Mustafa Wajeeh Al-Karkhi, Employing the Press Photo in Emirati News Sites, an Analytical Study for Emirates Barq and 24 News Sites, University of Baghdad
College of Mass Communication / Department of Journalism 2022
The press image in the field of
media has adopted news employment in journalistic work through media institutions, as it is characterized by features that made it enjoy the attention of those in charge of it in an effort to add news value and credibility to the event, on this we can realize the responsibility placed on the worker in the field of media.
Therefore, this research came to provide a scientific description of the press photo and the mechanisms of its employment and dissemination in the Emirati electronic news sites, and what these news sites follow through the image in focus.
The main objective of the research is to find out how Emirati news sites use the press photo, and to know the topics of the published press photo, what types are most employed, the identity of the source of the photo, and the news values most relied on in Emirati news sites, entitled (Using the press photo in Emirati news sites for Barq website). Emirates and 24 news), and the time period was three months, and the researcher took a regular random sample, for the period from (1/8/2021 to 10/31/2021), and the research sample consists of (1551) images, to reach the research objectives that answer the set of questions mentioned in the search problem.
BaghdadAbstractThe successive technological developments in the media industry led to its entry into a new era characterized by a straight news flow around the world, which resulted in a change in the world of journali
stic art to the world of visual art. Because the press photo has taken a distinguished position and a key role in achieving the goals of the press, and as a result of the rapid development in the manufacture of patterns and in the way of transferring and processing photos. This led to the transformation of some paper newspapers into electronic ones, and the use of the image in most of the news became from a silent image to a moving picture. This is due to the awareness of the press institutions of the importance of the image in the newspaper, and the press image is the most critical pillar of the structural elements used in the output units of electronic newspapers. Because of its impactful ability and essential meanings that it carries to future, and after the emergence of Internet networks, which became the lifeblood of users. Because of the services it provides in various areas of life, and thanks to the applications. it offers that facilitate access to them, the website is one of the most essential services provided by the Internet to humans.
"Strategic Planning in the Construction Sector: A Proposed Model for the Strategic Plan to Adopt BIM in Syria." Research Summary: Comprehensive strategic planning for the Syrian state is an inevitable necessity to address the catastrophic effects of
the war that the country has suffered from, and its effects are still ongoing in light of government incapacity and gross failure that has affected all economic, industrial, and scientific aspects. This is reflected in the global development and knowledge indicators. Therefore, the Syrian state must adopt comprehensive planning concepts and strive to make knowledge its primary destination to create a strong economy and a strong industry ready for the upcoming reconstruction phase. It should adopt modern administrative concepts, cognitive and engineering sciences, and seek to incorporate them into its plans. Building Information Modeling (BIM) modeling may occupy the forefront of these sciences due to its great importance in transferring Syrian engineering work in the construction sector to advanced countries. Therefore, the study presented in its chapters the concepts of comprehensive planning and strategic planning on the one hand, and BIM modeling on the other hand, through analyzing and comparing current strategies to adopt BIM technology and the most important global trends and experiences, and identifying the most important obstacles and challenges that faced it. Then, the current situation of BIM technology was studied and analyzed, exploring the extent of its spread in the Syrian construction industry, with the aim of formulating a framework for integrating BIM modeling technology effectively within the life cycle of engineering projects in Syria, and proposing a strategic plan to adopt BIM in Syria. As a result, the research produced a set of findings throughout its chapters as follows: In chapter two, a model was constructed to integrate government plans that contribute to achieving the BIM plan. This was done through a comprehensive study of planning and strategic planning, as well as an examination of the reality of planning and the various government plans in Syria, which revealed weaknesses in both the planning mechanism and plan implementation mechanisms. In chapter three, a comprehensive study was conducted on the current situation of BIM adoption in Syria, and the problems and difficulties that hinder its implementation. The BIM maturity matrix was applied to companies in both the public and private sectors, revealing weaknesses in both sectors in terms of BIM adoption, despite the private sector's superiority in most areas. Based on this, a SWOT analysis was conducted on the current situation in Syria regarding BIM adoption, which indicated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In chapter four, a proposed framework was developed for implementing the strategic plan for BIM adoption in Syria. This resulted in a roadmap for BIM adoption in Syria from the beginning of 2023 until the end of 2030. In chapter five, the plan was practically applied to a performance management program called BSC DESIGNER, resulting in a strong and robust performance management system for implementing the strategic plan according to a timeline from the beginning of 2023 until the end of 2030. This research is a bold attempt by the researcher to complement various sciences within a comprehensive strategic planning framework. This research aims to reach decision-makers and help put Syria on the global BIM map by translating the plan's vocabulary and goals into practical reality that contributes to shaping the future of the construction industry in Syria. This study recommends coordination and cooperation between decision-makers and stakeholders in the construction sector to implement the proposed BIM adoption strategy through its four axes (policies, technologies, processes, knowledge, and skills) and secure financial support. Keywords: strategic planning, comprehensive planning, building information modeling, performance management, engineering projects, BIM adoption plan, Syria.
يهدف البحث لبناء اختبار لصعوبات تعليمية في الرياضيات وتشخيصها وتم تطبيقه على عينة استطلاعية بلغت 200 تلميذ وتلميذة، وعينة سيكومترية 400، واساسية 2671 وتم استخدام العديد من الادوات، وخلص البحث لبناء اختبار خاص بكل صف دراسي
Syria began to head towards decentralization in 1971, but the real trend was in
2011, when the focus was on the decentralization and the financial and administrative
independence of the administrative units. In 2021, the financial law of the new
dministrative units was issued .This study aims to derive an appropriate activation
mechanism for urban governance due to its importance, especially in the next stage
of reconstruction in Syria. This mechanism was reached by analyzing two global
experiences in addition to the Syrian situation, besides a number of personal interviews
and a questionnaire of some workers in the competent authorities. Accordingly, the
researcher has put a number of proposals to activate urban governance, which include
separating the powers and controlling administrative divisions to suit the limits of units,
activating the neighborhood boards mentioned in Law ١٠٧, canceling the administrative
and financial will and relying on subsequent judicial oversight, and accurate monitoring
to implement the agenda of administrative units, and giving local councils a greater
authority, especially in the field of forming partnerships with the Businesses and
NGOs/CBOs/CSOs sectors according to detailed legal rules, in addition to the
establishment of a central advisory agency on which local councils depend on the new
issues that they are exposed to.
The study identified the impact of adherence to anti-money laundering procedures on the performance of banks operating in Yemen from many aspects, which is to identify the planning and design of anti-money laundering procedures on the performance of
banks operating in Yemen, and the organization of the responsible administrative unit, monitoring , follow-up and correction, and the policies and procedures imposed on banks. The money laundering crime is one of the most dangerous crimes facing the Yemeni economy in general and the banking sector in particular.
The study problem was identified with some questions, including what is the impact of commitment to anti-money laundering procedures on the performance of banks operating in Yemen.
The study relied on two variables, the independent variable, commitment to anti-money laundering procedures, and the dependent variable, the performance of banks according to the dimensions of the balanced scorecard. The study relied on the analytical descriptive approach as the most widely used method in human and social sciences studies, and the questionnaire was relied on as a main tool for collecting the necessary data for this study, and the sample size of the study was determined based on the sample size table of (Krejcie & Morgan)
A disproportionate stratified random sample was selected, and after completing statistical analyzes of the data collected through questionnaires in banks operating in Yemen, a number of results were reached, including that the level of commitment to anti-money laundering procedures in banks operating in Yemen in general was high, For all aspects and came in order (planning and designing anti-money laundering procedures, organizing the administrative unit responsible for money laundering procedures, monitoring, following up and correcting anti-money laundering procedures)
Banks have written policies and procedures for combating money laundering, and follow the international standards and regulations for combating money laundering and the instructions of the Central Bank of Yemen to formulate its policies and procedures.
Banks are obligated to submit their suspected anti-money laundering reports on time to the Financial Information Collection Unit. The policies and procedures manual is based on international standards,the updating of ban lists, and on local laws and instructions from control and supervision authorities.
The research was conducted in order to study the effect of irrigation with sulfuric saline water on some major soil properties and maize production
The flood irrigation process was carried out with four treatments: Treatment of witness was irrigated
with fresh water, treatment No. (1) was irrigated with sulfuric saline water according to the standardized maize irrigation, and treatment No. (2) was also irrigated with salty sulfur water standardized for maize irrigation + 20% washing rate, and treatment No. (3) was irrigated with water Sulfur saline according to maize irrigation standard + 30% washing rate,The results of the study showed that there was a slight significant difference between the four treatments in terms of the apparent and real density, while there were clear significant differences between the treatments in terms of ESP%, EC and carbonates with depth, and this was the result of washing salts with the excess amount of irrigation water used for washing. The results also show that treatment No. (3) was the best of germination percentage and productivity, while treatment No. (1) achieved the lowest germination and productivity(Fresh maize cobs yield with wrappers) , as the readings were as follows: The percentage of germination in the witness was 95%, in treatment (1) 90%, and in treatment (2) 95% and in treatment (3) 97%, while the productivity was in the witness 32.4 tons / ha and in treatment (1) 30.25 tons / ha and in treatment (2) 33.6 tons / ha and in treatment (3) 39.037 tons / ha. This indicates that irrigation with sulfuric saline water according to (water ration for maize + 30% washing) achieved the best results, as the economic feasibility of using sulfuric saline water was achieved by obtaining good production, providing fresh water and preserving the major properties of the soil.
هدفتِ الدِّراسةُ إلى معرفةِ واقعِ تعليمِ الرّياضيّات في مدارسِ الجمهوريّةِ العربيةِ السوريّةِ، وتطويره باستخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم استناداً لتجربة المركزِ الوطنيّ للمتميّزين وتجاربِ الدّولِ المُتطوّرة، من خلال:
1) تشخيصُ واقع تعليم الرّياضيّات في مدا
رس الجمهوريّةِ العربيّةِ السوريّةِ.
2) تشخيصُ مدى معرفة معلّم الريّاضيات السوريّ بتكنولوجيا تعليمِ الرّياضيّات ومدى استخدامه إيّاها.
3) تشخيصُ واقعِ البنيةِ التحتيّة لتكنولوجيا تعليم الرّياضيّات في المدارس الحكوميّة السوريّة.
4) تعرّف معوّقات تطبيق تكنولوجيا تعليم الرّياضيّات في المدارس الحكومية السورية.
5) تعرّف آفاق تطوير تعليم الريّاضيّات في المدارس الحكوميّة السوريّة.
وقد زار الباحث المركز وقابلَ معلمي الرياضيات، وتعرّف آلية تعليم الرياضيات ومميّزات استخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم فيه، بالإضافة إلى دراسة تجاربِ بعض الدّول العربيّة والأجنبيّة في هذا المجال، وذلك بهدف صياغة مقترحات آفاق التّطوير.
ثُمَ قامَ الباحث بتوزيع استبانة البحث إلكترونياً في مجموعات التواصل الاجتماعي؛ وذلك في الفترة الممتدة من 24/3/2020 حتى 13/7/2020.
وبلغت عينة البحث مئتين وتسعةَ عشرَ معلماً ومعلمةً لمادة الرياضيات من مختلف المحافظات في الجمهوريّة العربيّة السّوريّة.
أبرزُ نتائجِ الدّراسةِ:
1. يتمتع معلّمو الرياضيات في المركز الوطني للمتميزين بمهارات عالية في استخدام البرمجيات الحديثة في تعليم الرياضيات: Geogebra, math type, LaTex, Microsoft office, Moodle وبرمجيات رسم اخرى، وقد اكتسبوها عن طريقِ التعلُّمِ الذاتي.
2. يستخدم معلّمو الرياضيات في المركز الوطني للمتميزين الأجهزة حديثة في تعليم الرياضيات: الحواسيب المكتبية والمحمولة، السبورة التفاعلية، أجهزة العرض.
3. وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائيّة بين إجابات المعلّمين حول مدى معرفتهم بتكنولوجيا تعليم الريّاضيّات ومدى استخدامهم إيّاها وذلك استناداً إلى متغيّر المؤهل العلمي عند مستوى دلالة (0.05)، وذلك لصالح حملة شهادات الدّراسات العليا.
4. وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائيّة بين إجابات المعلمين حول مدى معرفتهم بتكنولوجيا تعليم الرياضيات ومدى استخدامهم إيّاها، وذلك استناداً إلى متغيّر الدّورات المُتّبعة عند مستوى دلالة (0.05)، وذلك لصالح مجموعة دورات التعليم الذاتي عبر الانترنت.
5. وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين اجابات المعلمين حول مدى استخدامهم ومعرفتهم بتكنولوجيا تعليم الرياضيات استناداً لمتغير الجنس عند مستوى دلالة (0.05)، وذلك لصالح الذكور.
6. ضعف مستوى دورات دمج التكنولوجيا بالتعليم في مجال البرمجيات الرياضية الحديثة.
7. أظهرت الدراسة تأثير الحرب السورية على عملية التعليم بالإضافة لأزمة فيروس كورونا، وظهور مشكلة الظّروف الماديّة للطالب؛ إذ لم يعد قادراً على الحصول على دروس خصوصية كأعلى نسبة (91.8%)، بالإضافة لضعف مستواه وعدم اهتمامه بالمادة وخوفه منها، ثم المشكلات التَعليمية الخاصّة بمادة الرّياضيّات التي تتعلّق بطرائق التّدريس التقليديّة وعدم استخدام الوسائل والتقنيّات الحديثة في التّعليم، وضعف رواتب المعلّمين وغياب دورات تأهيلهم، وضعف أداء مُدرّس الحلقة الأولى، ومشكلات تتعلّق بضخامة المنهاج، والعدد الكبير للطلاب داخل الغرفة الصّفية. وكان لمجانية التّعليم وإلزاميته في سورية تأثيرٌ إيجابي على عمليّة تعليم الرّياضيّات، بالإضافة إلى قوّة منهاج الرياضيات المطبَّق في سوريا، وقدرته على تنمية المهارات في مادة الرياضيّات لدى الطلاب.
8. أظهرت الدراسة أنّ أغلبَ الأجهزةِ التّعليميّةِ الحديثةِ غيرَ متوفرةٍ.
9. ظهورُ مشكلة انقطاع التيار الكهربائيّ كأبرز المعوّقات، وضعف المعلّمين باللغة الإنكليزيّة، والتّكلفة العالية للأجهزة، بالإضافة إلى عدم تأهيل المعلمين بشكل جيد لهذه التكنولوجيا.
10. أظهرت الدراسة أنّ أهمَّ ما يساهم في تطوير تعليم الرياضيات هو ضرورة اتّباع المُعلمين دورات التطوير المهني قبل الخدمة وأثنائها، وتخفيض أعداد الطلاب داخل الغرفة الصّفيّة، ورفع رواتب المعلمين، وتخفيف كثافة المادة واعتماد مُدرّسي الرّياضيّات المختصّين منذُ المرحلة الابتدائية، وتضمين مرحلة الإجازة الجامعية باستاجات تعليمية أو دمجها بدبلوم التأهيل التربوي، بالإضافة لاستخدام التكنولوجيا في التعليم.
وقدمت الدّراسة مجموعة من المقترحات أهمها:
1) تطوير وزارة التربية لمنصّات التعليم عن بعد، وإمكانية تضمين هذه المنصات دورات تأهيليّة للمعلمين.
2) تطوير وزارة التربية لدورات تأهيل المعلمين ودورات دمج التكنولوجيا بالتعليم وجعلها خاصة في كلِ مادةٍ على حدى وفي الرياضيات خاصةً.
3) وضع استراتيجية طويلة الأمد من قبل الوزارة التربية لتطوير تعليم الرياضيات تتضمن استخدام تكنولوجيا تعليم الرياضيات.
4) اعتماد المعلّمين المتخصّصين بالرّياضيّات والحاصلين على دبلوم التأهيل التربوي في الصفوف الدراسية الأولى.
5) إضافة بعض المواد التي تعنى بطرائق تدريس الرياضيات كمواد أساسية في كلية العلوم.
6) زيادة رواتب المعلمين وتخفيض أعداد الطلاب داخل الغرفة الصّفيّة.
In this dissertation we proved some of results and theorems about the lattice of radicals of rings. To answer on the questions of J.M.Rjabuhin in [13 ]:
Is the lattice of special radicals S is a Boolean lattice?
What is the relationship between t
he lattice of special radicals S and the lattice of special radical classes SC?
Is the lattice of special radicals which is Generated by *-ring is an atomic lattice?
For that we showed that the lattice of all radicals L is not a modular lattice, so it is not a Boolean one. And we gived examples show that all of the lattices of hereditary , overnilpotent and special radicals are not complemented lattices , so also they are not Boolean ones; so we answered the first question.
And we proved that all the atoms in the lattice of hereditary radicals are as l_Q where Q is a simple ring.
Summary of the thesis
In this research, the work examined the role that lasers play in unguided systems in underwater wireless systems (FSOUW), which determine the practical choice of laser system components in unguided systems, and examine the impa
ct of the absorption of sea and ocean water to lasers and their association with laser wavelength.
Three wavelengths (445, 532, 650) nm have been used to assess the validity of the selection of the appropriate water channel with 100 ml watts of laser as its transmitter energy. SNR, BER and SER were examined following five different water channels. These are pure tap water, and with salt, various concentrations of Malox (MG(OH)2 and Al (OH)3) and salt have been added in order to get high-turbid water, and the results show that mallox and salt content reduces the energy receiving the laser signal and causes disconnection.
The charts on wavelength change were drawn with their absorption coefficient in the laboratory for several wavelengths and several types of ocean water and the results were discussed.