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Study of Psychometric properties of Burks Behavior Rating Scale one a Sample of First Stage Students of Basic Teaching

دراسة الخصائص السيكومترية لمقياس بيركس لتقدير السلوك لدى عينة من تلاميذ الحلقة الأولى من التعليم الأساسي

1879   0   111   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims to studying the psychometric properties of the Arabic version of Burks Behavior Rating Scale (BBRS) in the Syrian environment through using varied methods in studying the scale validity and reliability depending on estimating the behavior of a sample of first stage basic teaching students in Damascus governorate, where the sample consisted of (360) students.

References used
Abbas, Mohammed Khalil, Nofal, Mohammed Bakr, Al-Absi, Mohammed Mustafa and Abu Awad, Freya L. Mohammed. (2007): Introduction to Research Methods in Education and Psychology, Dar Al Masirah For Publishing, Distribution and Printing, Amman
Allam, Salahuddin Mahmoud. (2002). Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, Dar Al-Fikr Al- Arabi, Cairo
Aqel, Mahmoud Atta. (2000). Psychological and Educational Counseling, Dar Al-Khuraiji for Publishing and Distribution, Riyadh
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This study aims to extract the psychometric properties of the Adolescent edition of Toulouse self-esteem scale. The scale was translated from French to Arabic and it was introduced to a set of Arabic language specialists to ensure good paraphrasing , and then it was back-translated to the original language (the French) to ensure the accuracy of the translation. The Scale was implemented on a random sample consisting of 466 adolescents in Lattakia city. The study results indicate a high level of validity of the scale and high degree scale of reliability identical with the statistical indicators to of the French version of the scale. Subsequently, hypothesis were tested to check whether there is a difference between male and female scores on the scale. Differences in the dimension of the social self were found. The research concluded to suggest the need for further studies on the scale in different environments and the need of using it in educational and psychological fields.
This study aims at studying the factors affecting the appearance of mathematical learning disabilities with pupils of the first cycle of basic education from the viewpoint of the female teachers of basic education science, and ways to solve them. It also aims at defining to which extent the qualification of these teachers affect the ways they teach such pupils. This study also opens horizons of knowledge to deal the pupils properly. This study uses the analytical descriptive method to investigate the reality of mathematical learning disabilities facing pupils of the first cycle of Basic Education, as well as studying the factors casing the rise of this phenomenon with such population and how to avoid them.
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