قامت دولة المماليك في مصر على أثر زوال دولة بني أيوب، و شهدت مصر
خلال فترة حكم المماليك وفود عناصر مختلفة الأعراق و الأجناس، الأمر الذي أدى إلى
ظهور تكوين اجتماعي مختلف.
و يهدف هذا البحث إلى تبيان حقيقة هذا المجتمع، و الفئات التي ضمها، و اظهار
دورها في مختلف نواحي الحياة السياسية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية، و تأثيرها و تأثرها
ببعضها من خلال كتابات بعض المؤرخين.
The "Mamalik" Estate has been a raised after the vanishing of
the estate of "Bani Ayobe", Egypt in the "Mamalik" era has
witnessed the coming of many different rates, and nationalities,
which lead to a new social formula.
This research, aims to illustrate the reality of this social formula
and the groups it contained and to show the rule of each group in
every side 0f political, economical and social life, and the
exchanged influence with each other, throughout the writings some
References used
حسين، حمدي عبد المنعم: (دراسات في تاريخ الأيوبيين و المماليك)، دار المعرفة الجامعية، مصر، 2000 م.
القلماوي، سهير: (ألف ليلة و ليلة)، القاهرة، 1943 م.
After the Arabs succeeded in extending their influence under the Islamic Arab state, as manifested by the Rightly Guided Caliphs, the Umayyads and the Abbasids, the authority began to leave their hands in the second Abbasid era, following the arrival of weak caliphs to power.
Abdullah Ibn Ali is one of the most important figures who took
part in the proclamation of the Abbasid Caliphate and its
domination over all the surrounding areas, since he had
outstanding political and military manipulation which enabled him
One of the gravest problems that the political system in the
Mamluki period experienced was the that related to power where
there was not a well-set principle for being in power. For example,
power and reign were a thorny fluctuating subject which
Throughout the ages, Egypt had the honour of being the
country where the Kiswa (the embroidered black cloth covering the
Kaaba) had been manufactured. The Kiswa had been made in Egypt
– renowned for manufacturing such a textile - from the Pre-Isla
Slavery was found in many parts of the world, and was practiced by nations and civilizations throughout history, and it was on various patterns and was practiced in different forms and formed fixed values in certain periods of human history and was s