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This paper describes the Helsinki--Ljubljana contribution to the VarDial 2021 shared task on social media variety geolocation. Following our successful participation at VarDial 2020, we again propose constrained and unconstrained systems based on the BERT architecture. In this paper, we report experiments with different tokenization settings and different pre-trained models, and we contrast our parameter-free regression approach with various classification schemes proposed by other participants at VarDial 2020. Both the code and the best-performing pre-trained models are made freely available.
The research clarifies the aspect of the monument, its position, types and different forms since ancient times till now. It also shows the development of its raw materials, ratio and fitness with the space as well as the variations in its classifi cation standards throughout history. This research also handles the effective role of a monumental work in fixing high values in human memory and developing the architectural social reality and organizing the site and place that it occupies not only making it beautiful. The monument is a long term symbol embodied in the meanings reflected by its artistic forms which are full of human and mental senses. This research approaches the issue of majority ignorance of the importance and value of a monument in our countries. Arabic people have a minor or even no knowledge at all of the statue. Efforts should be made to strengthen the relationship between individuals and monumental works as well as architecture in a way that will bring positive results for both and for our homelands.
This research was conducted at the farm of Abu-Jarash, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance and productivity of 9 bread wheat (T. .aestivum )and 3 durum wheat T. durum. The experiment was laid out in a Random Complete Block design (RCPD) with three replication.
This research was carried out at a special farm at Balghounis - Banias during the agricultural season 2013/14 to study the of effect plant density and variety and the interaction between them on some productivity characteristics of faba bean plant. Two faba bean varieties were used : Balady (local variety) and Italian Super Simonia (new variety in Syria). Five densities (20, 10, 6.67, 5, 4) plants/m2 were studied. A split plot design with three replications was used, in which varieties were assigned to main plots and densities to sub plots. The GenStat 12 program was used for statistical analyses. The results indicated that Balady variety significantly surpasses the Italian one in plant height during maturity stage. Also Balady variety showed a significant increase compared to Italian variety in number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant and 100- seed weight. On the other hand, Italian variety significantly surpasses the Balady one in number of seeds/pod and seed yield, and it showed a significant increase compared to Balady variety in seed weight per plant. Increasing of plant density led to an increase of plant height and a decrease of number of branches/ plant, number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod. Decreasing of plant density led to decrease of 100-seed weight and seed yield.
The research was performed in AL-Gab region, Hama Province during the agricultural season 2012-2013. The investigation was carried out to assess five varieties of muskmelon from central Asia "Gezel Zametsha, Ak Gorbek, Pakeraman, Kara Kaon, Ak Kash ", plus control (Ananas Hollar) The results showed that two varieties "Ak Kash and Kara Kaon " had better leaf area, while the variety of "Ak Gorbek" had more number of feminine blossoms on the plant and higher percentage of node blooms. "Kara Kaon" Which gave high productivity 6850 Kg/Dunm in comparison with the control 4724 Kg/Dunm to "Ananas Hollar". A strong Correlation link had been found out between the area of leaf surface and productivity. The number of feminine blossoms and the percentage of the node productive blooms. But a strong negative link was found between the number of picked fruit and average weight of the fruit.
This research was conducted in seedling area belonging to Tishreen University and in the Coast seedling belonging to Agricultural Directorate in Lattakia. Results has shown that, the pear variety Cocia grafted on pear Syrian rootstock was significa ntly better than pear variety Williams and Quince variety Saidawi grafted on the same rootstock, where the percentage of grafting were 100%, 90% and 66.67% consequently, and in the next year 93.33%, 76.67% and 54.00% consequently. Results has shown a good agreement between a variety Cocia and a used rootstock in comparison with the tow other varieties. The results of analytical calculation has shown that, the variety Cocia was better than the tow other varieties Williams and Saidawi in graft-height, also, Williams variety was better than Saidawi variety, and this confirm that, the Cocia variety in medium growth when it grafted on pear Syrian rootstock, whereas, Williams variety was in poor growth and Saidawi variety was very poor in growth when they were grafted on the same rootstalk especially in the first years of grafting.
This research work was carried out in the nursery field of the Faculty of AGgriculture in Tishreen Univesity during the spring growing season of 2012, it involved studying some chemical characteristics of potato tubers of Five newly introduced vari eties of potato ( Atlas, Bureen, Bomba, Rumba and Orla), in comparision with Spunta variety as a control. It was showed that the hieghest large tuber were recorded in Atlas ,Burren and Bomba. Bomba variety showed hieghest standards tubers (7.8 Kg/ m2). It was showed also the hieghest dry matter (DM=20.5 %), and Ash content (1.01%) in tubers, were recorded in Rumba variety. Bureen and Spunta varieties showed hieghest values of starch contents (14.5 % and 14.4%) respectively. While Vitamin C (VC ( , was encountered ( 19.36, 17.6, and 17.6 mg / 100g) for Rumba, Spunta and Bureen respectively. Also, the highest values for protein content (1%) and the soluble solid (5%) in tubers were found in Rumba variety.
The research was conducted during the growing season in 2013- 2014 in Bssiren Hama. In a split- plot design: the varieties were main plots (asgro, rama, Muncipal) and the sowing dates were subplots (15\11;30\11;15\12 and 30\12) and the densities we re subplots (20 plant\m2, 13.33 plant\m2). The early planting went to Significant increase in the days to germination, long time of fruit; the number of days to flowering and the number of days to fruiting; Plant height; Number of branches plant ; weight of pod; number of pods plant; dressing percentage; Yield of green pods plant and Yield of green pods. While the high density was observed Significant increase in the Plant height; Number of branches plant; weight of pod; number of pods plant; and Yield of green pods plant, while the low density was observed Significant increase in the Yield of green pods. The Asgro variety was obtained at Rama and Muncipal varieties in the number of branches plant; number of pods; Yield of green pods plant and, while the Rama variety was obtained by the plant height, and non- significant results were found among varieties by the weight of pod. The positive results also showed in the interaction among factors.
This research was conducted in Bsiereen village of Hama province. The objective of this research was to identify the optimal plant density for the two varieties of garlic, namely Kiswany and Kurdy. A split plot design was used in this experiment. Kiswany and Kurdy were considered as the main factor while the treatments of the experiment were considered as a split factor [( 5 treatments for plant density: plating on lines: with four treatments (10 × 20, 15 × 20, 10 × 25, and 15 × 25), planting on both lines sides with a distance of (10× 45 cm)]. The total replicates for each treatment was three with an average of 10 plants for each replicate. The Gen Stat 32 was used for the analysis of data and the LSD was calculated at p≤ 0.05. The result of analysis shows the followings: - Kiswany plants superseded Kurdy plants almost for all growth indicators and this was reflected positively in its productivity. - Treatment number 5 (planting on both sides of the line: 10 × 45 cm) has proven to show the best results for almost all the studied characteristics and indicators. -The interaction of a variety with treatment 5 affected positively most of the characteristics of the total green parts of the plants for both varieties of the treatment. This was reflected as an increases in their productivity. - An increases in a plant density for treatment one for Kiswany (planting on lines: 10 × 20 cm) has increased the productivity but this was not the case for Kurdy variety.
Singularities in general are considered to be one of the important issues in algebraic geometry and applied mathematics, among them the ADE or simple singularities which drew attention since they have appeared separately in various areas of scient ific applications. The name comes from three graphs characterized by letters A, D and E denoting types of Lie groups. Arnold stated them in a direct manner. Many people gave studies about the subject like Roczen.M who presented the canonical resolution in dimension 3 and Char ≠ 2. giving an equivalent non-singular variety is what meant by resolution, Canonical resolution adds a description of the exceptional loci.

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