يشكل تقييم سعة التقاطعات المنظمة بإشارات ضوئية أحد أهم الأسس المستخدمة في تخطيط و تصميم و تشغيل و إدارة شبكة الشوارع في المدن، و يعتمد حساب السعة على تقدير قيمة غزارة الإشباع على التقاطعات المنظمة بإشارات ضوئية.
يتم استخدام طريقة دليل سعة الطرق السريعة الأمريكي (HCM2010) في تقدير و تحليل غزارة الإشباع، و هذه الطريقة مستخدمة بشكل واسع في دول العالم و منها سوريا، و لكن هذا الدليل يعبر عن الظروف المحلية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، و لذلك قد لا يكون مناسباً لاستخدامه في ظروفنا المحلية.
يتناول هذا البحث تقدير غزارة الإشباع حقلياً بالاعتماد على الفواصل بين العربات ضمن الأرتال، و مقارنة النتائج الحقلية لغزارة الإشباع مع القيم الناتجة عن استخدام طريقة HCM. تم اجراء الدراسة على ثلاث تقاطعات في مدينة طرطوس، و استند التحليل على تجميع البيانات باستخدام الفيديو. أكدت النتائج النهائية أن هناك اختلاف بين القيمة الحقلية لغزارة الإشباع و القيمة الحسابية، مما يؤكد عدم امكانية استخدامها لظروفنا المحلية.
The evaluation of the capacity of signalized intersections is one of the most important
parameter used in the planning, design, operation and management of urban street
networks. The calculation of capacity depends on the estimation of the saturation flow of
the signalized intersections.
The highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010) is used to estimate and analyze the saturation
flow. This method is widely used in many countries around the world, including Syria. It
reflects the local conditions in the United States of America; therefore it may not be
suitable for use in our local conditions.
This study includes estimation of the field saturation flow depending on the headways
between the vehicles in the queues, and comparing the field results of the saturation flow
with the values resulting from using the HCM. The study was conducted on three
intersections in the Tartous city. The analysis was based on data collection using video.
The final results confirmed that there is a clear difference between the field measurement
of the saturation flow and computation value, Which confirms that it cannot be used for
our local conditions.
References used
TRB. Highway Capacity Manual. Fifth Edition, Transportation Research Board of National Academics, Washington, D.C, 2010, 859-870
RAHMAN,M; HASSAN,T; AHMED,N.S. comparison of saturation flow rate at signalized intersections in Yokohama and Dhaka. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, 2005, 2-3
RAJGOR,B.T; PATEL,K.A; GUNDALIYA,J.P. Development of Saturation Flow Rate Model for Heterogeneous Traffic at Urban Signalized Intersection. International journal of innovative research in technology, Volume 2 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002, 2016,1-3
Evaluation of present and future traffic situation is carried out for estimating the level of service through a lot of traffic indicators (such as Saturation Flow, capacity, delay and travel time), but all these indicators are based primarily on the
Low frequency shadows is one of hydrocarbons indicators. It can be
detected by means of a time-frequency decomposition which can provide higher
frequency resolution at lower frequencies and higher time resolution at higher
frequencies. This is des
This research focuses on optimising the traffic control at ( Al-
TARBYA) signalised intersection in Homs city to improve its
capacity and the Level Of Service (LOS).
The importance of this research comes from analysing the
movement of vehicles, p
The laws and regulations of urban basic tools affecting the achievement and sustainability of development
objectives, master plans; what imposes controls and standards, regulating urban resource product
material, amount beauty, and determine the le
Bridges are important and vital structures that provide communication between
different regions. Due to their importance, their design has had a great attention throughout
the world, as evidenced by the continuous development of seismic design code