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The aim of this research is to optimize the selection of the sites of Evaporation Tanks/Ponds, of Olive Mill Waste Water (OMWW). We have to achieve strict environmental conditions, which in turn relate to a wide range of factors including topograp hy, namely: elevations, rivers, silos, lakes and faults, in addition of those related to man-made geographical elements: cities, villages, roads, dams, wells and contemporary. To complete the study and obtain reliable results, we adopt GIS, which requires defining all of the above factors in the form of a graphical and descriptive environment. The choice of potential sites is through verification of the required conditions using GIS. This requires the availability of data specific to each condition, verification of other conditions through field visits and measurements in the absence of necessary data, and it is necessary to use the available space images significantly through GOOGLE EARTH for initial verification of selected sites. Appropriate technology is used according to the state of the OMWW, and according to the economic potential of the application of this technology. The main objective of these treatments is to reduce their load of organic matter. The remaining water will be used to irrigate the agricultural land. Production of manure and feed of cattle.
- The objective of this study was to assess the level of air contamination by bacteria in the broiler houses in salamieh region that Famed of commercial breedings of broiler and relationship with some impact factors like (birds age- season-breedin g system - dust concentration) . - The numbers of bacteria (mesophile , staphylococci , streptococci and gram-negatives) and dust concentration were determined in 5 opened broiler houses and 5 closed broiler houses with chicken houses in different ages (1-6 weeks old) in summer and winter .
The "Mamalik" Estate has been a raised after the vanishing of the estate of "Bani Ayobe", Egypt in the "Mamalik" era has witnessed the coming of many different rates, and nationalities, which lead to a new social formula. This research, aims to i llustrate the reality of this social formula and the groups it contained and to show the rule of each group in every side 0f political, economical and social life, and the exchanged influence with each other, throughout the writings some historians.
Oral complications are common in patients with cancer who undergo chemotherapy treatment. Not all patients are at equal risk for developing oral complications. A number of variables have been identified that bear on both the frequency and severity of oral problems associated with therapy. These can be divided into those that are associated with the patient and those that are related to the treatment regimen. In this study we have studied the effect of patient age and gender on the oral complications in group of patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment. We conclude that aging can affect some oral complication chemotherapy like xerostomia and taste changes whereas gender has it effect on pain and oral sence disorders mainly in males.
Children constitute a large proportion of the Syrian society, where each is a child who has not attained the age of eighteen years of age, according to the Syrian legislation. And exposed by virtue of their circumstances and the early age at risk of exploitation, more than others, and the longer exploitation all take advantage of these children at the expense of their basic rights, and among the most important aspects of labor exploitation in the work without a specific law on the Syrian people.
The research was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Al-Assad university hospital in Lattakia in the period between (1/1/2014) – (30/6/2015). The study included (100) patient, who submitted to colposcopy and Papanicolaou smear to detect the effect of early marriage (early onset of sexual activity) on colposcopic and cellular finding in cervix . The results in (early married women) group (50) patient were compared to control group from patients who (not early married women)group (50) patient. We found that there was important difference in the rate of abnormal colposcopic findings : This rate in early married women was (26%) and in the second was (12%). We also found that there was important difference in the rate of abnormal cellular findings: This rate in early married women was (18%) and in the second was (8%). This assure the effect of early onset of sexual activity (early marriage) on colposcopical and cellular finding in cervix with assuring on the importance of frequent colposcopy and Papanicolaou smear test.
In fact, the modern stage is one of the most important stages throughout the human as it is during this phase is determined by effervescence personal inclinations and selfcomposed and culture and highlight the social relations on the yard of his li fe. Child today is a man of tomorrow. And if they hauled him protection and affection, and security and care and free upbringing innate or acquired, and we have provided to him for safe living, including food and clothing and health condition-free organic diseases and psychiatric we were able to build a new man with a social tendencies is hostile against the other or against society and we stepped away from him through the deviation. The Syrian Juveniles Act launched in the event of the arrest of the principle of the benefit of the event, and did not set conditions and special controls limit the power of the judge to appreciate this interest, and authorized the detention for all events, regardless of the crime committed. Fearing the possibility of the occurrence of any abuse by the judge, on the basis of legal logic, should put special conditions arrest event and determine the scope and restricted to juveniles who have completed fifteen, when committed a felony and clear-cut enough of primary significance to condemn the event. As it is unreasonable to make such a restraining order against the dangerous and the rest of the events action, while it does not apply to them any penalty involving freedom, but apply to them reform measures provided for in Article IV of the Juvenile Delinquents Act. And must seek out an educational character of alternative measures and reform, would replace the detention and arrest.
Throughout the ages, Egypt had the honour of being the country where the Kiswa (the embroidered black cloth covering the Kaaba) had been manufactured. The Kiswa had been made in Egypt – renowned for manufacturing such a textile - from the Pre-Isla mic Age down to the Islamic Age and throughout the successive Arabic and Islamic historical stages. The Kiswa was looked at as a political, military, and civilizational emblem for it was an emblem of sovereignty in both the Arab and Islamic Worlds. The Mamluki sultans had endeavored to achieve such a status since the very beginning of their being in power and the rulers of Egypt. The Mamluki sultans had maintained the hounor of having this dignified religious emblem and they were involved in conflicts with other powers just to maintain their patronage of this holy emblem which denotes political, military, and cultural sovereignty.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common complications during pregnancy. The prevalence of gestational diabetes (GDM) is increasing all over the world. Hence, the impact of GDM on maternal and infant health is an important topi c of research. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of GDM, and to assess the impact of universal screening to detect Gestational diabetes mellitus. Subjects and methods: A representative sample of 760 pregnant women who attended the antenatal department of Al Assad Hospital in Lattakia were surveyed during the period from June 1st, 2013 to December 1st, 2014. The questionnaire covered variables related maternal age, gestational age, BMI, and women underwent the diagnostic tests for GDM. 73 pregnant women had positive results.

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