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Screening Sorghum Varieties Under Different Climatic Conditions in the Central Highlands of Yemen

غربلة أصناف من الذرة الرفيعة تحت ظروف مناخية مختلفة في المرتفعات الوسطى من اليمن

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Field Crops
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study was carried out at Central Highlands Research Farm, in Yemen, during 2014 and 2015 seasons, to study the adaptation of five sorghum varieties introduced from (ICBA) and local variety (white sorghum) against climate changes, to obtain good quantity and high forage yield varieties. RCBD design with three replications was used.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم تكيف خمسة أصناف من الذرة الرفيعة المدخلة من (إكبا) مقارنة بالصنف المحلي (ذرة بيضاء) تحت تأثير التغيرات المناخية في المرتفعات الوسطى باليمن خلال عامي 2014 و2015. تم استخدام تصميم القطاعات الكاملة العشوائية (RCBD) بثلاث مكررات. أظهرت النتائج تأثيرًا معنويًا للأصناف والسنوات والتفاعل بينهما على معظم الصفات المدروسة باستثناء عدد الأوراق في النبات. تفوقت الأصناف المحسنة على الصنف المحلي في عدد الأيام حتى 50% من التزهير، وطول السلامية، وطول النبات، وحاصل العلف الأخضر والجاف. بينما تفوق الصنف المحلي في قطر الساق. كانت سنة 2015 أفضل من حيث إنتاج العلف الأخضر والجاف مقارنة بسنة 2014. يوصى بزراعة الأصناف Sweit Jumbo وSupine Dan في اليمن لتحقيق إنتاجية عالية من العلف الأخضر والجاف.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة في سياق تحسين إنتاجية العلف في ظل التغيرات المناخية. ومع ذلك، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تم تضمين المزيد من المتغيرات البيئية مثل نوعية التربة ومستويات الرطوبة. كما أن الاعتماد على سنتين فقط من البيانات قد لا يكون كافيًا لتعميم النتائج على المدى الطويل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن تقديم توصيات أكثر تفصيلًا حول كيفية تحسين إدارة المحاصيل لتحقيق أفضل النتائج.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية لهذه الدراسة؟

    تهدف الدراسة إلى تقييم تكيف خمسة أصناف من الذرة الرفيعة المدخلة من (إكبا) مقارنة بالصنف المحلي (ذرة بيضاء) تحت تأثير التغيرات المناخية في المرتفعات الوسطى باليمن، بهدف الحصول على أصناف ذات إنتاجية عالية من العلف الأخضر والجاف.

  2. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    أظهرت النتائج تفوق الأصناف المحسنة على الصنف المحلي في عدد الأيام حتى 50% من التزهير، وطول السلامية، وطول النبات، وحاصل العلف الأخضر والجاف. بينما تفوق الصنف المحلي في قطر الساق. وكانت سنة 2015 أفضل من حيث إنتاج العلف الأخضر والجاف مقارنة بسنة 2014.

  3. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    يوصى بزراعة الأصناف Sweit Jumbo وSupine Dan في اليمن لتحقيق إنتاجية عالية من العلف الأخضر والجاف. كما يوصى بتنفيذ مزيد من الدراسات حول دراسة الكفاءة الإنتاجية للأصناف المبشرة في الزراعة الواسعة وفي حقول المزارعين، ودراسة الصفات النوعية التي تحدد القيمة الغذائية للعلف.

  4. ما هي الانتقادات المحتملة لهذه الدراسة؟

    قد تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تم تضمين المزيد من المتغيرات البيئية مثل نوعية التربة ومستويات الرطوبة. كما أن الاعتماد على سنتين فقط من البيانات قد لا يكون كافيًا لتعميم النتائج على المدى الطويل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن تقديم توصيات أكثر تفصيلًا حول كيفية تحسين إدارة المحاصيل لتحقيق أفضل النتائج.

References used
Ahmed, F.E.; and A.O.A. Hussein (2011). Genotype X seed production environment interaction on the performance of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) under irrigation. Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2(4): 610-615
Akhtar, M.; and S.K. Nadaf (2001). Scientific production of field crops in Oman. Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries. Sultanate of Oman. Pp 87
AL-Doss, A.A. (2007). Effect of cutting frequency on forage yield and regrowth characteristics of non-dormant Alfalfa, Dep. Of plant production, king saud Univ. P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh
rate research

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The experiment was conducted at the Research Station of Middle Heights, during 2014 and 2015 seasons. Three varieties of Quinoa were used i.e. Ames 13762, NSL 106398 and Ames 137, which were introduced from International Center for Bio Saline Agri culture (ICBA), and they were selected out of five varieties that were grown as observation lines in 2013, to get one variety, high forage and grain yields, also suitable for the local conditions. RCBD design with four replications was used. The traits that were studied were: Earliness, plant height, flowering at 50%, green forage, grain and dry matter yields. Results indicated that there were highly significant (p≤0.01) differences between seasons and varieties in respect to plant height, green forage, dry matter and grain yields. While, no significant effect for the interaction between varieties and seasons overall growth performances.
We conducted an assessment of some of the phenological characteristics and morphological and productivity of the six genotypes of lentils, namely, (Idlib 1, Idlib 2, Idlib 3, Idlib 4, balade, Kurdi), using some statistical indicators in conditions Sermin region, located around 25 km from the province of Idlib,
This investigation was carried out in the fields and laboratories of Pome and Grapevine Department, GCSAR/Syria, on some apple varieties i.e. Richared, Mutsu and Tourly Winsap to determine the optimal harvest date and its effect on storability. Fr uits were harvested in (16/9, 26/9, 7/10, 17/10 and 30/10) depending on physical and chemical maturity indicators, and stored with the study of changing in quality indicators and weight lost monthly. The results showed that the studied varieties differed in their storability according to harvest date, Richared fruits in 26/9 showed long storage for seven months with weight loss of 4.9%, fruit firmness 6.4 kg/cm2, and 18.7% TSS. While the storability was six months for Mutsu fruits which harvested in 7/10 with weight loss of 4.4%, and fruit firmness 6.1 kg/cm2, and finally, Tourly Winsap fruits which were stored for five months in 7 and 17/10 harvest dates with fruit firmness 5.1 kg/cm2. Moreover, the three varieties were able to storage for three months when harvested in 30/10 with weight loss of 3.3%, 4.4% and 4.5% in Tourly Winsap, Richared and Mutsu respectively, which considered as consuming maturity for these varieties. These results indicated to the various storage periods according to fruits harvest time, and the storability, which assists in regulating offer and demand, and providing markets with fruits for long period, however harvesting at optimal time reducing the total weight loss, in addition to high quality indicators.
A field experiment was conducted during the two consecutive growing seasons (2010/2011 and 2011/2012) at Ezra’ Research Station/Deraa/Syria in order to evaluate the role of some agricultural practices in improving the performance of four wheat vari eties (Acsad1105, Acsad1229, Acsad885 and Acsad901) under rainfed conditions. The experiment was laid according to factorial randomized complete block-split design with three replications. The mean average of early vigor, flag leaf area, peduncle length and leaf area index was significantly higher during the first growing season for the wheat variety (Acsad901) at the first planting date with a nitrogen amount of (150 kgN. Hectar1), and when nitrogen fertilizers were added twice (1.6-2.5, 53.4cm2, 16.3cm, 1.20 respectively). The mean average of the same studied aspects, however, was significantly lower during the second growing season in the case of the variety Acsad855 with regards to the early vigor, as well as in the case of the variety Acsad1129 in the case of the leaf area Flag at a late planting date, and without nitrogen fertilizers (3.6 4.5, 3.3 cm, 0.18, 16.6 cm2 respectively). The mean average of the grain yield was significantly higher during the first growing season for two wheat varieties (Acsad901, Acsad1229) at the first planting date, nitrogen rate 200 kgN. Ha-1, and when nitrogen fertilizers were added twice (660.4, 631.1 g.m-2 respectively), while it was significantly lower during the second growing season for the variety Acsad1105, at a late planting date, and without nitrogen fertilizers (127 g.m-2). Optimizing some important cultural practices helps increasing wheat grain yield by improving morpho-physiological traits related to yield particularly the size of source photo synthise (Leaf Area Index, Flag leaf area). The response of astivum wheat variety was better compared to durum wheat. This shows the importance of improving crop mangment factors in order to reach the maximum potential yield.
This study was carried out in the nursery gardens of Tishreen University in the early spring period in 2014, to study the effect of different levels of dry organic manure in the growth and productivity of potato plants (class Spunta), in randomized complete design, study included six treatments: control ( cow organic manure amount of 4 kg/m2) and five treatment with five levels of dry organic manure (100-150-200-250-300 g/m2) .The results showed an increase in stem height, number of stem, foliage area, production and percent of standard tubers by adding dry organic manure at level of 250 g/m2 while Treatment with 300g/m2 contributed an increase of folige area, height of plant and stem number while causing reduced plant production,tuber average weight and production of standard tubers.The result showed also no significant differences between the control and the treatment of 250 g/m2dry organic manure in each of the folige area, production and standard tubers
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