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Productivity Evaluation of Three Introduced Quinoa Varieties under Central Highlands Conditions in Yemen

تقييم الإنتاجية لثلاثة أصناف مدخلة من الكينوا تحت ظروف المرتفعات الوسطى في اليمن

1149   1   1   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Field Crops
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The experiment was conducted at the Research Station of Middle Heights, during 2014 and 2015 seasons. Three varieties of Quinoa were used i.e. Ames 13762, NSL 106398 and Ames 137, which were introduced from International Center for Bio Saline Agriculture (ICBA), and they were selected out of five varieties that were grown as observation lines in 2013, to get one variety, high forage and grain yields, also suitable for the local conditions. RCBD design with four replications was used. The traits that were studied were: Earliness, plant height, flowering at 50%, green forage, grain and dry matter yields. Results indicated that there were highly significant (p≤0.01) differences between seasons and varieties in respect to plant height, green forage, dry matter and grain yields. While, no significant effect for the interaction between varieties and seasons overall growth performances.

References used
Galwey, N.W. (1993). The potential of quinoa as a multipurpose crop for agricultural diversification. a review. Ind. Crops Prod., 1(1):101–106
Geerts, S.; D. Raes; M.G. Mendoza and J. Huanca (2008). Indicators to quantify the flexible phenology of quinoa )Chenopodium quinoa Willd ( in response to drought stress. Field Crop. Res., )6(150: 108 . Doi/10.1016:j.fcr.2008.04.008
Jacobsen, S.E. (1997). Adaptation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) to Northern European agriculture: studies on developmental pattern. Euphytica. 96:41–48
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The research was performed in AL-Gab region, Hama Province during the agricultural season 2012-2013. The investigation was carried out to assess five varieties of muskmelon from central Asia "Gezel Zametsha, Ak Gorbek, Pakeraman, Kara Kaon, Ak Kash ", plus control (Ananas Hollar) The results showed that two varieties "Ak Kash and Kara Kaon " had better leaf area, while the variety of "Ak Gorbek" had more number of feminine blossoms on the plant and higher percentage of node blooms. "Kara Kaon" Which gave high productivity 6850 Kg/Dunm in comparison with the control 4724 Kg/Dunm to "Ananas Hollar". A strong Correlation link had been found out between the area of leaf surface and productivity. The number of feminine blossoms and the percentage of the node productive blooms. But a strong negative link was found between the number of picked fruit and average weight of the fruit.
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