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On Lattices of Radical Rings

دراسة في شبكات الأسس للحلقات

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 Publication date 2020
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this dissertation we proved some of results and theorems about the lattice of radicals of rings. To answer on the questions of J.M.Rjabuhin in [13 ]: Is the lattice of special radicals S is a Boolean lattice? What is the relationship between the lattice of special radicals S and the lattice of special radical classes SC? Is the lattice of special radicals which is Generated by *-ring is an atomic lattice? For that we showed that the lattice of all radicals L is not a modular lattice, so it is not a Boolean one. And we gived examples show that all of the lattices of hereditary , overnilpotent and special radicals are not complemented lattices , so also they are not Boolean ones; so we answered the first question. And we proved that all the atoms in the lattice of hereditary radicals are as l_Q where Q is a simple ring.

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In ١٩٦٢ R.P.Dilworth introduced the concept of a Noether lattice as an abstraction of the concept of the lattice of ideals of a Noetherian ring. He showed that many of the important theorems of classical ideal theory held in them. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the concept of idempotent elements for the multiplicative lattices , since they play very idempotent role for studying the multiplicative lattices and some rings.
The objectiv of this paper is to study the relationship between certain ring R and endomorphism rings of free modules over R. Specifically, the basic problem is to describe ring R, which for it endomorphism ring of all free R-module, is a generali zed right Baer ring, right I1-ring. Call a ring R is a generalized right Baer ring if any right annihilator contains a non-zero idempotent. We call a ring R is right I1-ring if the right annihilator of any element of R contains a non-zero idempotent. This text is showing that each right ideal of a ring R contains a projective right ideal if the endomorphism ring of any free R-module is a right I1-ring. And shown over a ring R, the endomorphism ring of any free R-module is a generalized right Baer ring if and only if endomorphism ring of any free R-module is an I1-ring.
Since language is a natural concrete phenomenon, it became a fact that language has been a matter of induction by making it go through experiment in attempt to attain the rules that can take hold of the language's partial phenomena and organize th em in general regulations, and if we observed the linguistic matter which grammarians investigated, we could find that their work involved both the complete induction and the incomplete induction according to Aristotle's induction method, but they disagreed with this method in accordance with the nature of Islamic method of thinking; therefore they had their own distinguishing method of induction.

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