يسهم هذا البحث في إلقاء الضوء على الحياة الثقافية و الفكرية في دمشق في
أواخر الحكم العثماني، و يسعى إلى إبراز البعد التاريخي لمدينة دمشق التي تعد من أهم مراكز الإشعاع الثقافي في المشرق العربي، كما يتناول أهمية أدوات المعرفة الجماهيرية كالطباعة و الصحافة و المكتبات، و دورها في ازدهار الحياة الثقافية و الحفاظ على التراث الثقافي في دمشق.
This research highlights the cultural life and thought in Damascus
in the last Ottoman rule. It brings into sight the historical dimension of
the city of Damascus which is considered one of the most important
cultural centers of knowledge in the Arab east. It speaks also about the
importance of the mass knowledge means as printing, press and libraries
and their role in the flourishing of the cultural life and keeping the
cultural heritage in Damascus.
References used
جوزيف الياس، تطور الصحافة السورية، دار النضال، دمشق 1988
ترجمان، سهام، يا مال الشام، الطبعة الثالثة، دمشق 1990
Johannes Gutenberg(1400-1468), Wikepedia, Die freie Enzyklopadie, 2008
This research spotlights the cultural and the intellectual life in Jerusalem during the Ottoman Period and it emphasizes on the historical and the spatial aspect of the First Kiblah in order to remain alive in the Arabian intellect and the new genera
This research was based on the study of two records of the Sharia Court in Damascus, and they are kept in the Directorate of Historical Documents in Damascus under (4/3/2) and / 268 /. The first record includes the cases recorded in this court in the
The study of Syria and Iraq after the end of the Ottoman era in Damascus in 1918 until 1933 A.D. constitutes an important focus in the study of the contemporary history of the Arab world in several respects, as there were many colonial ambitions abou
This research work tackles the strange contradiction between the political
history and the literary history of the Ottoman period.
In the first history, there is a general agreement about its end at the finish
of the First World War. In the second
Throughout the ages, Egypt had the honour of being the
country where the Kiswa (the embroidered black cloth covering the
Kaaba) had been manufactured. The Kiswa had been made in Egypt
– renowned for manufacturing such a textile - from the Pre-Isla