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دراسة تاثير موعد الرش بالبورون ونسبة تركيزه في إخصاب أزهار المشمش ونوعية الثمار

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
داؤد زهير والعلاف , إياد والسلطان , رغيد (2007) تأثير الرش بالبورون في نمو وتزهير وحاصل نبات الشيلك قسم البستنة وهندسة الحدائق, كلية الزراعة , جامعة الموصل , العراق
rate research

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the experiment was conducted under Syrian coastal conditions to investigate (Vicia fabaL.), the effect of boron and zinc foliar fertilization on faba bean,either individually or in combination, by increased rates (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1 kg boro n / has boric acid, and zinc at a rate of 0, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, and 1.5 kg / ha as zinc sulfate). where fababeans were plantedin plastic pots(15L) in )2013/11/10(and )2014/11/10(.The soil in pots has high content of calcium carbonate, low boron and zinc content, with pH slightly basic (representative of the region's soils). Half boron and zinc fertilizer rates were sprayed after 33 days of germination and the other half ,after 65 days of germination. The results showed significant responses in all studied parameters (number of branches,number of pods / plant, weight of 100 seeds, and seed yield (Kg. / ha) on faba bean plant, as a result of foliar fertilization by boron and zinc. Fababeans response to boron is higher than to zinc fertilization in all studied indicators. However,the treatmentB75Zn75(0.75 kg boric acid and 1.125kg of zinc sulfate) is the best, as compared to others. Also, the driedseeds yield was increased by about 17.66%.
Fifty clones of local seeded apricot (Klabi). Prunus armeniaca L. were classified AL-Goutta orchard during ١٩٩٦–٢٠٠٠ . These clones were analyzed in terms of physical and chemical characteristics with the objective of selecting individual clones ( For dried apricot sheets) that meet the standard specifications.
Choosing of sprinkler trajectory angle and estimation of its changing is an important factor in sprinkling irrigation systems. Farmers choose sprinklers with small trajectory angle when they used treatment wastewater, or water is spraying below tree canopy. while sprinklers with high trajectory angle used when spraying above canopy.
Many NLG tasks such as summarization, dialogue response, or open domain question answering, focus primarily on a source text in order to generate a target response. This standard approach falls short, however, when a user's intent or context of work is not easily recoverable based solely on that source text-- a scenario that we argue is more of the rule than the exception. In this work, we argue that NLG systems in general should place a much higher level of emphasis on making use of additional context, and suggest that relevance (as used in Information Retrieval) be thought of as a crucial tool for designing user-oriented text-generating tasks. We further discuss possible harms and hazards around such personalization, and argue that value-sensitive design represents a crucial path forward through these challenges.
The study was carried out in apple orchard and at the laboratories of Agricultural Scientific Research Center, and Pome and Grapevine Division in Sweida (GCSAR), Syria, during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016 to study the effect of organic res idues, and boron and zinc addition on some soil characters, fruit set ratio and some fruits qualitative traits in Starking delicious apple cultivar in Sweida.

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