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Effect of severity of pruning on yield of apple trees under high density system

تأثير شدة التقليم في إنتاج أشجار التفاح في نظام الزراعة الكثيف

2006   0   36   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research was carried out on (10) years old ( Golden delicious & Starking delicious ) apple trees . which were planted in AlKafron region – Tartus Governorate under high density system . The research aims to study the effect of severity of dormant pruning on yield of apple trees during (2012-2013) . There were the results were found : 1- There wasn't any effect of pruning treatments on total soluble solids content or total sugars . 2- Pruning treatments were better than control in fruit set in both cultivars , in Golden delicious, were ( 40.75 - 33.20 %) in severe Pruning and control, respectively , in starking delicious , were (31.35 – 26.30 %) in severe Pruning and control, respectively , and Pruning treatments were better than control in average of weight fruit in both cultivars , in Golden delicious, were (140.50-129.30) g in severe Pruning and control, respectively , in starking delicious , were (151.70-139.90) g in severe Pruning and control, respectively . 3- Pruning treatments resulted to reduce total acidity content . 4- Pruning treatments resulted to reduce yield by (14.19-19.72)% in Golden delicious and starking delicious , respectively , comparing with control .

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تناول البحث تأثير شدة التقليم الشتوي على إنتاجية أشجار التفاح المزروعة في نظام الزراعة الكثيف في منطقة الكفرون بمحافظة طرطوس. أجريت الدراسة على صنفي التفاح Golden delicious و Starking delicious خلال موسم 2012-2013. أظهرت النتائج أن شدة التقليم لم تؤثر على محتوى الثمار من المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية والسكريات الكلية، ولكنها أثرت بشكل إيجابي على نسبة العقد ووزن الثمار. من ناحية أخرى، أدى التقليم إلى تقليل إنتاجية الأشجار، حيث كان الانخفاض أكبر في صنف Starking delicious مقارنة بـ Golden delicious. كما أدى التقليم إلى تقليل الحموضة الكلية للثمار. استنتج الباحثون أن التقليم الشديد يزيد من نسبة العقد ووزن الثمار ولكنه يقلل من الإنتاجية الكلية للأشجار. وأوصوا بإجراء تقليم خفيف إلى متوسط للحصول على إنتاج جيد.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: من خلال قراءة هذه الدراسة، يمكن القول أن البحث قد قدم معلومات قيمة حول تأثير شدة التقليم على إنتاجية أشجار التفاح. ومع ذلك، يمكن انتقاد الدراسة من ناحية أنها لم تأخذ في الاعتبار تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل التربة والمناخ على النتائج. كما أن الدراسة اقتصرت على صنفين فقط من التفاح، مما قد لا يعكس تأثير التقليم على أصناف أخرى. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تم متابعة تأثير التقليم على مدى عدة سنوات بدلاً من موسم واحد فقط.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو تأثير شدة التقليم على نسبة العقد في أشجار التفاح؟

    أظهرت الدراسة أن شدة التقليم تزيد من نسبة العقد في كلا الصنفين Golden delicious و Starking delicious.

  2. هل أثرت شدة التقليم على محتوى الثمار من المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية والسكريات الكلية؟

    لم تؤثر شدة التقليم على محتوى الثمار من المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية والسكريات الكلية.

  3. ما هو تأثير شدة التقليم على إنتاجية أشجار التفاح؟

    أدى التقليم إلى تقليل إنتاجية الأشجار، حيث كان الانخفاض أكبر في صنف Starking delicious مقارنة بـ Golden delicious.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها الباحثون بناءً على نتائج الدراسة؟

    أوصى الباحثون بإجراء تقليم خفيف إلى متوسط لأشجار التفاح بعمر 10 سنوات في ظروف الزراعة الكثيفة للحصول على إنتاج جيد.

References used
BARDEN, J . A ; DELVALLE , T . B ; S.C. MYERS , S.C. Growth and fruiting of ‘Delicious’ apple trees as affected by severity and season of pruning. J. Amer. Soc. Hort Sci. 114, 1989, 184-186
COSTA , C. G ; BELTRAME , J . P. ZERBINI , K . A ; PIANEZZOLA , R . D. 2001, High Density Planted Apple Orchards Effects on Yield , Performance and Fruit Quality , ISHS Acta Horticulturae 451 , 2001
ELFVING , D.C. Growth and productivity of ‘Empire’ apple trees following a single heading-back pruning treatment. HortScience 25. 1990,908-910
rate research

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The experiment was conducted in Tal Sakrah region, which is located approximately (25) km west of Hasakah city , for two successive years by using trees which are planted since 1988, and belong to Henry Clay variety, the most cultivated variety in this region.
This work was conducted to study the effect of two levels (50 and 75%) of pruning on flowering (number of clusters, number of flowers, diameter of flowers, flower-stem length) of three cultivars (Emile Mouillère - Nikko Blue - Pia) of Hydrangea ma crophylla. Pruning was done on the shrubs of four years old in addition to a control without pruning. Results indicated that there were differences among cultivars in response to the proportion of pruning. Emile Mouillère, a cultivar with white flowers, the results showed an increase in the proportion of pruning was associated with a reduction the number of fully developed inflorescences per plant compared to control. For Nikko Blue, a cultivar with blue flowers, the results showed that level (75%) was the best in all studied indicators while for Pia, a cultivar with deep pink flowers, the results showed that pruning with 50% level was the best in all productivity indicators.
In this research, we have studied the effects of some summer pruning at the mid June and Juli, in addition to the common periodical winter pruning during February. Both studies were done to evaluate calcium concentration of fruits, quality and yi eld the apearance of physiological disorders during the storage and fruits. Experiments were conducted on 8 year apple trees of Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious, which are sensiitve to laek of calcium and as a result caused bitter-pit as an important physiological disorder on apple fruits. Summer pruning of apple trees at mid june increases their content of calcium and their colors, also decreases physiological disorder, weight loss during storage, without affecting the annual yield of trees. Accorrding to the attained results, we recommend the farmers of apple trees to follow summer pruning, because of its benefits on improving the condition of trees and achieving the balance between vegetative and generative growth, and reduced the alternate Summer pruning. Also improve the quality of fruits, their storability and their resistance for some physiological disorders during storage.
The study was conducted in 2011 on 6-years-old citrus trees "Washington navel 141". It contained four treatments with three replicates for each treatment. The results showed that: The wastewater treatments showed superiority on the control in the number of vegetative growth and its length. The number of inflorescence buds, was increased in the second treatment (irrigation with 50% treated wastewater +50% normal water) (5. 37) which dominated the other treatments. The weight of fruit was affected by treated wastewater irrigation. Second treatment (irrigation with 50%treated wastewater+50 % normal water) was better than the control treatment. It was increased by (308. 3 g) compared to (259. 5 g) for the control treatment. Fruit yield production per tree, was increased by second treatment (irrigation with 50% treated wastewater+50 % normal water) (28. 9kg) compared to (15. 3kg) for the control. Treated wastewater irrigation had positive effects in the quality of fruit (Total sugar %), (T. S. S %) and the coefficient of maturity were increased in second and third treatment compared to other treatments, while (T. A %) was decreased in all wastewater treatments.
The research was conducted during the growing season in 2013- 2014 in Bssiren Hama. In a split- plot design: the varieties were main plots (asgro, rama, Muncipal) and the sowing dates were subplots (15\11;30\11;15\12 and 30\12) and the densities we re subplots (20 plant\m2, 13.33 plant\m2). The early planting went to Significant increase in the days to germination, long time of fruit; the number of days to flowering and the number of days to fruiting; Plant height; Number of branches plant ; weight of pod; number of pods plant; dressing percentage; Yield of green pods plant and Yield of green pods. While the high density was observed Significant increase in the Plant height; Number of branches plant; weight of pod; number of pods plant; and Yield of green pods plant, while the low density was observed Significant increase in the Yield of green pods. The Asgro variety was obtained at Rama and Muncipal varieties in the number of branches plant; number of pods; Yield of green pods plant and, while the Rama variety was obtained by the plant height, and non- significant results were found among varieties by the weight of pod. The positive results also showed in the interaction among factors.
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