هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التحري عن عناصر البيئة الخارجية المحفزة و المعيقة لطلاب الجامعات السورية للشروع بأعمال ريادية و الوقوف على الأهمية النسبية لكل عامل من تلك العوامل و تحليل العلاقة الإحصائية بينها و بين النية الريادية, و ذلك باستخدام متغيرات من المرصد العالمي لريادة الأعمال و حلَِّلتِ البيانات و اختُبِرت فروض البحث باستخدام البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS الذي يتضمن الأساليب الإحصائية الوصفية و اختبار معامل الذي يتضمن الأساليب الإحصائية الوصفية و اختبار معامل الارتباط و اختبار التحليل العاملي.
The aim of this research is to explore the incentives and barriers in the external
environment to entrepreneurial intention among Syrian University Students and the
relevant importance of each variable, in addition to exploring the statistical
relationship between several external variables and the entrepreneurial intention
among students.
The study utilized items from the Global Entrepreneurial Monitor (GEM) to assess
the external environment conditions. Statistical analysis including descriptive
statistics, Pearson correlation, and Factor analysis were optimized to test the
research hypothesis.
References used
فايز جمعة صالح النجار؛ عبد الستار محمد العلي ( 2010 ) الريادة وإدارة الأعمال الصغيرة، دار الحامد للنشر والتوزيع.
مسح انتقال الشباب من المرحلة التعليمية إلى المرحلة العملية في الجمهورية العربية السورية 2004 ) رئاسة مجلس الوزراء, المكتب المركزي للإحصاء.
Acs, Z. J.and Audretsch, D. B. (1988) Innovation in large and Small Firms: An Empirical Analysis. The American Economic Review. 78 (4) 678-690
This paper aimed to analyze the variables of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
and the Theory of Reasoned Action as the most widely used theories in research on
entrepreneurial intentions.
A sample (n=406) students from Private and Public Secto
This research aim to recognize relationship between learning
strategies and Identity Styles at college education students, and
known differences of means on learning strategies and Identity
Styles scales according to type variable: sex and Specialization.
The Current research aims to identify the nature of the relationship
between Adjustment with the university environment and its
relationship psychological stress. Differences between the average
scores of the members of the research sample are defined as
variables: specialization, gender and academic year.
This research aims at revealing the relationship between the
Loneliness Scal (UCLA) and Five factors of personality Inventory (NEOFFI-S)
to the sample of students of the four faculties in Damascus
university ( the faculty of Education , Fine arts
The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between the
quality of private high education and students satisfied.
In this search, the searcher used service quality dimensions:
- Tangibles.
- Reliability.
- Responsiveness.
- Assura