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This research highlights on an important and fundamental issue of the 20th century's most important philosophers, "Gaston Bachelard", which is the analytical approach to scientific knowledge of this philosopher and the role played by "Gaston Bachel ard" in this approach in formulating a set of scientific concepts that enriched epistemology as the concept of the epistemological obstacle ,The concept of estrangement and the concept of undo time, with concentration on importance of the dialectical relationship between these concepts and their role in the development of scientific knowledge.
This research deals with structure of power and its concept in Farabi's political philosophy, by analyzing his basic thesis of Utopia, and analyzing the relation between governor and the parish, and explaining the political connections that control this city, like the stratification and ideological structure down to the relationship between the prophecy and philosophy, all this through systematic reading deals with the power of speech and its relationships, and the semantic context through which these ideas emerged, and the nature of cultural relationships that control thought and cultural production in that era. By understanding Farabi's political ideas and their situation of speech context emerged the category of (good authority) as a reflection of the structure of that era, and an alternative to the category of existing power at that time which was based on tradition and the sanctity of hereditary rule. Here Farabi's summon the pronouncements of the Greek speech and reconstructing and integrating them in the context of the Islamic intellectual on the one hand becomes a necessity which is required to the building of the political alternative of religious feudal authority, and on the other hand its unique feature and characteristic distinguish the Farabian philosophy through his building a philosophical pattern which combines rationality and inspiration.
Rationality is by far the luckiest philosophical concept in so far as its controversial status is concerned. It is also one of the terms most liable to rejection, criticism and analysis. Hence, our paper is an attempt to unscramble the controversy re lating to tuning the term of rationality into a concept that denotes multiple significations in the era of modern philosophy, and which are considered the real foundation of what today's world has reached in its intellectual, scientific and social aspects. According to this terminological and conceptual context, we have tried in this paper to shed special light on the genealogy of the concept of rationality, its origins and evolution as a trend in modern European thought, given that it is a signifier that denotes the priority of the mind, and which derives from various meanings that are complementary at times, yet contradictory at others, whereby carrying multiple significations, that vary in accordance with its field of use. With a certain degree of special attention, we have also tried to glean some of the most basic meanings associated with the term of rationality. We hope that this way we may be able to clarify the obscurity that engulfs the term, something which has caused its ambiguity, and thus our confused understanding of the philosophy of modernity.
يمثل أبو منصور الماتريدي فرقة كلامية توسطت الاراء والمواقف بين عقلانية المعتزلة من جهة وحرفية أهل الحديث من جهة ثانية
The nature of scientific progress and the rationality of scientific change lie at the centre of Karl Popper’s and Thomas Kuhn’s thought. This paper provides an analysis of the Popper - Kuhn debate over those issues; according to which, Kuhn is por trayed as subjectivist and relativist, while Popper emerges as objectivist and realist. The paper is divided into three parts. Popper’s claims regarding scientific progress and rationality are examined in Part One. It is argued that Popper’s philosophy is inherently value-driven, while defending the objective characteristics of scientific truth. Part Two explores Kuhn’s conception of science, of the rationality of science and scientific progress. Kuhn argued that knowledge is relative only to the accepted paradigm. Part Three is taken up with a comparative discussion of the main issues related to the Kuhn - Popper debate.
يهدف هذا المقال إلى محاولة متواضعة في تناول موضوع التحليل الاستراتيجي عند واحد من كبار علماء الاجتماع، ألا و هو ميشال كروزيي. الذي يقدم لنا طريقة مغايرة عن طرائق التسيير و التدبير (المناجمنت Management) انطلاقاً من الطريقة التايلورية الفُضلى في العق لانية المطلقة مروراً على العقلانية المحدودة لهربرت سيمون وصولاً إلى التحليل الاستراتيجي بما يضمه من مناطق الشك و هوامش الحرية و ملموسية النسق كامتداد طولي لسوسيولوجية التنظيمات و محور السوسيولوجيا المتمثل في السلطة؛ هذا المفهوم المركزي في البحوث جميعها التي تتناول مجالات المنظمات و الاستراتيجيات.

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