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This research aim to identify the administrative communication skills in the Schools of the Basic Teaching (One Stage) from the view of Administrators and Teachers in Lattakia city. Also studying the differences in the view points of the sample man agers according to the variables: (job title, scientific and educational qualification, experience). To achieve the object of the research a questionnaire has been included (64) methods, distributed to fifth areas, then applied to a sample of (92) managers and (308) teachers for the academic year 2015/2016. The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Tishreen. Pilot sample consisted of (48) managers and teachers, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.707), and (0.853) at Spearman-Brown.
The Research aims to investigate the administrators and teachers opinion in the degree of having of Planning Competencies of Schools Administrators of the Basic Teaching (Level two), and to study the different of such opinions according to variable s (the functional name, scientific and educational qualification, expertness).The sample included (262) Administrators and Teachers for the academic year 2014/2015. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire composed was designed including (70) items included competencies planning; distributed to the six areas (planning to courses, Planning to Time Management, Planning to Educational outputs, human resource management, material and finances management, Planning to Management communication of the community. The final results showed that possession the Planning Competencies were middle rated, the results did not show statistical significance differences among sample answers averages in possession the Planning Competencies according to the variables of expertness, but there are found statistically significant differences according to the variable functional name in favor of the schools administrators, also according to the variable of scientific and educational qualification in favor of the diploma educational qualification and postgraduate study. The Research suggestions to building measurement for Planning Competencies, and doing training courses before joining scholastic job.
This research aims to reveal the Human Relationships Between Managers and Teachers in Secondary Schools ,from viewpoint of teachers. The research adopted the analytical descriptive approach, using the questioner, it involved (26) items to gathering information and opinions from the teachers.
الشعور بالتمكن الوظيفي لدى المديرين من مستوى الإدارة الوسطى في دولة الكويت: دراسة ميدانية تم إجراء هذه الدراسة على عينة عشوائية طبقية تناسبية مكونة من 455 شخصًا من فئة المديرين من مستوى الإدارة الوسطى في مختلف الأجهزة الحكومية في دولة الكويت، و هي الوزارات و الإدارات الحكومية و المؤسسات ذات الميزانيات المستقلة و الهيئات الملحقة. و تهدف الدراسة إلى التعرف على مستوى الشعور بالتمكن لدى هذه الفئة، و نظرة العاملين فيها لمقدار توافر العوامل المعززة للشعور بالتمكن الوظيفي، و علاقة هذه النظرة بعدد من المتغيرات الديموغرافية و هي: جهة العمل، و العمر، و الجنس، و المستوى التعليمي، و الحالة الاجتماعية و عدد سنوات الخدمة، و ذلك من خلال فحص عدة فرضيات عن الموضوع. و قد بينت الدراسة توافر العوامل المعززة للشعور بالتمكن الوظيفي، و أن هناك تفاوتًا في آراء أفراد العينة تعزى بدرجة أساسية لمتغيرات جهة العمل، و المستوى التعليمي، و مدة الخدمة، و العمر، في حين لم يكن هناك أي دور لعامل الجنس أو الحالة الاجتماعية للموظف على النظرة لأهمية العوامل المعززة للشعور بالتمكن..

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