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تقييم فعالية بعض المخصبات العضوية في نمو البندورة وكمية الإنتاج ونوعيته تحت ظروف الزراعة المحمية

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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المجموعة الإحصائية الزراعية السنوية (2010) الحمهورية العربية السورية وزراة الزراعة والإصلاح الزراعي مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط قسم الإحصاء
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The research aims to study the effect of certain organic and amino compounds in the growth and production of tomato under green houses conditions.Hulay F1 hybrid tomato and two organic commercial vehicles differing in composition Hupost and Boldo uzerwere used.The experiment done in a way randomized complete blocks designed , with three replicates per treatment , and 10 plants per replicate . Seedlings WERE Prepared in beet moss using trays of Alstrepor inside the greenhouses.
This research aimsto study the effect of single and mixed infection of Potato Y Virus (PVY) and Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV) on the number of leaves, number of branches, plant height and stem circumference of tomato plants (cv.Elegro and Local). The ex periment was carried out in 2012 in a greenhouse in Tartous. Results show that the interactions in both varieties to virus infections are different. The mixed infections cause slight and weak effects compared to single infections. This is probably due to the antagonistic relationship between Potato Y virus and Cucumber mosaic virus and their effects on mean number of leaves, mean number of branches, mean height of plants, and mean stem circumference. Tomato plants' stems were (Elegro 106.42, 16.75, 103.58 cm, 4.84cm.; Local 94.42,15, 87.17 cm, 4.59 cm, respectively). Consequently, the timing of mixed infection playsarole in appearance, development and effect on other viruses.
This search was carried out in Abi Garash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University to study the efficiency of using “Agerton” as a fertiliser; either by irrigation or a foliar spry on tomato seedling. Four varieties were used (Astona, Tyr ad, E26 and Local). Results showed that the treatment by the fertilizer resulted in an increase in growth thorough the plant length increasing. This increase was about 1.1 and 1.2 folds for all varieties and types of treatment (irrigation and foliar spry), as compared to the control. Moreover, the using of fertilizer led to a significant increase in the yield of plant, which increased by 1.2 and 1.5 in Astona; 1.2 and 1.4 in E26, 2.2 and 2.3 in Local and 1.5 and 2 in Tyrade, for the treatment of irrigation and foliar spry, respectively.
The experiment was carried out at Jableh region during 2012-2013 in two green houses to study the effects of using the bumble bees and organic carbon to improve flower set and yield of tomato hybrid Dalloula . The experiment included three treatmen ts : natural pollination (control) ,flowers pollination by organic carbon, and flowers pollination by bumble bees . The first and second treatments were applied in the first green house , and the third treatment was applied in the second green house . Results showed that the bumble bees treatment produced significantly the highest percentage of flower set and yield than the other treatments . Flower set of tomato over 10 clusters was 89.8% , 83.7% , 39.2% for bumble bees treatment, organic carbon treatment, and control , respectively. The highest yield (22 kg/m2)was obtained from bumble bees treatment . Flowers pollinated by bumble bees gave fruits that looked better in shape , size and color ,and with higher weights . In the bumble bee pollinated flowers , the quality of fruits was superior for vitamin C , sugar and acidity .
The aim of this study was to test the effeciency of some organic and bio fertilizers in improving the seeds germination and transplants growth of pepper Capsicum annum L. local variaty" Qorn Algazal":by using two commercial compounds; organic (Hube st) and one bio (EMI) fertilizers. Two experiments were used; the aim of the first was to study the effect of these fertilizers on germination of seeds in Petri dishes and plastic peatmoss peds. Whereas the aim of the second experiment was to evaluate the effect of the fertilizers on the pepper transplants growth that prepared in the 5 * 5 Striopor peatmoss plates placed in un warmed plastic tunnel. The results showed that the soaking of pepper seeds in the tested fertilizers, provoked and the germination increased the seeds, vigor, with a significant performance of the bio fertilizer. The results also showed that the treated transplants with the tested fertilizers gave an increase of the transplants growth ratio (the height, leaves number and foliar surface area, the dry and wet weight) with a significance superiority of the bio fertilizer.

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