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" Effect of boron and zinc foliar fertilization on the yield and its components of faba bean (Vicia faba L).

"تأثير الرش الورقي بالبورون و الزنك في الغلة و بعض مكوناتها في صنف الفول البلدي Vicia faba L.

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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the experiment was conducted under Syrian coastal conditions to investigate (Vicia fabaL.), the effect of boron and zinc foliar fertilization on faba bean,either individually or in combination, by increased rates (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1 kg boron / has boric acid, and zinc at a rate of 0, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, and 1.5 kg / ha as zinc sulfate). where fababeans were plantedin plastic pots(15L) in )2013/11/10(and )2014/11/10(.The soil in pots has high content of calcium carbonate, low boron and zinc content, with pH slightly basic (representative of the region's soils). Half boron and zinc fertilizer rates were sprayed after 33 days of germination and the other half ,after 65 days of germination. The results showed significant responses in all studied parameters (number of branches,number of pods / plant, weight of 100 seeds, and seed yield (Kg. / ha) on faba bean plant, as a result of foliar fertilization by boron and zinc. Fababeans response to boron is higher than to zinc fertilization in all studied indicators. However,the treatmentB75Zn75(0.75 kg boric acid and 1.125kg of zinc sulfate) is the best, as compared to others. Also, the driedseeds yield was increased by about 17.66%.

References used
ABDELGHANY,A.M. . Effect of timing of first irrigation and application of zinc and manganese on growth and yield of faba bean (Viciafaba. L) Giza blanka cultivar. Al- Azhar J. Agric. Res., 35: 2002, 53-72
ABD EL-MONEM, M.; SHARAF, I.; FARGHAL, I. and SOFY, M.R. Response of Broad Bean and Lupin Plants to Foliar Treatment with Boron and Zinc. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3): 2009, 2226-2231
Abu-Dahi, Y. M. and M. A. Al-Younis. Plant Nutrition Handbook. Ministry of Higher Education of Scientific Research. Univ. of Baghdad. 1988, pp. 411

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
أجريت دراسة لتحديد تأثير التسميد الورقي بعنصري البورون والزنك على نبات الفول البلدي (Vicia faba L.) في الساحل السوري. تم استخدام خمسة مستويات من البورون والزنك، وتم رش نصف الكميات بعد 33 يوماً من الزراعة والنصف الآخر بعد 65 يوماً. أظهرت النتائج استجابات معنوية في جميع المؤشرات المدروسة مثل عدد الأفرع، عدد القرون، وزن 100 بذرة، والإنتاج الكلي من البذور. كانت استجابة الفول للبورون أعلى من استجابته للزنك، وكانت المعاملة التي استخدمت 0.75 كغ من حمض البوريك و1.125 كغ من سلفات الزنك هي الأفضل، حيث زادت الغلة البذرية بحوالي 17.66%. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن التسميد الورقي بالبورون والزنك يؤدي إلى زيادة معنوية في إنتاجية نبات الفول وتحسين مكوناته الإنتاجية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لأنها تسلط الضوء على تأثير العناصر الصغرى مثل البورون والزنك على إنتاجية الفول البلدي، وهو محصول غذائي مهم. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض النقد البناء للدراسة. أولاً، الدراسة أجريت في ظروف محددة في الساحل السوري، مما قد يجعل من الصعب تعميم النتائج على مناطق أخرى ذات ظروف مناخية وترب مختلفة. ثانياً، الدراسة استخدمت أصص بلاستيكية، وهو ما قد يختلف عن الظروف الحقلية الفعلية. لذلك، يوصى بإجراء تجارب ميدانية إضافية لتأكيد النتائج. أخيراً، يمكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تناولت تأثيرات العناصر الصغرى الأخرى بجانب البورون والزنك.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة هو تحديد تأثير التسميد الورقي بعنصري البورون والزنك على إنتاجية ومكونات نبات الفول البلدي في الساحل السوري.

  2. ما هي أفضل معاملة تم استخدامها في الدراسة؟

    أفضل معاملة كانت استخدام 0.75 كغ من حمض البوريك و1.125 كغ من سلفات الزنك، حيث أدت إلى زيادة الغلة البذرية بحوالي 17.66%.

  3. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    أوصت الدراسة باستخدام عنصري البورون والزنك رشاً على نباتات الفول وفق المعادلة السمادية المقترحة، والانتقال من التجارب في الأصص الزراعية إلى التجارب في الأرض الزراعية مباشرة، وإجراء نفس الدراسة على أصناف أخرى من الفول، والتوسع في دراسة استجابة الفول لعناصر غذائية صغرى أخرى.

  4. ما هي الفروق بين استجابة الفول للبورون والزنك؟

    كانت استجابة الفول للبورون أعلى من استجابته للزنك في جميع المؤشرات المدروسة، مما يشير إلى أهمية عنصر البورون في تحسين إنتاجية الفول.

rate research

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This research was carried out through 2015-2016 growing season belongs to the fourth stability at Gander village located on the between Homs and Damascus .The aims of this research were to study the effect of plant density on seed yield and its components of faba bean (vica faba ) and to investigate the optimum plant density of this crop in the region.
This research was carried out through 2015-2016 growing season belongs to the fourth stability at Gander village located on the between Homs and Damascus .The aims of this research were to study the effect of plant density on seed yield and its components of faba bean (vica faba ) and to investigate the optimum plant density of this crop in the region.
In a study conducted at Research Center of Dara'a, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research during two growth seasons 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. 11 faba bean (Vicia faba L.) populations were planted in an experiment designed randomize d complete blocks design with three replications. The objectives were investigation of phenotypic variance among populations studied, to determine the relationship among number of yielded branches plant -1, number of pods plant -1 , number of seeds pod -1, 10- green pod weight (g) and yield of green pods plant -1 (g) using correlation and path coefficient analysis. The combined analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among populations under study and for all characteristics studied, except number of yielded branches plant-1 where differences were only significant. The correlation and path analysis studies revealed that negative and highly significant relationship was found between number of yielded branches plant -1 and yield of green pods plant-1, while was positive and highly significant between yield of green pods plant-1 and 10-green pod weight. All direct effects of components studied were negative in both seasons, except 10-green pod weight, and these results suggested adopting the last component as a selection index during making selection of high yielding genotypes in faba bean populations. .
This research carried out in Al- Bassa village at Lattakia province during 2013-2014, to determine the effects of increasing rates of boron and zinc fertilization by foliar spraying, on root nodulation and seed yield of broad beans (Viciafaba L.). Se eds were planted in plastic pots (15 kg capacity), filled with sandy-silty soil, characterized by its poor content of boron, and represents most of lands in the region. Boron and zinc were sprayed by five increasing concentrations (Bo, B25, B50, B75 and B100) and (Zno, Zn25, Zn50, Zn75, Zn10)on broad bean plants at 33 and 65 days post-emergent. Results showed that treatments high significance than control, in termsof root length witch the best treatment was B100Zn100with 31c.m, and 2.85 g for B75Zn75 as a wight of length, on the other hand the best treatment for number of nodules was B75Zn75, 179.03 c.m, B100Zn100 was the best for height of the plant with 100.20, for protein B100Zn100 the best with 37.4%, However, boron and zinc fertilization treatment B75Zn75 is the best, economically.
This research was carried out at a special farm at Balghounis - Banias during the agricultural season 2013/14 to study the of effect plant density and variety and the interaction between them on some productivity characteristics of faba bean plant. Two faba bean varieties were used : Balady (local variety) and Italian Super Simonia (new variety in Syria). Five densities (20, 10, 6.67, 5, 4) plants/m2 were studied. A split plot design with three replications was used, in which varieties were assigned to main plots and densities to sub plots. The GenStat 12 program was used for statistical analyses. The results indicated that Balady variety significantly surpasses the Italian one in plant height during maturity stage. Also Balady variety showed a significant increase compared to Italian variety in number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant and 100- seed weight. On the other hand, Italian variety significantly surpasses the Balady one in number of seeds/pod and seed yield, and it showed a significant increase compared to Balady variety in seed weight per plant. Increasing of plant density led to an increase of plant height and a decrease of number of branches/ plant, number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod. Decreasing of plant density led to decrease of 100-seed weight and seed yield.
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