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Study of Mechanical intestinal obstruction causes and methods of diagnosis in adults

دراسة أسباب الانسدادات المعوية الميكانيكية و طرق تشخيصها عند البالغين

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to make a statistical approach to the causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction by its incidence and demonstrating the importance of early diagnosis in improving the outcome of management. The study included 287 adults patient admitted in the department of surgery at ALASSAD University Hospital in Lattakia, due to mechanical intestinal obstruction, from the beginning of January 2010 until the end of August 2015.186 of patients were males and 101 were females. The obstruction was in the small bowel at 253 patients, while there were 34 cases in the large bowel. The patients ages were between 21-88 years and almost half of the patients were in their third and fourth decades of life. The most important symptom was stopping the release of gas and feces and was found in 86.7% of cases. The abdomen X-ray was the most diagnostic procedure we used, it was done for 98% of patients. Adhesions were the most common cause of intestinal obstruction (73.51%), it followed by hernias (12.19%), tumors (6.28%), while the rest of the reasons like volvulus, intussusception, Crohn's disease and diverticulitis were amounted (8%) of patients.

References used
TAYLOR, M. R; LALANI, N. Adult small bowel obstruction. Acad Emerg Med North Am,U.S.A.Vol.225, N0.2,2013,28-44
CAPPELL, M.S; BATKE, M. Mechanical obstruction of the small bowel and colon. Med Clin North Am, U.S.A. Vol. 92,N0.3,2008, 97-575
RUBESIN,S.E; GORE, R.M. Small bowel obstruction. Textbook of gastrointestinal radiology. 4th edition, Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2015, 26-806

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة أسباب الانسدادات المعوية الميكانيكية وطرق تشخيصها عند البالغين، حيث تم تحليل بيانات 287 مريضًا بالغًا تم قبولهم في قسم الجراحة في مستشفى الأسد الجامعي باللاذقية بين يناير 2010 وأغسطس 2015. كان الهدف من البحث هو إجراء مقاربة إحصائية لأسباب الانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي حسب شيوعها وتبيان أهمية التشخيص الباكر في تحسين نتائج التدبير. أظهرت النتائج أن الالتصاقات كانت السبب الأكثر شيوعًا للانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي بنسبة 73.51%، تلتها الفتوق بنسبة 12.19%، ثم الأورام بنسبة 6.28%. كانت صورة البطن البسيطة بوضعية الوقوف هي الوسيلة التشخيصية الأكثر استخدامًا بنسبة 98%. كما أظهرت الدراسة أن التشخيص الباكر والتدخل الجراحي السريع يمكن أن يقلل من نسبة المراضة والوفيات المرتبطة بالانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة قيمة نظرًا لأنها تقدم تحليلًا شاملاً لأسباب الانسدادات المعوية الميكانيكية وطرق تشخيصها. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض النقد البنّاء لتحسين الدراسة. أولاً، كان من الممكن تضمين عينة أكبر من المرضى لزيادة دقة النتائج. ثانيًا، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ الفروقات بين الجنسين في أسباب الانسداد المعوي. ثالثًا، كان من الممكن تقديم توصيات أكثر تفصيلًا حول كيفية تحسين التشخيص والعلاج في المستقبل. وأخيرًا، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ تأثير العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية على نتائج العلاج.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا للانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي حسب الدراسة؟

    الالتصاقات بنسبة 73.51%، الفتوق بنسبة 12.19%، والأورام بنسبة 6.28%.

  2. ما هي الوسيلة التشخيصية الأكثر استخدامًا في تشخيص الانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي؟

    صورة البطن البسيطة بوضعية الوقوف، حيث استخدمت بنسبة 98%.

  3. ما هو تأثير التشخيص الباكر على نتائج التدبير للانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي؟

    التشخيص الباكر يمكن أن يقلل من نسبة المراضة والوفيات المرتبطة بالانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي.

  4. ما هي الفئات العمرية الأكثر عرضة للانسداد المعوي الميكانيكي حسب الدراسة؟

    الفئات العمرية من 18 إلى 50 سنة، حيث شكلت حوالي ثلثي الحالات.

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If it is not cracked then it is not working. This statement is the actual result of difference between tension strength of concrete and tension strength of steel in concrete structures elements that are economically designed. In spite of that, eng ineers rarely use this statement to explain cracks in buildings, but sometimes they use it to calm down the owner of some cracked building. That's why we should define acceptable cracks and their degrees. Cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete structures are a bad sign, although some of these cracks have no negative effect on the utilization of the structure. Reasons of cracks are various and different, some of them might occur in different types of cracking while others may lead to a single type of crack. Cracks formation in concrete varies due to the different factors causing them, which also may be structural or related to the utilization of building. It is not easy to put a useful list for probable reasons of cracking as cracks have many shapes and any one of them might increase the danger of another one or even exceeds it. To explain the relationship between these types, we proposed the cracking tree, which may help the designer to take into consideration the probable reasons for cracking. The main specification of cracks is that its three nodes define the three periods in the life of a structure: design, construction and service. These are also divided into lists including reasons causing cracking and their effects on each other. Cracking tree branches into tension roots, taking into consideration that the first branches determine the physical properties of cracks (width, depth, length,…). Then these branches take their way throughout the three phases,(restriction of movement is the most important branch). When these branches stop growing, they can tell the severity of cracking, in respect to durability and beauty. This definitely still needs accurate study and repair. This research aims to study the direct reasons of cracking, factors that increase cracks, and types of cracking growing in structural members (Columns, Beams, Plates,..). Add to that the procedures needed to prevent or stop cracks growing. We also offer an attempt to point the best methods and materials to be used for restoration.
In this work, ١٥ digestive systems of Syrian Awass sheep, slaughtered in Hama abattoir were examined, in addition faeces smaers, livers, lungs and mesenteries were examined . Very high infestation percent of Gastro-intestinal helminths was evident . Generally the intensity of infestation was of medium range, but it was very high in the abomasum, then the small intestine and the large intestine in decreasing order. ٢٣ species of Nematodes were identified, in addition to ٤ species of Cestodes, Dicrocoelium dentriticum, ٢ larval-stage (Cysticercus tenuicollis and Echinococcus cysticus-Hydatid cyst-), ٥ species of the first larvae of the lung worms and ٩ species of Eimeria. The most intense and wide spread was Marshallagia marshalli and Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) circumcincta in the Abomasum, Trichostrongylus vitrinus, Trichostrongylus capricola and Nematodirius filicollis in addition to Moniezia expansa in the small intestine and Trichuris- sp. - specially Trich. ovis and Trich. gazellae in the large intestine. Gongylonema Pulchrum was found in Oesophagus. The results of this study identified ٣ species of Nematoda for the first time in the digestive system of sheep in the middle region of Syria. They are: strongiloides papillosus, Chabertia ovina and Oesophagostomum venulosum.
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143 stool samples were examined, they were taken from people living in Alqalamoun region, in Syria. The aim of this study was to determine the species of enteric parasites and their prevalence. The percentage of the prevalence of intestinal parasi te infections in the stool samples was 17.48 %. The species of enteric parasite according to their prevalence were: Entamoeba coli (6.29%), Giardia lamblia (4.89%), Entamoeba histolytica(2.09%), Taenia saginata and Ascaris lumbricoides(1.39%), Enterobius vermicularis and Iodamoeba buetschlii (0.69%), Whereas the percentage of the prevalence of Blastocystis hominis was (6.29%),and Candida sp. Was (7.69%).

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