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The study sought to determine the effectiveness of a training program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility in developing some habits of productive mind and preferred learning methods among female student teachers, by identifying the level of habits of mind necessary for female student teachers in kindergartens and their preferred learning methods, and determining the procedures of the training program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility. To study its effectiveness in developing some habits of the productive mind and to know the percentage of the contribution of the habits of the productive mind to their preferred learning methods, so the study followed the quasi-experimental approach by designing two equal groups (control and experimental), by preparing a scale of the sixteen habits of the productive mind according to Costa & Kallick’s list. (2009) and a measure of productive mind habits necessary for female kindergarten students, and applying Felder and Silverman’s preferred learning styles scale (Index of learning style, 1999), on a purposive sample consisting of (46) female kindergarten students from the third year because they are in the intermediate learning stage according to the theory. Cognitive flexibility, as the sample represents 20% of the research population, and the results of the study revealed a low level of six habits of the productive mind in the sample: perseverance, control of recklessness, flexibility of thinking, creativity, continuous learning, and striving for accuracy. The sample’s learning preferences also varied between... Methods of processing, perception, input and thinking. The results showed the effectiveness of the training program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility in developing the necessary productive mind habits for kindergarten students. The results also revealed the contribution of productive mind habits to preferences for learning methods, as the habits of the productive mind individually predict preferred learning methods in proportion. It ranges from 31% to 64% in the post-measurement, and the six habits of the productive mind contribute together over time, as they predict preferred learning methods by rates ranging from 18% to 63.8%, with the exception of the processing style, of which the creativity habit predicted 34%. Some Recommendations in light of these results.
The aim of the current research is to know the degree to which the students of the Kindergarten Department in the College of Education at Al-Baath University use some habits of the productive mind, and to reveal the significance of the differences be tween the average responses of female students on the scale of productive mind habits according to the variable of the school year, so the research followed the descriptive approach, by preparing a scale of habits of mind. The Productive Mind, which included seven mental habits selected from Costa and Calick's list (Costa & Calick, 2009), and its application to a random sample of (401) female teachers distributed over the four school years, representing 45% of the original research community. The results of the research revealed that female students in the first year used the habits of the productive mind at a slightly low degree with an average of (2.0158) and a percentage (40.31%), while the degree of use of the second year students of the habits of a productive mind was medium with an average of (2.696) and a percentage (53.92%), as well as the degree of The third year students’ use of the habits of the productive mind is medium with an average of (3,100) and the percentage (62%), as well as the degree of use of the fourth year students with an average of (3.328) and the percentage (66.56%). The productive mind according to the variable of the school year, where the value of P (17,524) came with a probability value (0.000) less than 0.05, and the (LSD) test showed the direction of differences in favor of the second, third and fourth year students.
An ideal integration of autonomous agents in a human world implies that they are able to collaborate on human terms. In particular, theory of mind plays an important role in maintaining common ground during human collaboration and communication. To e nable theory of mind modeling in situated interactions, we introduce a fine-grained dataset of collaborative tasks performed by pairs of human subjects in the 3D virtual blocks world of Minecraft. It provides information that captures partners' beliefs of the world and of each other as an interaction unfolds, bringing abundant opportunities to study human collaborative behaviors in situated language communication. As a first step towards our goal of developing embodied AI agents able to infer belief states of collaborative partners in situ, we build and present results on computational models for several theory of mind tasks.
A mind-map is a diagram that represents the central concept and key ideas in a hierarchical way. Converting plain text into a mind-map will reveal its key semantic structure and be easier to understand. Given a document, the existing automatic mind-m ap generation method extracts the relationships of every sentence pair to generate the directed semantic graph for this document. The computation complexity increases exponentially with the length of the document. Moreover, it is difficult to capture the overall semantics. To deal with the above challenges, we propose an efficient mind-map generation network that converts a document into a graph via sequence-to-graph. To guarantee a meaningful mind-map, we design a graph refinement module to adjust the relation graph in a reinforcement learning manner. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is more effective and efficient than the existing methods. The inference time is reduced by thousands of times compared with the existing methods. The case studies verify that the generated mind-maps better reveal the underlying semantic structures of the document.
We present ReasonBert, a pre-training method that augments language models with the ability to reason over long-range relations and multiple, possibly hybrid contexts. Unlike existing pre-training methods that only harvest learning signals from local contexts of naturally occurring texts, we propose a generalized notion of distant supervision to automatically connect multiple pieces of text and tables to create pre-training examples that require long-range reasoning. Different types of reasoning are simulated, including intersecting multiple pieces of evidence, bridging from one piece of evidence to another, and detecting unanswerable cases. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation on a variety of extractive question answering datasets ranging from single-hop to multi-hop and from text-only to table-only to hybrid that require various reasoning capabilities and show that ReasonBert achieves remarkable improvement over an array of strong baselines. Few-shot experiments further demonstrate that our pre-training method substantially improves sample efficiency.
This study tackles an important part of Abu-Tammam's vision that considers the poetry outcome of reason. And that is an important shift of the concept of Arabic Poetry , which is charged with lyricism and lack of thought .
The paper Sheds light on one of the most important problems among the whole problems that we find in the history of philosophy, namely, the problem of the relationship between wisdom and Sharia law, trying to disclose the nature of the relationship between wisdom and law in order to detect intellectual conflicts or issues that the philosophers tried to detect the pivotal and key points between wisdom and Sharia law, and philosophy and religion, through the general cultural state prevailing in the Arab society during the Islamic middle ages. In addition, we will try to clarify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem of reconciling and highlight the ideological goals that drove the philosophers to reconcile between wisdom and Sharia.
Studying of using of semi-hardwood cuttings that were got from different ages for Magnolia gradiflora L. trees: Young trees that are 15 years old, middle-aged trees that are 30 years old, and only one old giant tree which is 110 years old were per formed by treating the cuttings with Indole Butric Acid Rooting Hormone 2000 P.P.M. which was used during three periods of time: 10, 20 ,and 30 seconds under green house conditions.
Studying of using of semi-hardwood cuttings that were got from different ages for Magnolia gradiflora L. trees: Young trees that are 15 years old, middle-aged trees that are 30 years old, and only one old giant tree which is 110 years old were per formed by treating the cuttings with Indole Butric Acid Rooting Hormone 2000 P.P.M. which was used during three periods of time: 10, 20 ,and 30 seconds under green house conditions.
Find sheds light on the problem perhaps more importantly, the total problems that we find in the history of philosophy , and is not a problem of nature Our research is trying to explore the meaning of the nature of the Beginnings, As we will try to, In this research dealt with the nature of the problem of the two sides Systematic and cognitive To find out the key points of the nature of the problem when the philosophers of the seventeenth century To try to adjust the nature of the problem in its historical context As we will try in this research shed light on the relationship between nature and other problems In the philosophy of Hegel, such as the relationship , for example, between nature and logic, nature and absolute idea. Is Hegel was able to solve the problem of nature and its relationship with the various aspects of his philosophy؟ Or is it Al this problem and do so by him Kant There is also in our many other problems discussed by Hegel with nature problem.

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