The research was carried out in the agricultural season 2016-2017 the village of
DweirRaslan Tartous governorate with three planting dates (20 November - 10 December -
1 January) and three densities (12 - 14 - 16 plants / m2) Where the planting tim
e was the
main pieces and the plant density occupied the dissecting pieces once to study the effect of
planting date and plant density on some morphological characteristics of white thermos
The results showed that dates of the early dates (November 20) were higher in plant height,
with an average of 64 cm and surface area of the paper surface at an average of 24.367
thousand. M 2 / ha and in shape of the length of the century with an average of 7.50 cm.
As for the plant density, the plants of density12 plants / m 2 in the height of plant exceeded
an average of 65.6 cm and length of the century with an average of 8.13 cm, while the
plants of density 16 plants / m 2 in the area of paper area average 24.213 thousand. M2 / ha
The research was conducted in village Habbet in Hafa (Lattakia region) 300 meters above
sea level during the period of 2016-2017 the plant material of the research is red cabbage
Ruby King F1 hybrid in order to study the effect of planting date on
growth and
productivity of red cabbage. The study consisted of five different planting dates during the
med of May, June, July, August and ,September months The completely randomized block
design was used with four replications and twenty plants in replication . The study contains
indicators: )leaf surface area, shape, volume, solidity and weight of cabbage heads, inner
stem length, total and marketable yield, percentage of marketable yield and content of
vitamin C)
The results showed that planting treatment during August and September gave the superior
results with significant difference in vegetative and productive indicators: leaf surface area,
solidity and weight of cabbage heads, total yield )3394.8، 3654( kg/d respectively,
marketable yield and percentage of marketable yield.
While The planting during May, June, July was superior on content of vitamin C which
was respectively (99.58, 98.68, 97.82 ( ml/100g with significant difference.
This research was carried out during 2009/2010 growing season in
swiri region which locates about 30 Km at the west of Homs city ,
located in the first stability region where the annual precipitation is
about 400 mm .
One cultivars of faba (Vicia
faba) was sown on three seeds rate
(high seed rate 220 kg/h – medium seed rate 185 kg/h – low seed
rate 150 kg/h) and three sowing date (15/11 – 30/11 – 15-12 ) 2009.
The objective of the research is to identify the optimal date of
planting when mutual intercropping (line: line) is used in planting
beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. and sweet corn Zea mays rugose L.
The research was conducted in the ornamental plants laboratory, Faculty of
Agriculture, to determine the best seed germination conditions of Sophora japonica and S.
secundiflora. Different seed pre-treatments (cold ater (6oC) and warm water (50oC)
immersing, Citric acid (2%) and Sulphoric acid (25, 50%) stratification) were
experimented. The effect of different culture mediums and sowing times were also
The results indicated that the chemical pre-treatments represented the highest relative
germination rates compared to the physical pre-tretments. Among the physical pretreatment,
the seed immersed in hot water for 2h showed the highest germination
percentage (38,6 – 30%) for S. japonica and S. secundiflora respectively. While, the seed
treated with sulphoric acid represented the best germination percentage for the tow species
(58,3 – 63,6%). Nevertheless, the increase of the sulphoric acid concentration had a
negative impact on survival plantlet rates for the tow species, specially for S. japonica.
The results showed that the seed sowing in sand with soil and organic mature (1:1:1)
medium realized the best germination percentage for the tow studied species.
This research was conducted in a field of wheat located at Suran
(20 kilometers to the north of Hama city). The aim was to study
the influence of wheat planting date on wheat stem sawflies
infestation levels.
The research showed that the early wh
eat seeding led to
breaking the synchronization between the sensitive wheat
development period suitable for the wheat stem sawfly infection and
the existence of the insects in the fields.
This search was conducted in Albassa town at Lattakia governorate , during 2011
and 2012 growing seasons for study effects of 3 sowing dates ( 15th of April , 25th of April
and 5th of May ) and 4 levels of nitrogen fertilization ( N1: control , N2:
50 kg/ha , N3: 100
kg/ha , N4: 150 kg/ha ) on several attributes of groundnut (Coastal category) production .
The results showed that the 5th of May sowing date had significant excel in the
average of the two growing seasons in dry weight of pods in plant , wheight 100- Seeds,
The per-hectare yield of seeds and Harvest index , It ranked first in the two seasons search.
Also, The application of nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 150 kg/ha had resulted in a
significant increase in studied productivity traits in the average of the two growing
seasons , Except for harvest index , which was at least as compared to other levels of
The interaction between the sowing date ( 5th of May ) and the level of nitrogen
fertilization (150 kg/ha) showed a significant excel in the average of the two growing
seasons in dry weight of pods in plant , wheight 100- Seeds and The per-hectare yield of
seeds .
تأثير التلقيح البكتيري وموعد الزراعة في الصفات الإنتاجية والخصائص النوعية للفول Vicia faba L الأخضر والحبي
This study was conducted at AL-buyarat AL-garbya, west Palmyra during
2010/ 2011 and 2011/2012 growing seasons to determine the optimum date and
plant density for sowing two faba bean varieties. The studied factors were two
sowing dates (15/10 and
5/11), plant densities (16.7 and 11.1 plants/m2) and two
varieties of faba bean (kobrusi and Hama1). Results showed that sowing on
early date 15/10 resulted in increasing plant height, number of branches/plant
and pod length as compared with 5/11 sowing date.
The research was conducted during the growing season in 2013-
2014 in Bssiren Hama. In a split- plot design: the varieties were
main plots (asgro, rama, Muncipal) and the sowing dates were subplots (15\11;30\11;15\12 and 30\12) and the densities we
re subplots (20 plant\m2, 13.33 plant\m2). The early planting went to Significant increase in the days to germination, long time of fruit; the number of days to flowering and the number of days to fruiting; Plant height; Number of branches plant ; weight of pod; number of pods plant; dressing percentage; Yield of green pods plant and
Yield of green pods. While the high density was observed
Significant increase in the Plant height; Number of branches plant;
weight of pod; number of pods plant; and Yield of green pods
plant, while the low density was observed Significant increase in the Yield of green pods. The Asgro variety was obtained at Rama and Muncipal varieties in the number of branches plant; number of pods; Yield of green pods plant and, while the Rama variety was obtained by the plant height, and non- significant results were found among varieties by the weight of pod. The positive results also showed in the interaction among factors.