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The goal of this study is to identify certain essential Anthropometric and physiological measurements for midfielders in the Syrian Premier League and to study the relation between these variables in relation to the midfield position. For this purp ose, this study was applied to 70 midfielders in the Syrian Premier League from 9 teams in the League. After that, certain anthropometric measurements, like height, weight, Body Mass Index BMI, Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2 max), Shuttle Run Test 20m-Test, and Jump and Reach Test, were collected. The research showed the following results: Average weight is 70.6 ± 6.43kg, average height is 174.79 ±5.28 cm, and BMI 23.10 ±1.64 which all are similar to the results of other researches, but we found a clear difference in the results of physiological tests VO2max where the players achieved an average of 51.21 ± 5.57 which is less than the results of many international studies and less than average numbers achieved by the elite international soccer players which vary between 55 and 68 ( In Jump and Reach Tests, average height was 46.153 ±56.92 cm which is also less than the results achieved in Soccer. After studying the relation between the physical measurements with the VO2max and Jumping, no relation was found between the height and Oxygen Uptake (P> 0.05, r =0.06) and between the height and jump (P> 0.05, r = 0.02), and we were also not able to find a relation between the height and VO2max (P> 0.05, r = 0.08) nor between the height and jump (P> 0.05, r = 0.06), or between BMI and VO2max (P> 0.05, r = 0.06), or between the height and jump (P> 0.05, r =0.11). In the end, we can say that the physical measurements of the professional midfielders in the Syrian Premier League are similar to other measurements all over the world while the physiological capabilities in vertical jumping and Maximal Oxygen Uptake are less than the results given by other studies conducted to the elite soccer players in the world.
Shadow economy is considered the most important economic problem which is still of concern to researchers for it is linked to all economic variables. It is found in all States with different economic patterns. But it is more widespread in developing economies includes a recipe for lawful activities and other illegal .And it exists in all economic levels and affect all social strata and in all ages. Despite its characterization as a phenomenon, it cannot be overlooked as a reality. Depending on that, this research tried to clarify the concept of the shadow economy, and identify its components. As well as, this research shows the most important macroeconomic indicators in Syria and the impact of economic variables on the shadow economy.
This research studied the use of taxes in Syria as an important tool in influencing one of the variables important economic (consumption) between the years (2000-2010). These taxes and fees are used (for example) to support an increase in the consump tion of some goods that are considered commodities and necessary, or to try to reduce the amount of consumption of luxury goods. The Syrian legislator made during the period studied adjustments numerous tax (especially fee consumer spending) to influence the amount of the domestic consumption, for the consuming public or consuming particular. There was a major adjustment in tax rates of some of the direct taxes and the expansion of the base of goods and services that are subject to certain types of indirect taxes, and to draw them where consumer spending has spread to some of the essential commodities.
The experiment was conducted for one growing season 2011 at Teezen Research Station in Hama Research Center-GCSAR in order to determine water requirements, crop coefficient (Kc) and the effect of different irrigation systems on productivity of pea nut crop. Four methods of irrigation were used (drip، sprinkler، mini sprinkler and surface irrigation) with three replications for each . Experiment was designed on the basis of randomized complete block with one water treatment (75% out of the field capacity). The results showed superiority of drip irrigation in terms of water consumption, and total water consumption (6522 m 3/h), which led to savings in irrigation water by (60.14%), compared with traditional surface irrigation, with a consumption (13495 m 3/ h). It also outperformed drip irrigation when (p<0.05) in crop yield, reaching productivity 5920 kg/ha, an increase of 22.57%, and total water use efficiency 1.91 kg/m3, compared with the (control) surface irrigation, reaching productivity (4820) kg/ha. Followed by methods for: irrigation sprinkler sprays small, with a water requirement (8999 and 9396 m 3/ h), and the efficient use of water (0.67 and 0.58) kg/ m3, and the percentage of savings in water (36.65 and 31.98%), respectively, compared with surface irrigation traditional Phonology developing did not show significant differences between irrigation methods in terms of the dates of germination, flowering and maturity.
This research handles the economic effects of taxes and fees presented as a statistical and analytical study during the period 1990-2009 in Syria. It was based on the annual statistical data issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics. Using the sta tistic programme (SPSS) we have made econometric models to estimate the parameters of models of the impact of the tax on all public investment, private investment, gross capital formation, consumption, and these models can be used in the prediction of these variables, We have reached many important results, among which, the clear centrifugal relationship between taxes and total fixed capital formation in both public and private sectors. In fact, the tax itself had not been an effective tool in increasing the rate of growth of both public and private investment. It also shows us that the Syrian tax system depends on indirect taxes (consumption tax) that reduce the consumption of individuals contributing to the decline in the volume of employment and national income, In addition to the significant decline in distributing the national income fairly due to high indirect taxes which consequently affected the low-income category, Show us through the curve of Lawrence.
This study aimed to choose a suitable standard model of consumer expenditures on local sheep meat at two levels, family and capita by using cross-section data for the year 2009. Results showed that the Log-Inverse (LI) functional was the best mode l to express the relationship between total expenditure and spending on sheep meat expenditure at family and capita levels and the values of coefficient of determination (R2) were 0.203 and 0.37 at family and capita levels respectively with expenditure elasticity was 0.867 at family average expenditure level. This might reflect the fact that the sheep meat is considered a luxury commodity in case of decreasing family average expenditure below 18001 SP per month.
Predicting crop yield response to irrigation level is increasingly important to optimize irrigation under limited available water and for enhancing sustainability and profitable production. This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of CropWat model in predicting deficit irrigation effect on cotton crop, and to explore some alternatives for cotton irrigation. Crop yield and water use data were collected from a 3-yr (2007-2009) field experiment to assess the response of drip-irrigated cotton to deficit irrigation (DI).
تأثير الرقائق البلاستيكية ( الملش) على الاستهلاك المائي لمحصول الخيار : على الرغم من أن مساحة الأراضي المروية في العالم لا تزيد عن 16 % من مساحة الأراضي المزروعة إلا انها تقدم ما يزيد عن 40% من انتاج المحاصيل
This study aims to identify the Saudi female student tendencies towards the consumption rationalization culture and knowledge about it. Sources of this knowledge and the student’s contribution to the enhancement and dissemination of this culture. The field study consists of a sample of 550 students at the department of Sociology. Studies in the female student’s university studies center. The aim is to test the before mentioned objectives through a questionnaire designed within the appropriate questionnaire characteristics. The study has concluded a number of important results including the following: The knowledge about the culture of consumption rationalization is obtained from limited resources. In addition, the students play a very limited role disseminating this culture. The statistical analysis of the study’s results indicates a statistical relevance between the social background and adoption of the student and her knowledge of the consumption rationalization culture. The study also shows lack of interest in the civil society of this culture. The study develops several recommendations and suggestions for the university, the society and the family based on the general results it reached.

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