هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد أثر محددات كفاية رأس المال المصرفي على العائد على
حقوق الملكية كمؤشر على أداء المصارف التجارية السورية ، و تطوير نموذج قياسي
يستند إلى التحليل المالي للقوائم المالية المنشورة للبنوك السورية، من خلال تحليل البيانات
المالية لمتغيرات الدراسة المتمثلة في مخاطر السيولة، مخاطر الائتمان، مخاطر رأس
المال، مخاطر سعر الفائدة، معدّل القوة الإيرادية، و ذلك لجميع المصارف التجارية
المدرجة في سوق دمشق للأوراق المالية و عددها 11 مصرف عبر سلسلة زمنية ممتدة
من عام 2011 و حتى عام 2015 ، و الخروج بتوصيات تساعد إدارات هذه البنوك على
تطوير أدائها المصرفي.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the
determinants of capital adequacy on the return on equity as an
indicator of the performance of Syrian commercial banks and to
develop a standard model based on the financial analysis of published
financial statements of Syrian banks. Credit risk, capital risk, interest
rate risk, and IRP for all listed commercial banks listed on the
Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) over a period of time extending
from 2011 to 2015, and making recommendations that help the banks
to develop their banking performance.
References used
Abddel Kareem, Naser, Abu Salah, Mustafa. (2007). Operational Risks according to Basell I Requirements. A study of its nature and methods of its management in Banks operating in Palestine, paper presented at the fifth scientific Annual Conference, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Abu Zeiter. (2006). Factors Affecting commercial banks profitability in Palestine (1997 – 2004).Unpublished master thesis. Islamic university. Gaza
Alexander, Carol _ Sheedy , Elizabeth. (2008). the Professional Risk Management Guide To Finance Theory Application. PRMIA, USA
The objective of this study is to determine the determinants of
capital adequacy affecting the degree of bank hedging of Syrian
commercial banks, and to develop a standard model based on the
financial analysis of the published financial statements
This study aims to recognize the determinants of capital adequacy in
Syrian private banks listed in Damascus stock exchange. Through
review of main theoretical and empirical research, six factors were
chosen such as: credit risk, interest rate ris
This study aims to identify the relation and the impact of capital adequacy
determinants on the capital adequacy and banking hedging in the Syrian Arab republic. To
achieve this, data were collected from two sources, which included bank's financial
This study deals with analysis and discussion the impact of
capital risk, credit risk, operational risk and liquidity risk on
capital adequacy at Byblos Bank, Through analyze its financial
statements of the variables of the study, By Using simple
The formation of optimal capital structure is considered as one of the
most difficult challenges that face management at banks, by exploring
the capital structure at Syrian private banks, the researcher noticed that
Syrian private banks depend on