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بناء منظومة تحليل طيفي ليزري لقياس تركيز بعض الغازات الصناعية

1650   1   182   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In the context of seeking to develop laser system for remote sensing of main pollutants atmosphere, we have designed and built a laser detection system provide non-intrusive in-situ measurements of gas properties. relying on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy TDLAS technology to detect ammonia gas and ethylene gas with high accuracy and a sufficient sensitivity for economic and medical applications.

References used
Michael Evan Webber. « DIODE LASER MEASUREMENTS OF NH3 AND CO2 FOR COMBUSTION AND BIOREACTOR APPLICATIONS» phD thesis stanford university, Mechanical Engineering Department,(2001)
E. Uggerud, S. Petrie, D. K. Bohme, F. Turecek, D. Schröder, H. Schwarz, D. Plattner, T. Wyttenbach, M. T. Bowers, P. B. Armentrout, S. A. Truger, T. Junker « Topics in Current Chemistry, Modern Mass spectroscopy ». 225-302 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (2003)
S.Taylor, B.Srigengan, J.R.Gibson, D.Tindall, R.Sym, T.Tate «A miniature mass spectrometer for chemical and biological sensing » SPIE Proc. 4036, 187-6 (2000)
rate research

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عرفت صناعة النبيذ منذ القدم فقد عصر العنب في دمشق كي يتم الحصول على النبيذ منذ ثمانية الاف عام وفي اسيا والهند تم تخمير العنب منذ 3500 عام قبل الميلاد
Studied the distribution coefficient of elemental copper and lead contaminants in the aqueous phase using a Bi-phase system: solid phase (the sands of Palmyra) and liquid phase (water containing the former two elements), where they were sampling sand samples from different regions in Palmyra to investigate for possible use as an adsorbent for elemental copper the lead from contaminated water, and after adjustment for certain transactions from time mixing phases, granular size, concentration of hydrogen ions, the concentration of the contaminated ingredient, the concentration of rival element (calcium) in addition to the ratio v / m in order to get the best rate for removal of these elements. The removal rate of copper componentamounted to 99.9% using four sites samples of sand a Palmyra, (al qareaten - the third leg to pump crude oil T3 - Alhl field - the valley between Mount aldahek and Sokhna) For lead removal ratio stood at 76.35% for the qareaten and 87.75% of the station the third to pump crude oil and 95 0.0% of the field Alhl and 96.25% of the valley between Mount aldahek and Sukhna. The application of the conditions that we have obtained in the laboratory to industrial water samples from the water income for the unity of treatment in Banias refinery and Water Company Drinaj of the Syrian Company for Oil Transport and the ratio of the removal of lead in the four samples ranging from ( 97.79 - 100)% for water Banias Refinery Company ranged between (83.89 - 88.08)% for water Syrian Company for Oil Transport, while the percentage of removal of the copper in the four samples ranging from (96.52 - 99.37)% for water Banias refinery Company and ranged ratio remove copper from the Syrian Company for Oil Transport water between (82.66 - 96.28)% in four samples.
In this paper, the algorithm was designed for cylinders, slots and pockets extraction from CAD models saved in STL file depending on rule-based method and graph-based method. Besides, windows application was designed using Visual Studio C# which al lows the user to import CAD model and features extraction and view their geometric information (cylinder diameter, height, cylinder center coordinates, width, height, length for slots and pockets. In addition, all surfaces that the feature consists from. The proposed algorithm consists from multi-steps are: dividing input model into multi surfaces based on RegionGrowing method, next step is cylinder features extraction depending on rule-based method, slots and bockets extraction depending on graph-based method, calculating geometric information for each extracted feature. The results show that the proposed algorithm can extract cylinders, slots and pockets features from CAD models which saved in STL files and calculates geometric information for each extracted feature.
The technical and economical indexes of most maritime companies in developed countries have improved due to the strict application of the administrative and technical regulations in order to operate their ships, especially after the International Saf ety Management code (ISM) has come into force. With this in mind this paper studies the mechanisms of technical operation in Syrian maritime companies in order to have a realization of the actual reality of technical operations, and also to reach a better status. Data from various Syrian maritime companies are collected and assessed, from which several results are obtained which, when taken into consideration, are believed to lead to improving the technical, economic, and environmental circumstances surrounding the technical operation of ships in Syria. They will also lead to lessening the stoppages that result from malfunctions in these ships, and ultimately reaching a higher level of technical operation and achieving superior outcomes
The concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in samples of some cereals available at local markets in Syria weredetermined, after nitric digestion, using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The study showed that the heavy metals were present in all samples at different levels. The concentration of heavy metals varied from trace to higher concentration. The maximum level of copper (Cu) in the cereal samples was 0.426 mg kg-1 on dry weight basis, where the maximum level of zinc (Zn) in the cereal samples was 2.325mg mg kg- 1 on dry weight basis. The analytical results obtained for the heavy metals indicate that the copper and zinc were present in all samples at concentration well below the acceptable concentration recommended by the World Health Organization.
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