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Effect of Summer Pruning on Fruit Calcium Concentration and Physiological Disorders in Apple Cultivers Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious

تأثير التقليم الصيفي في تركيز الكالسيوم و في الإصابة بالأمراض الفيزيولوجية في ثمار صنفي التفاح Golden Delicious و Starking Delicious

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 Publication date 2002
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this research, we have studied the effects of some summer pruning at the mid June and Juli, in addition to the common periodical winter pruning during February. Both studies were done to evaluate calcium concentration of fruits, quality and yield the apearance of physiological disorders during the storage and fruits. Experiments were conducted on 8 year apple trees of Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious, which are sensiitve to laek of calcium and as a result caused bitter-pit as an important physiological disorder on apple fruits. Summer pruning of apple trees at mid june increases their content of calcium and their colors, also decreases physiological disorder, weight loss during storage, without affecting the annual yield of trees. Accorrding to the attained results, we recommend the farmers of apple trees to follow summer pruning, because of its benefits on improving the condition of trees and achieving the balance between vegetative and generative growth, and reduced the alternate Summer pruning. Also improve the quality of fruits, their storability and their resistance for some physiological disorders during storage.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير التقليم الصيفي على تركيز الكالسيوم في ثمار التفاح واضطراباتها الفسيولوجية في صنفي Starking Delicious و Golden Delicious. أجريت التجارب على أشجار تفاح عمرها 8 سنوات، حيث تم تطبيق التقليم الصيفي في منتصف يونيو ويوليو بالإضافة إلى التقليم الشتوي الدوري في فبراير. أظهرت النتائج أن التقليم الصيفي يزيد من محتوى الكالسيوم في الثمار ويحسن لونها، كما يقلل من الاضطرابات الفسيولوجية وفقدان الوزن أثناء التخزين، دون التأثير على الإنتاج السنوي للأشجار. توصي الدراسة المزارعين باتباع التقليم الصيفي لتحسين حالة الأشجار وتحقيق التوازن بين النمو الخضري والتكاثري، وتحسين جودة الثمار وقدرتها على التخزين ومقاومتها لبعض الاضطرابات الفسيولوجية أثناء التخزين.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم هذه الدراسة رؤية شاملة حول فوائد التقليم الصيفي على أشجار التفاح، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ تأثيرات التقليم الصيفي على المدى الطويل وعلى مختلف أنواع التربة والمناخات. ثانياً، كان من الأفضل تضمين تحليل اقتصادي لتكلفة التقليم الصيفي مقارنة بالعوائد المتوقعة. أخيراً، يمكن تعزيز الدراسة بمزيد من البيانات التجريبية من مزارع مختلفة لضمان تعميم النتائج.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو دراسة تأثير التقليم الصيفي على تركيز الكالسيوم في ثمار التفاح والاضطرابات الفسيولوجية في صنفي Starking Delicious و Golden Delicious.

  2. ما هي الفوائد التي وجدتها الدراسة للتقليم الصيفي؟

    وجدت الدراسة أن التقليم الصيفي يزيد من محتوى الكالسيوم في الثمار، يحسن لونها، يقلل من الاضطرابات الفسيولوجية وفقدان الوزن أثناء التخزين، دون التأثير على الإنتاج السنوي للأشجار.

  3. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة للمزارعين؟

    توصي الدراسة المزارعين باتباع التقليم الصيفي لتحسين حالة الأشجار وتحقيق التوازن بين النمو الخضري والتكاثري، وتحسين جودة الثمار وقدرتها على التخزين ومقاومتها لبعض الاضطرابات الفسيولوجية أثناء التخزين.

  4. هل تناولت الدراسة تأثيرات التقليم الصيفي على المدى الطويل؟

    لا، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ تأثيرات التقليم الصيفي على المدى الطويل وعلى مختلف أنواع التربة والمناخات.

References used
Cooks, G. W. 1971. The effect of calcium and other minerals on incidence of bitter pit in cox orange apple. N.Z.J. Agric. Res., 5: 202-309
Dallacqua, G. 1994. The contol of bitter pit, mineral deficiencies, apple trees. Terra Trentina, 40(1) p. 34-38
Dodds, K. A., L. J. Penrose, H. Nicol, and C. C. Bower 1994. The importance of pest and disease damage as a cause of commercial downgrading of apple fruit. Australian-Journal-of-Experimental-Agriculture. 34(3)p. 431-434
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The study was conducted at the Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Damascus, during the season of 2002 and 2003, in order to study the effect of dipping apple fruits for the tow apple sorts for 5 minutes with some chemic al substances, α-Tocopherol (0.25%) and Prohexadion-Calcium (1%). The fruits were stored at AlMaze cold storage unit under the normal storage condition (0-1ºC, 93% R.H.), to find out some effects of these treatments on some physical, chemical, and physiological changes of treated and untreated apple fruits, especially: fruit weight, firmness, starch, and soluble solids content. Analysis of variance indicated a significant difference in storage ability of both fruit apple samples in case of dipped fruits in Procalcium solution 1% compared with control fruits. The tocopherol treated fruits were sometimes significant. The results showed a reduction in fruit weight in case of treated sample during cold storage time. Fruit firmness was significantly better in both treatments of procalcium 1% and tocopherol 0.25%compared with control, and reducing physiological disorders during cold storage period.
The study was performed in Barshin Research Station- General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research on the trees age of 13 in grafted with Golden Delicious Cultivar on three rootstocks (seedless rootstock Malus domestica, vegetative strong rootstock MM109, and MM111 half strong rootstock) over the years (2014.2015 ).The study focused on growth vigor (the stem circumference above the grafted area ,crown size - the rate of shoots length and productivity).
The study was performed over the years (2014٬2015) in Barshin Research Station- General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research on the trees age of 15 in grafted with Golden Delicious Cultivar on two rootstocks, strong: seeds ( Malus domest ica) and half strong (vegetative Malling-Merton "MM111"). The study focused on the effect of the original on the concentration of each of the elements (N-P) in the leaves and branches of the Golden delicious Cultivar grafted on those rootstocks.
This study was carried out at the Agricultural Scientific Research center In Sweida - GCSAR to study the effect of potassium sulfate and organic manure on some of soil characteristic in addition to tree growth vigor and fruit traits of Starking del icious apple cultivar. The results revealed significant effect in reducing the (pH) of the soil in the three treatments; potassium sulfate fertilization, organic manure fertilization and application of potassium sulfate and organic manure together which were (6.608), (6.708) and (6.558), respectively, in the comparison with the control (6.768). In addition, significant differences were shown in the (EC) between the former treatments (0.1532 ds / m), (0.1692 ds / m) and (0.0937 ds / m) compared to the control (0.2217 ds / m). Concerning growth vigor and fuit traits, the results showed a significant increase in the average of shoot length in the previous treatments (66.43, 77.33 and 71.37 cm, respectively), compared to the control (59.37 cm), while showed a significant increase in leaf area in organic manure treatment and potassium sulfate with organic manure together (35.54 and 37.21 cm 2, respectively), compared to the control (30.54 cm 2). The results of analysis of variance in fruit firmness showed higher significant variation of potassium treatment (8.477 kg / cm 2) than the other treatments which, also revealed significant increase of total soluble solids (16.82%,15.2% and15.37%,respectively) compared to the control (14.23%), and a significant increase in total sugars and in percentage of treatable acidity. Consequently, the result showed that the addition of soil fertilizers treatment contributed to improve some of soil characters, tree growth vigor and some of the quantitative and qualitative traits of apple fruits.
The study was carried out in apple orchard and at the laboratories of Agricultural Scientific Research Center, and Pome and Grapevine Division in Sweida (GCSAR), Syria, during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016 to study the effect of organic res idues, and boron and zinc addition on some soil characters, fruit set ratio and some fruits qualitative traits in Starking delicious apple cultivar in Sweida.
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