هدفت الدراسة إلى تعرف درجة الحاجة لامتلاك مهارات الأداء التدريسي الإبداعي في
الحلقة الأولى من التعليم الأساسي من وجهة نظر المعلمين، تم تصميم استبانة تتألف من ( 26 ) بنداً تم تطبيقها على عينة عشوائية من معلمي الحلقة الأولى بلغت ( 115 )
معلماً بنسبة 10 % من المجتمع الأصلي للدراسة.
The study aimed at identifying the need to possess creative teaching
skills in the first cycle of basic education from the point of view of
the teachers. A questionnaire consisting of (26) items applied to a
random sample of the teachers of the first seminar was designed
(115) teachers by 10%.
References used
Grainger, Teresa.; Barnes, Jonathon.; Scofeham, Stephen. (2004). A Creative Cocktail : creative teaching in initial teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, Vol. 30, No. 3, November 2004
Kim, Younghoon.; Grabowski, Barbara.; Song, Hae- Deok.(2003). Science Teachers Perspectives of Web- Enhanced Problem-Based Learning Environment: A Qualitative Enquiry. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, April 21-25,2003
Scott, Katherine(2005) teachers experiences of implementing a motor skills programme.master of educational psychology( medpsych). Stellenbosch university
The aim of the research is to identify the difficulties of teaching
scientific values and developing them in the curricula of the first
cycle of basic education from the point of view of the teachers
related to the teacher and the student and the curriculum and the
educational environment. The researcher followed the analytical
descriptive method, using a questionnaire addressed to a sample of
the teachers of the first seminar in the schools of Damascus.
The aim of the research is to identify the difficulties of teaching
scientific values and developing them in the curricula of the first
cycle of basic education from the point of view of the teachers
related to the teacher and the student and the curriculum and the
educational environment. The researcher followed the analytical
descriptive method, using a questionnaire addressed to a sample of
the teachers of the first seminar in the schools of Damascus.
The current research aims to find out the The availability range
of creative thinking skills in the scheduled books of "Arabic Is My
Language"on the first episode students of basic education from
their teachers point of view. The researcher follow
The level of practice of teachers in first sycle from basic
education to their roles about developing collecting informations
skills at their pupils from teachers, point of view.
For that a questionnaire designed consists of (30) items to
The research aimed to identify the degree of employing
constructivist teaching methods by classroom teachers in the first cycle
of basic education, and to know the differences among the research
sample individuals in the degree of employing these