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The agricultural land of the experiment was cultivated by different methods of double rotated tillage such as; the turningturning tillage, turning- surface tillage, and turning- hard tillage as well as to control (without tillage). The cultivated land planted with peas مPisum sativum ة was in the western and northern area of Homs province.
The research was conducted during the growing season in 2013- 2014 in Bssiren Hama. In a split- plot design: the varieties were main plots (asgro, rama, Muncipal) and the sowing dates were subplots (15\11;30\11;15\12 and 30\12) and the densities we re subplots (20 plant\m2, 13.33 plant\m2). The early planting went to Significant increase in the days to germination, long time of fruit; the number of days to flowering and the number of days to fruiting; Plant height; Number of branches plant ; weight of pod; number of pods plant; dressing percentage; Yield of green pods plant and Yield of green pods. While the high density was observed Significant increase in the Plant height; Number of branches plant; weight of pod; number of pods plant; and Yield of green pods plant, while the low density was observed Significant increase in the Yield of green pods. The Asgro variety was obtained at Rama and Muncipal varieties in the number of branches plant; number of pods; Yield of green pods plant and, while the Rama variety was obtained by the plant height, and non- significant results were found among varieties by the weight of pod. The positive results also showed in the interaction among factors.
This research was conducted at two distinct environmentally locations, Jellien and Al-Somakiate belong to Dara'a Research Center, the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research during 2011-2012 growing season. 13 garden pea genotypes were planted according to a randomized complete block design with three replicates to study the performance of these genotypes for 10 important quantitative traits and to detrmine the genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of correlation between the traits studied. Results showed that there were significant differences among the genotypes for all traits studied at both distict locations. The genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than corresponding phenotypic correlations, in addition, the value and direction of correlation coefficient at both levels were different from location to another. Green pod yield showed positive and significant correlations with pod width, harvest index and 10-green pod weight at Jellien location, and with pod length, pod width, pods number per plant and 10-green pod weight at Al-Somakiate location.
Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variance, broad and narrow-sense heritability, expected genetic advance and relative genetic advance of earliness characteristics in six pea hybrids produced by 4 x 4 half-diallel crossing scheme were estima ted. The results, in general, showed low values of phenotypic coefficient of variance (in all crosses) of days to beginning of flowering and days to marketable maturity; which may indicates to a low effect of environmental variation on the expression of both these characters, but were medium to high for number of low internodes and internode's length. Estimates of heritability in broad sense were medium to high for days to beginning of flowering (0.42 – 0.90) and days to marketable maturity (0.42 – 0.91), and biased estimates of narrow-sense heritability have been recorded in most of the crosses and in majority of the parameters studied; so we can’t adopt them as reliable data. The highest estimates of relative expected genetic advance of number for low internodes have been observed in Mutant-3 x Dasargelo (25.95%) and Dasargelo x Nassra (25.11 %) and for internode's length in Dasargelo x Oterlo (37.31 %). The selection procedure can be effectively made for achievement further improvement of internode's length in early segregating generations of Dasargelo x Oterlo hybrid; because it has high values of genotypic coefficient of variance, broad-sense heritability and relative expected genetic advance.
The changes in green peas, processed by using freezing and bleaching were compared with their chemical composition (moisture, ash, sugar, fat). Effect of freezing and bleaching processes of green peas on the ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds ,and antioxidant activity were investigated. Significant changes were occurred between fresh and processed peas with regard to their content of ascorbic acid, total phenols, and antioxidant activity as measured by DPPH. Vitamin C content reduced to 65% in frozen peas and to16% in bleaching peas. The decreased in total phenols was less, being 150mg/100g fw in fresh peas reduced to 140 mg/100g fw in bleaching peas, and reached 120mg /100g fw in freeze peas. These changes have been reflected significantly (P<0.05) in antioxidant activities. Storage of green peas, frozen or boiled peas, for 8 weeks, resulted in significant loss in vit C, antioxidant activity(P<0.05).
The study was carried out at AL-Rasheedia Agricultural Research Station, Nineveh, to evaluate nine introduce pea cultivars for dry production, during two fall growing seasons of (2000- 2001) and (2001- 2002). The results showed that the cultivar, P.S.510571 gave the highest value in plant length at both two seasons. The cultivar, M.G.102703 was superior in the number of pods per plant, pod weight, weight of 1000 seeds, and gave higher yield of dry production per unit area (722.5 and 780.2 kg/ donum) for the two seasons, respectively. However, the width of pods wasn't significantly different among the cultivars in both two seasons.

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