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Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Role in Realising Professional Adjustment A Field Study of the Teachers of First Grades-Primary Schools Lattakia City

الاغتراب النفسي و علاقته بتقدير الذات دراسة ميدانية لدى عينة من طلبة جامعة دمشق القاطنين بالمدينة الجامعية

2913   5   88   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims at present to detect the correlation between the Psychological Alienation and the self-esteem, as well as to detect differences between the average scores students, undergraduate and graduate, at the scale of psychological Alienation and a measure of self-esteem among faculty members according to the following varieties: (Nationality-level of education) among the students of the city of the Martyr Basil al-Assad in Damascus. To achieve this goal, the following tools have been used: Questionnaire to Measure the Psychological Alienation, prepared by Ragdaa Naaisa (2012); and a questionnaire to measure the phenomenon of Self-esteem by Gaafer (2007). The study sample consists of (672) male and female students from staying on campus

References used
ABRAHAM,R. The Role of job control as moderator of emotional dissonance and emotional intelligence outcome relationship ,Journal of Psycology.Vol.134,N2 2000, 169-186
Allan,O.Anexploratory examination of the relationship among emotional intelligence elementary school science teacher self-efficacy. length of teaching experience, race/ethnicity, gender ,and age . Texas University-Kingsville,2004, 120
Bar-on,R.Denelopment of The Bar-on EQ-I :Ameasure of emotional and social intelligence , paper presented at The 105 th Annual convention of the American Association Chicago,1997, 4
rate research

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This research aims to study teacher's emotional intelligence and its role inprofessional adjustment. The research problem was represented in the following main question: what is the relationship between emotional intelligence and professional adjustm ent of First Grades Teachers in primary schools? The sample of this research was consisted of (250) teachers (male and female)from the teacher of the first Grades in primary schools in Lattakia. They are chosen randomly from the following schools :(Saker Quraish, Al-eshterakia, Anes Abass,Kohnenas, NaderJrad, Fares Sbeikh, Al-shareef Al-Radee, Al-earaby, Yoseef Fares, SaleemOmran). A combination of scale was used in this research including ascale of emotional intelligence of (FarokOthmam and Mohamed Abdul Samea),and a scale of professional adjustment of (Hyou.MBel).
The research aims to identify the degree of emotional intelligence in a sample of students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus. And know the level of self-efficacy. And know the correlation between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. And measure the level of significance of differences in the answers to the research sample to measure social intelligence and self-efficacy scale according to members of the variables of research: (sex, school year).
The purpose of the research is to identify the correlation between selfaffirmation and decision-making, and to find out the differences between the average grade of university students and the members of the research sample on the scale of self-affirmation and decision making according to the gender variable and the academic specialization.
The Present study aimed to define differences between gifted and normal students with regard to the issues of the emotional intelligence by using Bar- On Inventory. It checked the statistical differences in emotional intelligence according to sex (male/ Female), Gifted males, and normal males, and Gifted females.
This research aims to reveal the extent of the manifestationspsychological alienation among university youth, and the effect of gender, marital status and accommodation on the level of psychological alienation phenomenon. This research was applied on (110) university students from Tishreen University. To achieve this goal the following tool was used: psychological alienation scale by the researcher after reviewing the previous studies, the scale includes (Normlessness, Powerlessness, Aimlessness, Meaninglessness) dimensions. The results showed thatThe most prevalent manifestations of psychological alienation was normlessness, followed by powerlessness, then aimlessness, and finally meaninglessness. the prevalence of psychological alienation phenomenon among university students is by (57.27%). The results didn't show statistically significant differences between the study sample in the level of psychological alienation phenomenon according to gender, marital status, and accommodation variables.
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