's in good health he's able to positively contribute to the development of the society, developed countries have recognized this fact, making it an interest in providing health care to the individual , which is not limited to aspects of membership, but it also included the psychological aspects that become a most important aspect in health of the individual because of the increase of the destitute in the number of psychiatric patients, which coincided with technological progress and civilization so it led to a change in the concept of mental health care than it was previously, also led to changes in methods of treatment for psychiatric patients, and changes in the concepts of the place, which provides this health care, the modern concept of building health care for psychiatric patients must take into account the important role played by those buildings in the treatment, no longer seen as containers separating of these patients, but rather becoming more like living organisms that interact with them, they are affect them equally affected by them and through its behavior .
Playing is right for all children , and it's an important activity in their life, they discover through it the world around them, and it was confirmed by philosophers, psychologists and educators on the importance in children's lives and in their b ehavior and development. So we must provide spaces for children to play wherever they are, especially in public parks, and must be given adequate attention and study according to international design foundations, so check for children fun and interest together. The research presents an analytical study of some of the children's playing spaces in parks in the city of Damascus in order to verify the extent to which architectural elements to the needs of recreational and development of children, from different age groups, and through the analysis of the design elements of the samples studied and evaluated in accordance with the recommended standards.
The recycled concrete aggregate RCA was able to take the place of the vierge & natural aggregate NA, embankments elected,to implement the base&subbase road layaers and airports in many country of the world.furthermore, there is almost consensus by a large of reshershers and scholars about the possibility of using RCA in mix cement concrete for non-structural elements .whil,the using of RCA in the hot mix asphalt HMA still under discussion and debate, due its high porosity , high water absorption, and its heterogeneity which reflected negatively on the mechanical and physical properties of the HMA This research discusses stadying the possibility of using the recycled concrete aggregates in hot mix asphalt HMA, for the implementation of the bas layer bituminous road , by the application of the marshall tests on hot mixtures asphalts have ben prepared using different ratios of recycled concrete aggregates. The results of marshall testes showed that the HMA prepared with amount of recycled concrete aggregates less than 50%,can be used to implement the base layer bituminous road,according to the general terms and specifications book for road works and bridges in the syrien arab republic.
The study assesses the impact of economic factors in the geography of services in terms of need, consumption and spatial organization are topics and trends in a study in this new world. These economic factors form a stand-alone system that belongs to the larger system that includes all the factors in the geography of services. System of these economic factors is composed of the five factors that constitute the elements of this system as follows : 1 - the geographical economic location. 2 - transport routes, and means . 3 - Capital . 4 - SOA (substructure of service) . 5 - economic resources and aspects of economic activity in urban centers and regions. Economic factors interact with each other within the system, and in at the same time they interact with the system of human factors and the system of natural factors for shaping the service sectors of the place by showing the spatial variation in the needs of the population to services and they use them, and its spatial organization of place in urban centers and regions. Economic factors are different in the strength of their impact in this variation and spatial organization of the services sector of the population, depending on different areas or trends in the study in of the geography of services, and the first trend studies the needs of the population is services. The quality of these to services, and the second trend studies consumption of the population to these services, and the third trend studies the spatial organization of the services sector of the population. A system of economic factors forms inputs which interact together, and at the same time interact with the system of natural factors and human factors, to give outputs that show the nature of services for the population and the characteristics of its distribution and development in place .
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