تختبر هذه الدراسة العلاقة بين النمو الاقتصادي و متغيرات التنمية البشرية باستخدام بيانات إحصائية من سورية خلال المدة 1970-2000 . اختيرت هذه المدة بسبب تجانسها سياسياً و اقتصادياً مما يمكّن من الحصول على نتائج أكثر دقة، كذلك بسبب التغيرات الكبيرة في سياسات الدولة الصحية و التعليمية بعد عام 2000 ، مثل افتتاح الجامعات الخاصة و برامج التعليم المفتوح و كذلك التوسع في نشاط القطاع الخاص في مجال تقديم الخدمات الصحية و التأمين الصحي.
This paper tests the relationship between economic growth and human
development using annual data from Syria for the period 1970-2000. This
period is chosen for two reasons; firstly because of its political and economic
homogeneity which is conductive to arrive at accurate results and secondly
because the significant changes in the Syrian government's policies in the
fields of education and health like the opining for the first time of private
universities and open learning programs and the involvement of the private
sector in providing health services and health insurance.
References used
Asteriou, D., and Agiomirgianakis, G.M. (2001) “Human Capital and Economic Growth Time Series Evidence from Greece” Journal of Policy Modelling, 23, 481-489
Barro, J. Robert (1991) “Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 106, Issue 2, 407- 443
Barro, J. Robert and Sala -i- Martin, Xavier (1995) “Economic Growth” McGraw-Hill, Inc, USA
Recent technological developments have led to a major development in the ebusiness
environment, announcing the emergence of the new term “knowledge economy”
as one of the most important economic nomenclatures. E-commerce which is considered as
This study aims at developing an econometric model based on VAR (Vectorial
AutoRegressive) models to predict the gross domestic product GDP in Syria as well
as the gross fixed capital formation GFCF, it also aims at studying the effect
relationship between them.
This research highlight the business activities and the role of small and mediumsized
enterprises SME's in the national economy, and expectancy role of this sector is
increasing economic activity, securing jobs and increasing gross domestic product
The study aimed to determine the relationship between stock prices
and GDP at the level of the Egyptian economy. By applying a time
series extending from 2001 to 2015.
Education is one of the different levels of the main pillars of human development, and an important tool for the rehabilitation of manpower to enter the labor market in a way that contributes to improving their living conditions and living conditions