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The Global Financial Crisis Anlaysis Causes, Consequences& Remedy

تحليل الأزمة المالية العالمية الراهنة الأسباب و التداعيات و العلاج

1284   1   62   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The first part of this research will discuss the causes of the mortgage bubble and the causes of its blow up in 2007, and the consequences of this crisis on various financial institutions, then it will talk about the manner of forming the packages mortgage bonds and the reasons for their spread, and how crisis turned from mortgage crisis to a liquidity crisis, then to solvency crisis. The second and third part will be allotted to study the indirect causes that led to the global financial crisis, as well as the traditional solutions proposed to get out, and will emphasize that these solutions are only firstaid solutions and the need to adopt radical solutions leading to fortify the global financial system to protect it from crises in the future, because the great imbalance in the basic pillars of that system. In addition to emphasizing that the typical solution is only to replace these pillars with new, more powerful and stable ones, or simply changing the whole current system.

References used
An Economy at Risk: The Tough Decisions Ahead, Tomas M. Hoenig (President of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City), Embargoed Until Presentation, Sheidan, June 2009
An Analysis of SAM Pricing in the UK: A. Murphy. Presented at the 2007 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) meeting
(An Empirical Test of a Stochastic Cash Flow Theory of Evaluating Credit, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting: J. Callaghan and A. Murphy. (8/1998
rate research

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The global financial crises are the most important and dominating topics in the news in the modern era, due to the financial globalization that led to the transformation to the global financial activity and economic and global markets; which led t o link the economies of the world to each other. Which at the same time the most dialectic threads that pose as a key question about the nature of the crises, and if it’s came from the nature of the capitalist economy, or whether it arose because of the current global financial system, or is it a natural progression and a correction for the process of the structural imbalances that appears, or is the result of the classic banking system according to the point of view of some Muslims, or is it fabricated in order to achieve political and economic objectives for specific categories; from this perspective will be studying the global financial crisis.
This research aims to shed light on the global financial crisis and its impact on international development, and touched on the types of crises and economic indicators associated with these crises, and people search the global financial crisis in 2 008, and the stages and how they occur, then turned to look at the causes and manifestations and the most important sectors those affected by the crisis, and the most harmful to the international development. The research explained the effects of the financial crisis on the financial markets and international development plans and addressed both in the United States or the industrialized nations or the developing countries , and Responding of the countries and organizations to it .The research found a number of results, and made some proposals.
يتمحور موضوع بحث أسواق الأوراق المالية في ظل الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية الراهنة حول بيان ماهية تلك الأسواق من حيث مفهومها و أنواعها و بداياتها فضلاً عن نظرة عامة و آليات عملها، و ذلك لأهميتها و لأنها الحيز الذي يتم فيه عرض المدخرات من جانب و الطلب عل يها في التمويل بالجانب الآخر، و هي بذلك تعد من أهم وسائل الاستثمار للأفراد و الشركات، كما تم في هذا البحث أيضاً تحديد مفهوم و أنواع و أسباب الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية الراهنة و بيان أثرها في تلك الأسواق من خلال عرض لبعض المؤشرات الاقتصادية و المالية التي تبين من خلالها حجم تلك الآثار و التداعيات على تلك الأسواق، و مكوناتها التي كانت ذات طابع سلبي بشكل واضح و كبير و من ثم أصبح الوصول ممكناً لعرض مفصل للنتائج مع تحديد التوصيات التي توصل إليها الباحث و أخيراً عرض للمصادر و المراجع التي اعتمدت لأغراض هذا البحث أو الدراسة .
The research aims to study the most important economic efficiency of agricultural foreign trade indicators, and to identify the most important problems facing the export companies and organizations working in the field of foreign agricultural trade , using descriptive and analytical approach in the treatment of research data. The results show that the annual growth rate of Syrian exports during the period 2005 to the first year of the crisis in 2011 amounted to about 15%, and from 2005 until the end of 2014 about 1%. The export strength top of the share of latency (56%), followed by tomatoes (53%), and apples (26%), then peaches and lentils (24%), while zero, export strength of the sheep, but some products such as wheat, barley, chickpeas and corn. Search results have been reached and there are some problems and obstacles faced by the operating companies, including the lack of accurate marketing information especially for foreign markets, and the non-availability of required quantities for export to the required specifications, or the availability of skilled labor on the post-harvest operations, in addition to dent some of the ministerial organs, Health and customs and taxes ... and others.
This study is based on the analysis of Syrian traditional private bank's ability to manage liquidity and profitability, especially during the current Syrian economic crisis. The study revealed that: Syrian banks are focusing on the goal of liquid ity, while it reserves on their lending policies for most extent, and the increasing of return rate for most Syrian banks is caused, due to its non-operating profits which also comes out as a result of re-evaluating of foreign currencies center. However, this study emphasizes on the importance of rising up the obligatory cash reserve that imposed on deposits. Taking into consideration the deposit types whether current or long-term. Along with imposing a higher rate on the current deposits because of its most withdrawals.
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