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العصر الذهبي للممارسة الطبية مدرسة دمشق

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 Publication date 2008
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
ابن العبري، أبو الفرج غريغوريوس، تاريخ مختصر الدول، تحقيق الأب أنطون . صالحاني اليسوعي، ط 2 بيروت 1958
الحمارنة، نشأت، آراء و دراسات في تاريخ الطب العربي، دمشق 2004 م (جزءان ).
الحمارنة، نشأت، مكتبة الكحال في عصر الرازي، إصدار خاص من المجلس . الأعلى للعلوم ، دمشق 1991
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كانت دمشق عاصمة الدنيا في عصرها العربي، و منها انطلق الفتح في اتجاهات مختلفة، و لما قرأها معاوية بن أبي سفيان أدرك أّنه يقرأ تاريخًا و حضارة مختلفين، فاختارها حاضرة لملك العرب، فدمشق ليست كبقية مدن الدنيا، و هي لا تتشبه إلا بنفسها، تغازل التاريخ و تتغزل به و تنافسه، فهما صنوان، و لذلك يمكن أن يقال إّنها كتاب لا تقرأ فيه سوى الصفحة الأخيرة، في حين أن ليس في المدن سوى هذه الصفحة، فدمشق الظاهر صورة عما هي عليه اليوم كما هي الحال لدى بقية المدن المعاصرة، و لكن دمشق طبقات طبقات، و لكلّ طبقة صورة مختلفة و حضارة أخرى، و إذا شبه بارت طبقات النص بالبصلة المؤلفة من طبقات، فإن هذا التشبيه يصح أيضًا على هذه المدينة أركيولوجيًا، و من هنا تكمن عظمة هذه المدينة، لأنك حين تقابلها تدرك أنَّك في حضرة التاريخ و البطولات و الشعر.
This research highlights the cultural life and thought in Damascus in the last Ottoman rule. It brings into sight the historical dimension of the city of Damascus which is considered one of the most important cultural centers of knowledge in the A rab east. It speaks also about the importance of the mass knowledge means as printing, press and libraries and their role in the flourishing of the cultural life and keeping the cultural heritage in Damascus.
The victory of Mamluks over the Grusades and throwing them out the countries led to the reinforcement unity and stability in Egypt Levant, Al Hijaz and yemen.this was reflected on the economy, which flourished. Mamluks sultans dominated the global economy in that era .As we know that Mamluks where brought from different countries so they tried to be close to people through their interest in building mosque and school. One of those was Al-Naser Hasan sultan who built Al sultan Hasan school an mosque in Cairo. Which are considered as well as a shrine. All that urges me to examine it. Also it was the first school to combine the four doctrines in its four halls.
This descriptive research aims to explore the state of affairs of the top students in Lattakia high schools and the factors that led to their eminence. It also aims to identify the role of some socio-educational, familial, and economical factors (as independent variables), and educational achievement (as a dependent variable). The researcher followed social survey approach to collect data for each of the research's variables concerning top students from Ghassan Harfouche, and Ezz Al-deen schools in Lattakia. Data was collected by a questionnaire addressed to one hundred top students. School registers of the above mentioned schools showed that 9% , 35%, 43%, and 13% of students obtained 90% , 89-70%, 69-50%, and 13% of the total degree respectively in all disciplines. The research showed that eminence is related to the educational level of the parents, family income, and the way the students spend their free time. In addition, factors such as gender, and teacher appeal, and genetic factors affect educational achievement positively. However, large number of family members affect achievement negatively. Another factor that affects the student's achievement positively is the numerous studying hours per day.
This paper presents a reference study of available algorithms for plagiarism detection and it develops semantic plagiarism detection algorithm for plagiarism detection in medical research papers by employing the Medical Ontologies available on the World Wide Web. The issue of plagiarism detection in medical research written in natural languages is a complex issue and related exact domain of medical research. There are many used algorithms for plagiarism detection in natural language, which are generally divided into two main categories, the first one is comparison algorithms between files by using fingerprints of files, and files content comparison algorithms, which include strings matching algorithms and text and tree matching algorithms. Recently a lot of research in the field of semantic plagiarism detection algorithms and semantic plagiarism detection algorithms were developed basing of citation analysis models in scientific research. In this research a system for plagiarism detection was developed using “Bing” search engine, where tow type of ontologies used in this system, public ontology as wordNet and many standard international ontologies in medical domain as Diseases ontology which contains a descriptions about diseases and definitions of it and the derivation between diseases.
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