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The Saudi Female University Student Tendency Towards Consumption Rationalization “An Applied Study in the Department of Social Studies King Saud University”

اتجاهات الطالبة الجامعية السعودية نحو ثقافة ترشيد الاستهلاك "دراسة مطبقة في قسم الدراسات الاجتماعية – بنات، جامعة الملك سعود"

1277   1   28   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to identify the Saudi female student tendencies towards the consumption rationalization culture and knowledge about it. Sources of this knowledge and the student’s contribution to the enhancement and dissemination of this culture. The field study consists of a sample of 550 students at the department of Sociology. Studies in the female student’s university studies center. The aim is to test the before mentioned objectives through a questionnaire designed within the appropriate questionnaire characteristics. The study has concluded a number of important results including the following: The knowledge about the culture of consumption rationalization is obtained from limited resources. In addition, the students play a very limited role disseminating this culture. The statistical analysis of the study’s results indicates a statistical relevance between the social background and adoption of the student and her knowledge of the consumption rationalization culture. The study also shows lack of interest in the civil society of this culture. The study develops several recommendations and suggestions for the university, the society and the family based on the general results it reached.

References used
د. الحسن، إحسان محمد: النظريات الاجتماعية المتقدمة، دار وائل للنشر، لأردن، عمان، 2005 م.
د. حسن، عبد الباسط محمد: أصول البحث الاجتماعي، مكتبة وهبة، القاهرة، 1982 م.
خميس، عنبره: الاستهلاك المنزلي للطاقة الكهربائية، الرياض، 1427 ه
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This study aimed at investigating fourth grade basic pupils’ attitudes towards social studies based on Marzano’s Model and to investigate the effect of sex and residence of these attitudes. For that, the descriptive method was used, and the questi onnaires’ attitudes towards classroom climate and assigned tasks was administered to the simple random sample consisted of (201) males and females pupils in Lattakia province schools. The results showed that pupils’ attitudes were positive towards their acceptance by the teacher and by their peers, order, social studies value, social studies clarity, and ability to perform social studies. There were no significant differences among Females and male` attitudes towards their acceptance by the teacher and by their peers, comfort, order, and social studies value, and social studies clarity. Furthermore, Females` attitudes towards ability to perform social studies more than males’ attitudes. In addition, Urban pupils` attitudes towards social studies clarity and ability to perform social studies more than urban pupils’ attitudes, whereas rural pupils` sense of comfort in social studies more than urban pupils’ sense. The study suggest according to these results the necessity of teaching teachers about positive classroom climate and about assigned tasks for developing attitudes towards social studies.
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