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Data-to-text generation systems are trained on large datasets, such as WebNLG, Ro-toWire, E2E or DART. Beyond traditional token-overlap evaluation metrics (BLEU or METEOR), a key concern faced by recent generators is to control the factuality of the generated text with respect to the input data specification. We report on our experience when developing an automatic factuality evaluation system for data-to-text generation that we are testing on WebNLG and E2E data. We aim to prepare gold data annotated manually to identify cases where the text communicates more information than is warranted based on the in-put data (extra) or fails to communicate data that is part of the input (missing). While analyzing reference (data, text) samples, we encountered a range of systematic uncertainties that are related to cases on implicit phenomena in text, and the nature of non-linguistic knowledge we expect to be involved when assessing factuality. We derive from our experience a set of evaluation guidelines to reach high inter-annotator agreement on such cases.
The research aims to identify the level of the contribution of the members of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus in strengthening the principles of good citizenship among their students from the viewpoint of faculty members, and from the point of view of students, and know the differences between the average scores of the research sample members (faculty members) to identify the principles of citizenship good depending on the variables of research: (sex, years of experience), you know the differences between the average scores of the research sample members (students) to identify the principles of good citizenship depending on the variables of research: (sex, academic specialization).
This research aims at determining the degree of application of kindergarten principals in lattkia city of the principles of Business Processes Re-engineering and the elements of administrative creativity from the point of teachers view, and studyin g whether there is a statistic relationship between the degree of application of kindergarten principals in lattkia city of the principles of Business Processes Re-engineering and the elements of administrative creativity from the point of teachers view. In order to achieve the goals of this research, a questionnaire was built and distributed over (180) kindergarten teachers through Lattkia city.
Breast cancer is the most widespread types of cancer among women. An efficient diagnosis in its early stage can give women a better chance of full recovery. Calcification is the important sign for early breast cancer detection. Mammography is the m ost effective method for breast cancer early detection using low radiation doses. The studies improved the sensitivity of mammogram from 15% to 30% based on Computer Auto-Detection CAD systems, which are used as a “second opinion” to alert the radiologist to structures that, otherwise, might be overlooked. This article summarizes the various methods adopted for micro-calcification cluster detection and compares their performance. Moreover, reasons for the adoption of a common public image database as a test bench for CAD systems, motivations for further CAD tool improvements, and the effectiveness of various CAD systems in a clinical environment are given.
The research looks into Rousseau's opinions about the ways of adhering to the moral obligatory principles in general which regulate our moral life as a person or a group by neglecting the interchanges of time and plane and the changes of circumsta nces and conditions.
تناول البحث تصنيفاً معلوماتياً للتشققات في مقاطع البيتون المسلح استناداً إلى مبادئ المعلوماتية و بالتحديد علاقة شينون في دراسة هذه التشققات ، و استنتاج مدى احتمال حدوث كل نوع من التشققات المدروسة في كل مرحلة من مراحل عمل المادة (المرحلة المرنة و ال مرحلة اللدنة). كما أنه تم تحديد عوامل الأمان لمقاومات البيتون على الضغط و على الشد حسب نوع التشقق المراد الحصول عليه و أبعاد المقطع العرضي . و هذا يعطي آفاقاً جديدةً لإدخال علم المعلوماتية ضمن علوم الهندسة الإنشائية لتصميم مقاطع البيتون المسلح بتشكل التشققات .

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