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The effect of fruitful clipping and fertilization on the apple trees productivity (Henry Clay var.) in the semi-arid areas

دراسة تأُثير تقليم الإثمار و التسميد في إنتاج أشجار التفاح صنف هنري كلاي في المناطق نصف الجافة

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 Publication date 2003
  fields Groves
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The experiment was conducted in Tal Sakrah region, which is located approximately (25) km west of Hasakah city , for two successive years by using trees which are planted since 1988, and belong to Henry Clay variety, the most cultivated variety in this region.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تجربة أجريت في منطقة تل سكرة، التي تقع على بعد حوالي 25 كم غرب مدينة الحسكة، لمدة عامين متتاليين باستخدام أشجار مزروعة منذ عام 1988 وتنتمي إلى صنف هنري كلاي، وهو الصنف الأكثر زراعة في هذه المنطقة. في هذا البحث، حاولنا إيجاد بعض الإجابات على الأسئلة التي يطرحها المزارعون الذين يعانون من مشاكل توقيت التقليم، والتي تتعلق بالعديد من القيود، مثل تقصير وقت هذه العملية، نقص العمال المهرة المؤهلين، والظروف المناخية غير المناسبة، وخاصة الأمطار الربيعية. لذلك، استجابةً للأسباب المذكورة أعلاه، بالإضافة إلى الحاجة إلى زيادة مساحة زراعة هذه الشجرة، درسنا استجابة الصنف لكل من التقليم المثمر والأسمدة المطبقة على الإنتاجية خلال موسمي النمو. أظهرت تحليلات البيانات تفوقًا واضحًا في هذا الصنف في حالة ممارسة التطبيقات الجيدة (أي إضافة الكميات اللازمة من الأسمدة إلى الأشجار التي لديها تقليم مثمر مناسب) مقارنةً بالتحكم.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: الدراسة تقدم معلومات قيمة حول تأثير التقليم المثمر والتسميد على إنتاجية أشجار التفاح من صنف هنري كلاي في المناطق شبه الجافة. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال تضمين مزيد من التفاصيل حول المنهجية المستخدمة في التجارب، مثل نوعية الأسمدة المستخدمة وكمياتها، وكذلك الظروف المناخية المحددة خلال فترة الدراسة. كما أن الدراسة يمكن أن تستفيد من مقارنة نتائجها مع دراسات أخرى في مناطق مختلفة لتقديم صورة أكثر شمولية حول تأثير هذه العوامل على إنتاجية أشجار التفاح.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة هو تحديد تأثير التقليم المثمر والتسميد على إنتاجية أشجار التفاح من صنف هنري كلاي في المناطق شبه الجافة.

  2. ما هي المشاكل التي يعاني منها المزارعون والتي حاولت الدراسة معالجتها؟

    المشاكل التي يعاني منها المزارعون تشمل توقيت التقليم، نقص العمال المهرة، والظروف المناخية غير المناسبة، وخاصة الأمطار الربيعية.

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    النتائج الرئيسية أظهرت تفوقًا واضحًا في إنتاجية صنف هنري كلاي عند ممارسة التطبيقات الجيدة للتقليم المثمر والتسميد مقارنةً بالتحكم.

  4. كيف يمكن تحسين الدراسة في المستقبل؟

    يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال تضمين مزيد من التفاصيل حول المنهجية المستخدمة، مثل نوعية وكميات الأسمدة، والظروف المناخية المحددة، وكذلك مقارنة النتائج مع دراسات أخرى في مناطق مختلفة.

References used
(Babouk, V.I.; Formirovanie e Obrezka Plodovikh Dereviev; Ochebnioe Posobie , Kishinov, (1991
(Cimpoies, G.; Conducerea Si Taierea Pomilor Universitatea Agrara Destat Din Moldova, Chisinau , (2000
(Fredrik, G.; Stroenie E Fonktsi Kornei Plodovikh Dereviev;Mockva, (1994
rate research

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This research was carried out on (10) years old ( Golden delicious & Starking delicious ) apple trees . which were planted in AlKafron region – Tartus Governorate under high density system . The research aims to study the effect of severity of dor mant pruning on yield of apple trees during (2012-2013) . There were the results were found : 1- There wasn't any effect of pruning treatments on total soluble solids content or total sugars . 2- Pruning treatments were better than control in fruit set in both cultivars , in Golden delicious, were ( 40.75 - 33.20 %) in severe Pruning and control, respectively , in starking delicious , were (31.35 – 26.30 %) in severe Pruning and control, respectively , and Pruning treatments were better than control in average of weight fruit in both cultivars , in Golden delicious, were (140.50-129.30) g in severe Pruning and control, respectively , in starking delicious , were (151.70-139.90) g in severe Pruning and control, respectively . 3- Pruning treatments resulted to reduce total acidity content . 4- Pruning treatments resulted to reduce yield by (14.19-19.72)% in Golden delicious and starking delicious , respectively , comparing with control .
This study was carried out at the Agricultural Scientific Research center In Sweida - GCSAR to study the effect of potassium sulfate and organic manure on some of soil characteristic in addition to tree growth vigor and fruit traits of Starking del icious apple cultivar. The results revealed significant effect in reducing the (pH) of the soil in the three treatments; potassium sulfate fertilization, organic manure fertilization and application of potassium sulfate and organic manure together which were (6.608), (6.708) and (6.558), respectively, in the comparison with the control (6.768). In addition, significant differences were shown in the (EC) between the former treatments (0.1532 ds / m), (0.1692 ds / m) and (0.0937 ds / m) compared to the control (0.2217 ds / m). Concerning growth vigor and fuit traits, the results showed a significant increase in the average of shoot length in the previous treatments (66.43, 77.33 and 71.37 cm, respectively), compared to the control (59.37 cm), while showed a significant increase in leaf area in organic manure treatment and potassium sulfate with organic manure together (35.54 and 37.21 cm 2, respectively), compared to the control (30.54 cm 2). The results of analysis of variance in fruit firmness showed higher significant variation of potassium treatment (8.477 kg / cm 2) than the other treatments which, also revealed significant increase of total soluble solids (16.82%,15.2% and15.37%,respectively) compared to the control (14.23%), and a significant increase in total sugars and in percentage of treatable acidity. Consequently, the result showed that the addition of soil fertilizers treatment contributed to improve some of soil characters, tree growth vigor and some of the quantitative and qualitative traits of apple fruits.
The study was conducted in 2011 on 6-years-old citrus trees "Washington navel 141". It contained four treatments with three replicates for each treatment. The results showed that: The wastewater treatments showed superiority on the control in the number of vegetative growth and its length. The number of inflorescence buds, was increased in the second treatment (irrigation with 50% treated wastewater +50% normal water) (5. 37) which dominated the other treatments. The weight of fruit was affected by treated wastewater irrigation. Second treatment (irrigation with 50%treated wastewater+50 % normal water) was better than the control treatment. It was increased by (308. 3 g) compared to (259. 5 g) for the control treatment. Fruit yield production per tree, was increased by second treatment (irrigation with 50% treated wastewater+50 % normal water) (28. 9kg) compared to (15. 3kg) for the control. Treated wastewater irrigation had positive effects in the quality of fruit (Total sugar %), (T. S. S %) and the coefficient of maturity were increased in second and third treatment compared to other treatments, while (T. A %) was decreased in all wastewater treatments.
The research was carried out at Jeb Ramlah Research Station – AlGhab Research Center - General Authority of Scientific Agricultural Research at 2017 growing season. The objective was to investigate the effect of three organic and bio fertilizers (B acillus, Humic acid and Amino acids) and three fertilization methods (Soaking seeds, Vegetative spraying and Plant irrigation) in some morphological and production traits of cotton cultivar 124 (Gossypium herutum L.) The experiment was conducted according to RCBD with three replications. The first factor (fertilizer type) occupied the main plots, while the second factor (fertilization method) occupied the split plots. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Genestat.12 software and the least significant difference L.S.D. at 5% level was calculated. Studied traits included (at the beginning of Blooming stage): Plant Height, Plant wet weight, Plant dry weight, Leaf area and plant production of cotton. The results showed that the average of treatment of amino acids was superiority significant on the others in terms of plant height (70.70cm), Plant wet and dry weight (201.50, and 83.41g), respectively, Leaf area (4240.15cm2/plant) and plant production of cotton (75.13g). For fertilization method, Vegetative spraying average was superiority significant on the others in terms of all studied traits.
This study was conducted in Abu-Jarash farm at the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University during the main season 2013 to evaluate the effect of soil solarization and organic fertilization treatments on the productivity of some maize genotypes (Basel 1, Basel 2, Ghouta 1, Ghouta 82 and Local White). The experiment was laid out according to split-split plot design with three replications. The statistical analysis results clearly indicated to the existence of variability in the response of studied maize genotypes to soil solarization and organic fertilization treatments. The genotype Ghouta 82 surpassed in the traits of plant height, leaf area index, 100-kernel weight and grain yield (150.25 cm, 2.84, 28.10 g and 7.99 ton.ha-1) respectively, as compared to other studied genotypes and was closely followed by the genotype Basel 2 which recorded the highest number of rows per ear (13.83 row/ear). Soil solarization for 45 days before sowing and applying organic manures at the rate of 20 ton.ha-1 encouraged the traits of plant height, leaf area index, number of rows and grains per ear, 100-kernel weight which was reflected on grain yield. Therefore we can grow variety Ghouta 82 or hybrid Basel 2 to get higher yield of maize.
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