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Capitalism Globalization and its Historical Stages (Critical analytical approach)

العولمة الرأسمالية و مراحلها التاريخية (مقاربة تحليلية نقدية)

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Sociology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to solve one of the most complex issues of sociology of development and social change, not to mention the dismantling of one of the most important issues of sociology and sociology of culture. The issue of capitalist globalization and its historical stages of development, as well as the question of whether, especially at its new stage of development, it is a global system or global anarchy? Capitalism, by its structural logic, is not an antistatic system; it is a dynamic system open to shifting and shifting historical horizons. They have been deported at various stages, to a large extent, at the level of form or appearance, although they remain captive to content and one structural logic. As such, in the light of the recent results of the research, we have called for serious action to build a truly new world order based on the rules of pluralism, justice and democracy, as another system replacing the world order based on unilateralism, hegemony and dictatorship.

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Research summary
يهدف البحث إلى حل واحدة من أعقد مسائل سوسيولوجيا التنمية والتغير الاجتماعي، وهي مسألة العولمة الرأسمالية ومراحل صيرورتها التاريخية. يناقش البحث ما إذا كانت العولمة الرأسمالية في مرحلتها الجديدة نظاماً عالمياً أم فوضى عالمية؟ ويشير إلى أن الرأسمالية ليست نظاماً استاتيكياً بل ديناميكي يتغير عبر التاريخ. يدعو البحث إلى بناء نظام عالمي جديد يقوم على قواعد التعددية والعدالة والديمقراطية بدلاً من النظام القائم على الأحادية والهيمنة والدكتاتورية. يتناول البحث مراحل تطور الرأسمالية بدءاً من الاستعمار الأوروبي للأمريكتين وصولاً إلى الإمبريالية الحديثة والشركات المتعددة الجنسيات. كما يناقش تأثير العولمة الرأسمالية على البلدان المتخلفة ودورها في تعزيز الاستقطاب العالمي. يختتم البحث بالدعوة إلى مواجهة النظام العالمي الحالي والعمل على بناء نظام جديد أكثر عدالة وديمقراطية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يقدم البحث تحليلاً عميقاً وشاملاً لمراحل تطور العولمة الرأسمالية وتأثيراتها على النظام العالمي. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول إن البحث يفتقر إلى تقديم حلول عملية واضحة لكيفية تحقيق النظام العالمي الجديد المقترح. كما أن التركيز الكبير على الجانب السلبي للعولمة قد يغفل بعض الفوائد الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية التي قد تجلبها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن يكون البحث أكثر توازناً إذا تناول أيضاً تجارب ناجحة لبعض البلدان في التعامل مع تحديات العولمة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية للبحث؟

    الأهداف الرئيسية للبحث هي تحليل مراحل تطور العولمة الرأسمالية وتحديد ما إذا كانت نظاماً عالمياً أم فوضى عالمية، والدعوة إلى بناء نظام عالمي جديد يقوم على التعددية والعدالة والديمقراطية.

  2. ما هي المنهجية التي اعتمدها الباحث في دراسة العولمة الرأسمالية؟

    اعتمد الباحث على المنهج الجدلي التاريخي لدراسة العولمة الرأسمالية، نظراً لأنها ظاهرة تاريخية شاملة ومتحركة تحرك التاريخ نفسه.

  3. ما هي المراحل التاريخية التي مرت بها الرأسمالية وفقاً للبحث؟

    مرت الرأسمالية بمراحل تاريخية متعددة بدءاً من الاستعمار الأوروبي للأمريكتين، مروراً بالمرحلة الإمبريالية، وصولاً إلى مرحلة الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات والعولمة الحديثة.

  4. ما هي الدعوة التي يختتم بها الباحث بحثه؟

    يختتم الباحث بحثه بالدعوة إلى العمل الجاد لبناء نظام عالمي جديد يقوم على قواعد التعددية والعدالة والديمقراطية، بدلاً من النظام الحالي القائم على الأحادية والهيمنة والدكتاتورية.

References used
LENIN , F. Collected Works. Progress Press ,Moscow ,1963 , 207
HIRST, P. Globalization In Question .2nd ed., Polity Press, London, 2001, 363
KENNEDY , P. The Rise & Fall of The Greet Pours. Random House ,New York, 1992, 166
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There are many views on the question of the logic and mechanisms of historical development of human society; visions and answers vary, to the extent of total conflict sometimes, on other issues that relate organically to the first question, perhaps the most prominent of which is the general picture of the historical evolution diagram, Sequentially spherical stages, as well as the question of the so-called nation or the multiple nations that alternately lead the ship of the evolution of human society in general. This is where the sharp contrast between the two theories of the so-called equal evolution and the unequal historical evolution as a problem from which the research begins and ends with emphasis on the credibility of the last thesis and on highlighting a large and dangerous part of the ideological manipulation and blindness of the first thesis. The latter, which is one of the moss serious thesis of European orientalism and the pervasive wooden understanding of the original thought of Marxist origin.
This research aims to analyze the criticism if ibn khaldun's thought in four fields: the speech of ibn kaldun, the distinction theory, ibn kaldun's approach and the state theory, in order to show the logical and illogical in them and to provide re sponse depending on contexts from ibn khaldun's heritage. The research shows that a large part of the criticism is unfair and biased as critics depended on trends un the 14th century that did not understand terminology. Criticism should take into consideration that it was written seven centuries ago and that Ibn Khaldon's writing are a witness to Arab and Islamic scientific achievements, among them the discovery of Sociology as a hew science.
The study of clients creditworthiness aims to identify the aspects that may lead the client to a tumble in the future in the credit and burdens repayment, which requires an advance specific of the factors affecting it, and in order to avoid the ris ks that may occur in the future and lead to tripping, this paper seeks to study the most important factors of creditworthiness, and analysis to financial and personal factors, and determine the impact of these factors on creditworthiness. The researcher depended on the descriptive analytical approach in the presentation of the creditworthiness models, and to study and analysis of financial and personal factors in order to identify the most affecting factors in the creditworthiness of the credit clients. The researcher has reached to set of results, most important to analysis the creditworthiness factors to personal factors such as reputation, relationship with the lender and other banks, and the relationship with sovereign entities, and financial factors such as studying statements and financial ratios and predict financial failure. The most important recommendations of the paper the need to divide the creditworthiness factors to personal and financial factors in any model is proposed to assess creditworthiness. some personal factors such as reputation belongs to personal factors and predict financial failure belongs to financial factors will determine the value using a dualism [0,1], and any model creditworthiness must include most important personal factors which in addition to a reputable, relationship with banks and sovereign entities, and query the banking, and that the guarantees not be a starting point for grants in any case, the starting point should be in the purpose of the loan, and that the field visit attaches great importance to the strengthening of the credibility of the financial statements of the client, and interest in analyzing cash flows to be synchronized between the payment of premiums and inflows.
IN this research,I have First defined many issues, then I have tried to explain globalization being the out come of a self power , including its continuation. I have also shed light on the comprehensive side of globalization through the complex inter relation among human Beings on the cultural , individual , institutional and social level. I have tried to focus on two main points. First, Globalization is an attempt to gather the world states and their different regions in one entity , This is known as a small village. Second, I have focused on the dimensions of globalization and our awarcness of it , because this movement makes us engaged in one state , called "the global society" .
This research is an attempt to approach the concept of social capital and clarify its importance, dimensions and prosperities. The study concentrates mainly on the role of social capital in the process of enhancing different aspects of political a nd economic development. Social capital contributes greatly in explaining the success and achievements of steady development. At the economic level of development, social capital participates in the growth and increase of production. At the social level of development, social capital contributes to the process of finding solutions for many social problems through cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and experience. Politically speaking, social capital is considered the conjunction and relation that connects members of society with civil social foundations, especially with the dimension of trust. Social capital is an important mechanism of collaboration between members of society dealing transparently with each other

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