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BaghdadAbstractThe successive technological developments in the media industry led to its entry into a new era characterized by a straight news flow around the world, which resulted in a change in the world of journali stic art to the world of visual art. Because the press photo has taken a distinguished position and a key role in achieving the goals of the press, and as a result of the rapid development in the manufacture of patterns and in the way of transferring and processing photos. This led to the transformation of some paper newspapers into electronic ones, and the use of the image in most of the news became from a silent image to a moving picture. This is due to the awareness of the press institutions of the importance of the image in the newspaper, and the press image is the most critical pillar of the structural elements used in the output units of electronic newspapers. Because of its impactful ability and essential meanings that it carries to future, and after the emergence of Internet networks, which became the lifeblood of users. Because of the services it provides in various areas of life, and thanks to the applications. it offers that facilitate access to them, the website is one of the most essential services provided by the Internet to humans.
Mustafa Wajeeh Al-Karkhi, Employing the Press Photo in Emirati News Sites, an Analytical Study for Emirates Barq and 24 News Sites, University of Baghdad College of Mass Communication / Department of Journalism 2022 The press image in the field of media has adopted news employment in journalistic work through media institutions, as it is characterized by features that made it enjoy the attention of those in charge of it in an effort to add news value and credibility to the event, on this we can realize the responsibility placed on the worker in the field of media. Therefore, this research came to provide a scientific description of the press photo and the mechanisms of its employment and dissemination in the Emirati electronic news sites, and what these news sites follow through the image in focus. The main objective of the research is to find out how Emirati news sites use the press photo, and to know the topics of the published press photo, what types are most employed, the identity of the source of the photo, and the news values most relied on in Emirati news sites, entitled (Using the press photo in Emirati news sites for Barq website). Emirates and 24 news), and the time period was three months, and the researcher took a regular random sample, for the period from (1/8/2021 to 10/31/2021), and the research sample consists of (1551) images, to reach the research objectives that answer the set of questions mentioned in the search problem.

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