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Faisal and the British-French political developments in the Arab Mashreq (Syria and Iraq) 1918-1933 AD

فيصل والتطورات السياسية البريطانية الفرنسية في المشرق العربي( سوريا والعراق ) 1918-1933م

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 Publication date 2010
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study of Syria and Iraq after the end of the Ottoman era in Damascus in 1918 until 1933 A.D. constitutes an important focus in the study of the contemporary history of the Arab world in several respects, as there were many colonial ambitions about what remained of the Arab Mashreq after the occupation of the West (African), especially in the late rule of the state The Ottoman for him, which was called a sick man

References used
الكيالي , عبد الوهاب : تاريخ فلسطين الحديث , المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر بيروت , ط3 , 1973
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The study deals with the question of the privileges of Venice in the Arabic Orient and the development of these privileges in the Ottoman period, by understanding the meaning of the privileges and their historical development in the Ottoman Empire and the circumstances that accompanied the granting of economic, religious and judicial privileges to the Venetians, exploited by them to achieve their interests and expand their trade. The study also deals with the Treaty of 1517 between the Ottomans and the Venetians as an example of the positive and negative effects on both sides. This treaty is considered the basis for subsequent treaties between the Ottomans on the one hand and the Venetians and the European countries on the other.
The twentieth century is the century of the maturation of Arab national consciousness, although its introductions and the incidents that attended to it date back to the beginning of the nineteenth century. This national consciousness is essentially a social consciousness with a complex structure in which individual consciousness is inserted alongside the collective consciousness
This research highlights the cultural life and thought in Damascus in the last Ottoman rule. It brings into sight the historical dimension of the city of Damascus which is considered one of the most important cultural centers of knowledge in the A rab east. It speaks also about the importance of the mass knowledge means as printing, press and libraries and their role in the flourishing of the cultural life and keeping the cultural heritage in Damascus.
This research concerns the future role of Latakia and Tartous seaports as bases of multimodal transport system in the Arab orient, the importance of the project is stemmed from the genuine strategic geographical location of Syria, assuming that this location could serve the future role of the Latakia and Tartous seaports as multimodal transport base in the Arab orient , as it is linked the Syrian hinterland through the land transport and rail road transport networks , which are extended to Iraq , from Iraq it extends to Iran to the east , Kuwait and Arabian Gulf to the south , the research problem concerns the absence of such multimodal system and the country regions do not make benefit from its economies , the research illustrated some of the relevant international conventions on multimodal transport concerning the transit of cargo and containers across countries , it also described the land transport and railroad transport across Iraq as it is the main hinterland state for Latakia and Tartous , the research concluded that the legislative and organizational framework could be applied to the proposed hypothesized project for Latakia and Tartous, it also concluded that the transport infrastructure could positively participate to the project despite the current deterioration in its technical and operational conditions due to the political events in the region , among the most important recommendations , for the mentioned countries to join the relevant international conventions or hold bilateral or multilateral conventions on multimodal transport , moreover , working on the improvement and development of land and railroad transport in the region for achieving multimodal transport high performance.
The modern concepts of human rights crystallized after the world war It (1939 – 1945).After the war put its heavy load, the independent countries established the united Nations organization. This organization issued its charter which became one of the first documents of the international human rights. The charter stated the promotion of respecting human rights and the basic freedoms of all people without any discrimination because of gender, language or religion, and no difference between men and women. And since the charter lacked a list which deals in detail with the human rights, the united Nations issued the international announcement of the human rights on 10th December, 1948, which included the main principles of civilian, political, economic, social and cultural rights as well as individual freedoms. The reinforcement of the role of the united nations in preserving human rights came through the adoption of the international treaty of civil and political rights and the international treaty of economic, social and cultural rights in the year 1966. Those treaties provided the cover and the legal protection for a lot of rights which the international declaration of the human rights stated. Since then, many other treaties adopted different cases such as the treatment of prisoners, the situation of refugees, women rights and children rights. The application of the rules of the international law can be specified on both the internal national level and the international level through the work and the mutual effect from countries and with the help of national and international procedures. It is necessary that this is done through modifying these rules according to the national law that is applied in each country. The application of the legal rule in the national law plays a crucial role in applying the international rule in the field of human rights. In order to comply with the international criterion of human rights, it is necessary for the Arab countries to ratify the basic agreements of human rights, taking into consideration the peculiarity of the history of the development of each country. These purposes should help in the activity of the international and social organizations of human rights.

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