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دراسة تحليلية لخصوصية تطبيق المواصفة القياسية الدولية 2008:9001 ISO في المراكز التجارية السورية و وضع دليل إرشادي للتطبيق

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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ابن منظور لسان العرب ج1 دار المعارف القاهرة
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تم في هذا البحث دراسة الواقع الفعلي لأسلوب العمل المطبق في المخابر في بعض الجامعات السورية و مقارنته مع متطلبات المواصفة القياسية 2005 :I SO/IEC 17025لعمل على تطوير أساليب العمل تماشيا مع المواصفة.
The research aimed to measure the impact of the application of the quality management system according to ISO 9001 standards on customer satisfaction in the banking sector, and the goal of this measurement is to discover how the customers perceive th e benefits of quality management system, It also aims to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the application of this system to enhance the strengths and treat the weaknesses, and to make continuous improvement for the quality management system. In addition to this to work on developing the customer confidence in the services that are provided by the Bank.
The research problem is epitomized in substantial question abowt the weaknesses in the implementation and documentation of quality management system and work to be diagnosed and then propose corrective and preventive actions, and the chances of impro vement in the company investigated, and whether 9001: 2008 systematically evaluated ISO quality management system properly according to International Standard ISO guidelines (19011: 2002). On the basis of the above problem, this research sheds light on the measurement of the reality of the quality management of the company researched system compared to the international standard (ISO 9001: 2008) and knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses in order to adjust the process that leads to ensure continuous improvement in the work of the quality management system in the company.chosen Iraqi Drilling Company / Headquarters Am- one of the formations and the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, located in Park Sadoun area / Baghdad- has been to conduct the practical side of the research being a company which holds a quality certificate of conformity to international standard ISO (9001: 2008) of the company's International donor certificate (Viucotte), and secondly the senior management of the company's commitment to and implementation of internal audits on the quality management system in order to identify cases of non-conformity so as to find opportunities to improve quality management system and its products on an ongoing basis. The paper arrived at a set of conclusions which show that implementation of quality management in the company is by a large margin in conformity with the international standard ISO (9001: 2008), with some gaps in that the company is not guided by guidance stebs ISO (19011: 2002) when conducting internal audit on the quality system.
This research defines Khraig, whose production is restricted to Syrian coastal area. Khraig is the oil extracted from olive fruits after blanching, covered fermentation and drying. All qualitative characteristics of this oil are studied: weight, refr active index, saponification number, iodine value, ultraviolet absorption, fatty acids percentages, peroxide value and free acidity percentage determined as oleic acid. The last two parameters are found to be the main causes for the non-conformation of Khraig oil to the Syrian and International standards of virgin olive oil. Hence, it is necessary to study the effects of the abovementioned treatments of olive fruits on the produced oil. The results indicate that increasing either blanching time from five to ten minutes, or time of covered fermentation from two to three days considerably increases peroxide value of the produced Khraig oil exceeding thus the maximum limit set by the Syrian and International standards. In addition, both treatments lower oil quality by increasing its acidity. The results also show that drying olive fruits for two days instead of one day has a negative effect on oil quality by decreasing organoleptic score and increasing both acidity and peroxide value. Sun drying raises organoleptic score and decreases acidity compared to drying in the shade, but it increases peroxide value, and hence decreases the period of oil storability. There is a need for further studies of Khraig oil, especially the effects of the abovementioned processing steps on important oil constituents related to quality, nutritive value and storability such as tocopherols, sterols, and polyphenols. Likewise, the study of the desirable flavor compounds of this oil is also necessary.
The aim of the research is to determine the effect of the training programs on reducing production costs. The result is that increasing the training courses of the workers leads to reduction Production costs by reducing the number of units in the pro duction process. This is explained by the data obtained from the training records and the production cost , The study concluded that the number of participants in the training courses is small compared to the size of the factory. The most important recommendations are the need to establish a special section for training and its introduction within the organizational structure of the factory.
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