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Recognizing and Splitting Conditional Sentences for Automation of Business Processes Management

الاعتراف والتقسيم الجمل الشرطية لأتمتة إدارة عمليات الأعمال

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Business Process Management (BPM) is the discipline which is responsible for management of discovering, analyzing, redesigning, monitoring, and controlling business processes. One of the most crucial tasks of BPM is discovering and modelling business processes from text documents. In this paper, we present our system that resolves an end-to-end problem consisting of 1) recognizing conditional sentences from technical documents, 2) finding boundaries to extract conditional and resultant clauses from each conditional sentence, and 3) categorizing resultant clause as Action or Consequence which later helps to generate new steps in our business process model automatically. We created a new dataset and three models to solve this problem. Our best model achieved very promising results of 83.82, 87.84, and 85.75 for Precision, Recall, and F1, respectively, for extracting Condition, Action, and Consequence clauses using Exact Match metric.

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This study tried to focus the light on the reality of implementing talent management processes in AL-Haram Transfer Company. Talent management represent the modern direction for managing human resources and the main success factor which enables the organization to hire the high performance employee, which count the success factor in business environment.
Research aimed at identifying the role of knowledge management in improving institutional performance of the employees at the University of Damascus, and to identify significant differences in the answers the sample search to identify knowledge manag ement according to variables research: (academic rank, years of experience, job description), has adopted a researcher on the descriptive analytical approach, and used the search tool: (questionnaire knowledge management), where the research sample included 243 teaching faculty member at the University of Damascus. Among the most important findings of the research: There are significant differences between the average Answers members of the research sample to identify knowledge management variable according to academic rank in favor of individuals who have the academic rank of professor. There are significant differences between the average Answers members of the research sample to identify knowledge management variable according to years of experience for the benefit of individuals who have years of experience (21 + years). There are significant differences between the average Answers members of the research sample to identify knowledge management variable according to the job description for the benefit of individuals who had the job description (Dean of the Faculty, Vice-Dean). In light of the research findings ,the researcher proposes the following: 1. Create a house of expertise and decision support at the university through the creation of an constantly updated database and information systems that everyone works in its preparation that provide the employees and departments with the necessary quantitative and qualitative information in the appropriate time and appropriate way, as one of the most important processes of knowledge management. 2. The necessity of taking the three-dimensional key of knowledge: hardware , software, knowledge resources in addition to the human recourses , the knowledge generator and maker and the most important element in this integrated system, which is the substantive equivalent of the physical system.
For many NLP applications of online reviews, comparison of two opinion-bearing sentences is key. We argue that, while general purpose text similarity metrics have been applied for this purpose, there has been limited exploration of their applicabilit y to opinion texts. We address this gap in the literature, studying: (1) how humans judge the similarity of pairs of opinion-bearing sentences; and, (2) the degree to which existing text similarity metrics, particularly embedding-based ones, correspond to human judgments. We crowdsourced annotations for opinion sentence pairs and our main findings are: (1) annotators tend to agree on whether or not opinion sentences are similar or different; and (2) embedding-based metrics capture human judgments of opinion similarity'' but not opinion difference''. Based on our analysis, we identify areas where the current metrics should be improved. We further propose to learn a similarity metric for opinion similarity via fine-tuning the Sentence-BERT sentence-embedding network based on review text and weak supervision by review ratings. Experiments show that our learned metric outperforms existing text similarity metrics and especially show significantly higher correlations with human annotations for differing opinions.
Abstract Models for question answering, dialogue agents, and summarization often interpret the meaning of a sentence in a rich context and use that meaning in a new context. Taking excerpts of text can be problematic, as key pieces may not be explici t in a local window. We isolate and define the problem of sentence decontextualization: taking a sentence together with its context and rewriting it to be interpretable out of context, while preserving its meaning. We describe an annotation procedure, collect data on the Wikipedia corpus, and use the data to train models to automatically decontextualize sentences. We present preliminary studies that show the value of sentence decontextualization in a user-facing task, and as preprocessing for systems that perform document understanding. We argue that decontextualization is an important subtask in many downstream applications, and that the definitions and resources provided can benefit tasks that operate on sentences that occur in a richer context.
In recent years online shopping has gained momentum and became an important venue for customers wishing to save time and simplify their shopping process. A key advantage of shopping online is the ability to read what other customers are saying about products of interest. In this work, we aim to maintain this advantage in situations where extreme brevity is needed, for example, when shopping by voice. We suggest a novel task of extracting a single representative helpful sentence from a set of reviews for a given product. The selected sentence should meet two conditions: first, it should be helpful for a purchase decision and second, the opinion it expresses should be supported by multiple reviewers. This task is closely related to the task of Multi Document Summarization in the product reviews domain but differs in its objective and its level of conciseness. We collect a dataset in English of sentence helpfulness scores via crowd-sourcing and demonstrate its reliability despite the inherent subjectivity involved. Next, we describe a complete model that extracts representative helpful sentences with positive and negative sentiment towards the product and demonstrate that it outperforms several baselines.

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