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The objective of the present study is to determine the determinants of Syrian foreign trade according to the gravity model from a geographical point of view. The model estimates the effects of external market sizes, geographical distances between countries, GDP, the impact of cultural differences or their similarity, Syria's relative institutions in foreign trade, and on the basis of the results chart the future plan and the appropriate proposals to increase the potential places of Syrian exports.
Recent technological developments have led to a major development in the ebusiness environment, announcing the emergence of the new term “knowledge economy” as one of the most important economic nomenclatures. E-commerce which is considered as one of the most significant applications of this economy has evolved a lot in the last decade according to the evolution of its revenue in many countries around the world. E-commerce contributes to the economic development through its positive impact on a range of economic indicators such as GDP and export development. The aim of this research is to study whether there was a correlation between the development of electronic commerce and the amount of Syrian exports and imports during the period between 2000 and 2010. The results showed a good correlation between the above mentioned variables, but with no possibility to assert whether it was a causal correlation in the light of general economic conditions in Syria during that period.
Shadow economy is considered the most important economic problem which is still of concern to researchers for it is linked to all economic variables. It is found in all States with different economic patterns. But it is more widespread in developing economies includes a recipe for lawful activities and other illegal .And it exists in all economic levels and affect all social strata and in all ages. Despite its characterization as a phenomenon, it cannot be overlooked as a reality. Depending on that, this research tried to clarify the concept of the shadow economy, and identify its components. As well as, this research shows the most important macroeconomic indicators in Syria and the impact of economic variables on the shadow economy.
This research studies the trade balance in Syria, and how it has been influenced by the public development expenditure which is considered to be the major way to develop production and export capability, and to reduce the dependence on imports, so th at the trade balance gets positive changes. We find that the public development expenditure has significant effect both exports and imports, but the way it manages this expenditure leads to an increase in imports higher than the increase in exports. In other words, this expenditure failed to solve the problem of trade balance deficit. Hence, there must be an expansion in the public development expenditure with efficient management to improve the level of production quantity and quality, in addition to measure the reflects of this expenditure and other economic policies on foreign trade sector constantly, so we can get the maximum benefits of it
The research about the phenomenon of informal economy so as to cover the large number of activities that differ from one country to another was to clarify the concept of the informal economy and standards, and to try to measure the size of the in formal economy in order to clarify the relationship between the informal economy and the export and import movement in Syria. In order to achieve the objectives of the research was descriptive analysis of the phenomenon of informal economy and statistical method for data analysis through SPSS. One of the most important findings of the research there is a strong correlation between the informal economy and exports and imports of Syria.
This research discusses the operational integration mechanism between a seaport and a free zone, a case study on Jebel Ali Free Zone; selecting Jebel for its high performance and distinguished position achieved on both Arabic and International leve ls; definitions of the various types of free zones were introduced as well as a figure representing the mechanism of operational integration supported by a thorough analysis of the current cargo flow between Jebel Ali Free Zone and Port on various fields and levels, such as custom clearance, informatics such as Tradnet , Main, Mirsal and Electronic Data Interchange, and its role in creating such integration, a statistical hypothetical tests were conducted on the relationship among the number of containers handled at the port and free zone , exports , imports and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The research concluded the importance of benefiting from Jebel Ali Free zone experience of integration between the seaport and free zone.
In order to encourage the intra-agricultural exchange, specially for Fruit & Vegetable Crops between Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, and to decrease the exports transportation costs, we will use the transportation model that helps on determine the quan tities that should be transported from the surplus region to the shortage region, which achieve the minimum limited of the place transport cost for the quantities that transported between three countries.
يهدف البحث إلى تقدير دالة الطلب من الواردات الكلية للمملكة العربية السعودية باستخدام منهجية التكامل المشترك و تجزئة تباين خطأ التنبؤ و دوال نبضات الاستجابة المبنية على نموذج تصحيح متجهات الخطأ. و قد دل اختبار التكامل المشترك على وجود علاقة توازنية طويلة الأجل بين الواردات و الناتج المحلي الإجمالي و الأسعار النسبية للواردات و الائتمان المصرفي لتمويل الواردات. كما دلت تجزئة تباين خطأ التنبؤ و دوال نبضات الاستجابة على أهمية الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، و الأسعار النسبية للواردات، و الائتمان المصرفي لتمويل الواردات في تفسير التقلبات في دالة الواردات الكلية. و أشارت دوال نبضات الاستجابة إلى العلاقة الطردية بين التقلبات في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي و الائتمان المصرفي لتمويل الواردات و التقلبات في الواردات، في حين كانت العلاقة عكسية بين التقلبات في الأسعار النسبية للواردات و التقلبات في الواردات.

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