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The Informal Economy in Syria Features & Reasons

الاقتصاد غير المنظم في سورية الخصائص والأسباب

1978   0   119   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The informal economy is considered the most important of economic issue which still concerns researchers. It is found in all states with different economic patterns and affects all social strata and all age groups. This type of economy forms a high percentage of the gross domestic product of most countries of the world. Accordingly, this research came to clarify the concept of the informal economy, and identify its components. As well as, this research showed the most important reasons to pay individuals to work at informal activities. Also this research illustrated the significant impact of school dropout and the effect of corruption at increasing the informal economy also showed the most important characteristics of workers in the informal economy.

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Research summary
تناقش هذه الدراسة الاقتصاد غير المنظم في سوريا، وهو موضوع يشغل اهتمام الباحثين الاقتصاديين حول العالم. يهدف البحث إلى توضيح مفهوم الاقتصاد غير المنظم، وتحديد مكوناته وأسباب انتشاره، مع التركيز على تأثير التسرب من المدارس والفساد الإداري. يعتمد البحث على منهجية وصفية وتحليلية، ويستند إلى بيانات من المكتب المركزي للإحصاء ومسوح سوق العمل. تمتد الفترة الزمنية للدراسة من 2005 إلى 2010. يوضح البحث أن الاقتصاد غير المنظم يشمل أنشطة مشروعة وغير مشروعة، ويؤثر بشكل كبير على الناتج المحلي الإجمالي. كما يناقش البحث خصائص العاملين في هذا الاقتصاد، مثل تدني المستوى التعليمي وارتفاع نسبة الذكور العاملين فيه. ويشير إلى أن الفساد الإداري والأنظمة الضريبية غير العادلة من أهم أسباب انتشار الاقتصاد غير المنظم. يقدم البحث مجموعة من التوصيات للحد من هذه الظاهرة، منها تحسين مستويات المعيشة، مكافحة الفساد الإداري، وتطوير التعليم ليتوافق مع متطلبات سوق العمل.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة شاملة ومفصلة حول موضوع الاقتصاد غير المنظم في سوريا، إلا أنها قد تفتقر إلى بعض الجوانب العملية التي يمكن أن تساعد في تطبيق التوصيات المقدمة. على سبيل المثال، لم يتم توضيح كيفية تنفيذ الإجراءات المقترحة لمكافحة الفساد الإداري بشكل فعّال. كما أن الدراسة تعتمد بشكل كبير على البيانات الإحصائية، مما قد يجعلها تفتقر إلى الجانب النوعي الذي يمكن أن يضيف عمقاً أكبر للفهم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لمزيد من الدراسات المقارنة مع دول أخرى لتقديم رؤية أوسع حول كيفية التعامل مع الاقتصاد غير المنظم.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو مفهوم الاقتصاد غير المنظم كما تم تعريفه في الدراسة؟

    الاقتصاد غير المنظم هو جزء من الاقتصاد القومي لا يدخل ضمن الحسابات الرسمية نتيجة تهربه من الضرائب، ويشمل أنشطة مشروعة وغير مشروعة تمارس بعيداً عن رقابة الدولة.

  2. ما هي الأسباب الرئيسية لانتشار الاقتصاد غير المنظم في سوريا؟

    تشمل الأسباب الرئيسية لانتشار الاقتصاد غير المنظم في سوريا الفساد الإداري، الأنظمة الضريبية غير العادلة، التسرب من المدارس، والركود الاقتصادي والهجرة.

  3. ما هي خصائص العاملين في الاقتصاد غير المنظم وفقاً للدراسة؟

    من خصائص العاملين في الاقتصاد غير المنظم تدني المستوى التعليمي، ارتفاع نسبة الذكور العاملين، وتركزهم في أنشطة مثل البناء والتشييد والزراعة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة للحد من الاقتصاد غير المنظم؟

    توصي الدراسة بتحسين مستويات المعيشة، مكافحة الفساد الإداري، تطوير التعليم ليتوافق مع متطلبات سوق العمل، وتخفيف ظاهرة الهجرة من الريف إلى المدينة.

References used
GROSSMAN,G.The informal Economy …Studies In Advanced and L.D.CS ,1989,P150-151
FIGE,E. "Defining And Estimating Under Ground Economy .And Informal Economy ,The New Institutional Economic Approach " University of Wisconsin, Madison World Development , VOL18 ,NO7, 1990 .P 6-7-8
“Women And Men In the Informal Economy A statistical picture” International Labour Office, Geneva,2002, p 10-11
rate research

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The research about the phenomenon of informal economy so as to cover the large number of activities that differ from one country to another was to clarify the concept of the informal economy and standards, and to try to measure the size of the in formal economy in order to clarify the relationship between the informal economy and the export and import movement in Syria. In order to achieve the objectives of the research was descriptive analysis of the phenomenon of informal economy and statistical method for data analysis through SPSS. One of the most important findings of the research there is a strong correlation between the informal economy and exports and imports of Syria.
The recession or the stopping of the growth accompanied with an increase in the rate of the inflation is considered as one of the damaging situations of the economy and has also been defined as inflation accompanied by an increase in the rate of un employment and it is used to be an obstacle to the calculations of the policy makers because of its negative consequences on the economy, particularly because of the damage on the expenditure and pushing of the demand backwards. It is believed that the British politician Pan MacLoid is the first person to form the idiom in the speech of the parliament in 1965 when he said that we had an inflation situation on one side and a stopping of the development on the other side, so we were suffering from an inflationary recession. Because of the importance of this phenomenon, the study aims to prove the existence of the inflationary recession phenomenon in the Syrian economy, which doesn’t reach to the level of the entire employment through the collecting of data about this economy during a specific period and analyzing them in order to monitor the indexes and the effects of the recession and the inflation in the Syrian economy during the same period and reveal the role of the government in the emergence of the inflationary recession as a result of the economic, financial and monetary policies followed by the government as well and reveal the procedures which they must follow to remove of the contradiction among the governmental policies to treat the inflationary recession phenomenon, to activate the national economy and to increase the rate of development of the entire local production as well as to reduce the unemployment rates.
Shadow economy is considered the most important economic problem which is still of concern to researchers for it is linked to all economic variables. It is found in all States with different economic patterns. But it is more widespread in developing economies includes a recipe for lawful activities and other illegal .And it exists in all economic levels and affect all social strata and in all ages. Despite its characterization as a phenomenon, it cannot be overlooked as a reality. Depending on that, this research tried to clarify the concept of the shadow economy, and identify its components. As well as, this research shows the most important macroeconomic indicators in Syria and the impact of economic variables on the shadow economy.
After the global financial crisis and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis that hit European economies in 2010, the German economy was able to recover faster than the others, achieving what has been called the "second German miracle". While some rese archers had attributed this miracle to the monetary policy of the European Central Bank which is largely biased towards Germany (as the strongest economy in the region), others attributed it to the German economy’s reliance on the export sector and its successful strategy before and during the 2010 crisis. Accordingly, This study aimed to determine the extent of the contribution of the German export policy to achieve that miracle in order to extract some lessons. To this end, the impact of the export growth rate on the German economy has been analyzed since the outbreak of the European sovereign debt crisis in 2010 until the end of 2019; This is done by analyzing the changes in both the export growth rate and the main indicators of the German economy (growth, inflation, and unemployment rates) graphically and statistically depending on ARDL methodology in order to test the existence of a relationship in the long and short term.The research concluded that there was a significant effect of the export growth rate on growth and unemployment rates, while it didn’t have any effect on the inflation rates. That is, the German export-dependent growth model has relatively contributed to the recovery of the economy and the improvement of its indicators, depending on its export strategy on the one hand, the strength and resilience of the economy on the other hand, and on German’s benefit from the European crisis on the third hand.
Investment is considered the engine to economic growth because it leads to many productive and service projects and in many other fields as well. Investment creates lots of job opportunities and offer the government and individuals financial revenues which usually come back in the economic circle through sales, this increases the absorption capacity of the national economy and expanding consumption in addition to ameliorate the living conditions for citizens. Investment has different aspects such as local private and public investment, direct and indirect foreign investment. In all cases, it is considered a fundamental venue and basic motivation for growth in any community. The research concentrates on the subject of investment and the role of private investment in the Syrian economy during the period 2006-2010. The objectives are first to explore the legislative and legal structure of private investment through analyzing the main features of the Syrian economy in early twenty 1st century and the development of this structure, which is the first part of the research. The second objective is to study the importance of private investments at the sector level and locally and abroad as well, which constitute the main theme of the second part of the research under the title “the development of the private investments in the Syrian Economy”.
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