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International and legitimacy mechanisms for protecting women rights in the context of globalization

الآلیات الدولیة والشرعیة الخاصة بحمایة حقوق المرأة في ظل العولمة

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Low Sciences
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
Alkhuli , Muhammad Ali (1981). The Light of Islam , dar alfalah:amman , 3 ed ,
rate research

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Result in any State two commitments one respect for human rights and the other counter-terrorism, the source of these commitments is the international norms and conventions on the one hand and constitutional texts on the other.
تنطلق فكرة هذه الأطروحة بموضوعاتها المختلفة من مشكلات يعاني منها القانون الدولي العام تتجسد بالآتي : 1) الواقع المعاصر لمنظومة القانون الدولي العام وما يتعرض له من انتقادات وتشكيك في جدواه وخاصة في العقدين الأخيرين. 2) إسناد الثغرات التي يبديها أد اء القانون الدولي العام إلى اختلال جسيم في قواعده وضعف فعالية آلياته ، دون ملاحظة حدة التحولات التي باتت تفرض نفسها على جميع مناحي الحياة البشرية بما فيها العلاقات الدولية ، الأمر الذي انعكس بدوره على أداء القانون الدولي العام وفضاءاته التي يتحرك فيها ، دونما أن تحظى قواعده بأي فرصة لمراجعة جادة أو تعديل جوهري لمسايرة هذا الواقع الجديد . 3) طرح توجه جديد لدراسة وتحليل أداء القانون الدولي العام بفروعه المختلفة انطلاقاً من فهم حقيقي وعميق لواقعه المعاصر ، فهم يلحظ التحولات الحادة التي باتت تشهدها الساحة الدولية ، وخاصة بعدما شهده العالم من ثورة هائلة في تقنيات وسائل الاتصال ونقل المعلومات ، تعززت معها ظاهرة قديمة متجددة هي ظاهرة العولمة التي باتت تشكل عصب الحركة الرئيس لمختلف مناحي النشاط البشري السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والعسكرية ، وأصبحت تفرض بتداعياتها على تلك الميادين واقعاً دولياً جديداً يختلف بشكل جذري عن ذلك الواقع الذي كان يعيشه العالم في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين ، ونجاح مثل هذا الطرح سيعطي القانون الدولي فرصة لمراجعة جادة سواء فيما يتصل ببنيانه الموضوعي أم التنظيمي ، وبما يكفل تحسين أدائه واستدراك الثغرات التي يبديها تطبيقه مستقبلاً في مختلف ميادين العلاقات الدولية .
This research attempts to discuss the issue of the most important issues which concern to the international forums and platforms on their different backgrounds and those of Cryptography and confusion winning in the concept of international legitima cy and the credibility and the vibration of international organization that represents the backbone of the current international system. Therefore, we will explore this topic through three main axes: firstly the issue of International Polar Is it single or multi-party, and the second issue of the international legitimacy of the legal and chartered items angle, and Axis III: aspeds and manifestations of deviation winning in the international legitimacy and which led to the increase of hotspot of tension on the international stage and showed the futility and the limited role of the United Nations in finding solutions to them.
The Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is an innovative system made by the International Monetary Fund. It was coined to resolve the problem of the lack of liquidity that faced by the international community in the late sixties of the twentieth century. The system of SDR was executed with the First Amendment to the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund in 1969, although of the International dispute regarding many topics, Such as the enclosure of SDR as a key component inside the international monetary system, the legal nature of SDR, and the size and the role that it should take. Three versions of the SDRs have been produced. The latest and largest one was 161.2 billion units, which is equivalent to 250 billion USD, to be added to the earlier smaller versions. This study addresses the SDR through few points: The first one deals with the concept of SDR and the origin of its inception. The second focuses on its legal nature, and obligations of its users. The third point deals with the mechanism of the allocation of SDR. The fourth addresses the reality of the SDR, and the difference between its system and the system which is based on the dollar. The fifth and last point looks at amending the SDR system, and providing possible scenarios for its future role. ...
IN this research,I have First defined many issues, then I have tried to explain globalization being the out come of a self power , including its continuation. I have also shed light on the comprehensive side of globalization through the complex inter relation among human Beings on the cultural , individual , institutional and social level. I have tried to focus on two main points. First, Globalization is an attempt to gather the world states and their different regions in one entity , This is known as a small village. Second, I have focused on the dimensions of globalization and our awarcness of it , because this movement makes us engaged in one state , called "the global society" .
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