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Bacterial Distribution Analysis in the Atmospheric Air of the Primary and Secondary Schools

تحليل التوزيع البكتيري في الهواء المحيط بالمدارس الابتدائية و الثانوية

1124   0   2   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Bacterial distribution analysis of the atmospheric air of fourteen primary and sixteen secondary school classes at Ibb City in Yemen was performed during the period between February and May, ٢٠٠٢. The results indicated that bacteria grown on the blood agar formed the highest numbers, followed those grown on nutrient agar, and finally on MacConkey agar. The average number of blood agar grown bacteria in nonventilated, semi-ventilated, and well--ventilated school classes were ٤٩٢, ٢٦٩, and ٢٤٦ cfu/٥٠ liters of air sample respectively. Primary schools showed a higher values of bacterial counts, compared to the secondary schools. The concentration of the bacteria inside the school classes was higher than those of school square. Inside the classes, in spite of approximate values of student per unit area, i.e. ٠,٦٤m٢, the total number of bacteria per cubic meter was observed to be inversely proportional with the class volume.

References used
May, K.R. (١٩٦٧). Physical aspects of sampling airborne microbes. In: Gregory, P.H. & Monteith, J.L. (eds). Airborne microbes. ١٧ th Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Greenwood, D. Slack, R., & Peutherer, J. (eds) (١٩٩٧). Medical Microbiology, ١٥th edn. Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh
Collee, J.G., Fraser, A.G. Marmion, B.P., & Simmons, A.S. (eds) (١٩٩٦). Practical Medical Microbiology, ١٤th edn. Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh.
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This study is concerned with the variations in annual and seasonal surface air temperature in Syria, depending on the data from 12 different meteorological stations in Syria. The analysis of surface temperature trends was performed using Least sq uares (linear regression) and Moving- averaging filters according to Gaussian low- pass filter. Fast Fourier Transformation was used for the analysis of periodicity for the annual mean surface temperature. The results of linear regression showed that the general trend of annual and seasonal temperature in all stations was positive except Latakya. The results of annual and seasonal temperature, fluctuations revealed the existence of important warming period in all stations starting from 1993-1994 for the average of annual and winter temperature while summer, autumn and spring temperatures averages were above the mean during the study period. Periodicities analysis showed that the surface air temperature seems to be affected by solar cycle and quasi- biennial oscillation as well as the El-nino southern oscillation.
The purpose of this research is to know the reality of the use of educational techniques and laboratory devices in secondary vocational schools in Lattakia Governorate, The research adopted descriptive analytical method through a questionnaire con sisting of (50) words distributed on four axes, has been verified the validity and stability through appropriate statistical methods, And then applied to the study sample which consisted of (127) teachers, assistant teachers and vocational teachers in a number of vocational secondary schools in Lattakia Governorate during the second semester of the academic year (2016-2017), The most important findings of the research: -The degree of ownership of the competencies of the use of educational techniques and laboratory devices in vocational schools and the degree of use of these techniques and devices medium. -The degree of obstacles to the use of educational techniques and laboratory devices in vocational schools and the degree of requirements for the development of this use is high. - There were no statistically significant differences in the identification of the reality of the use of educational techniques and lab equipment in secondary vocational schools in Lattakia Governorate according to the variables of the place of study and the job title. - There were statistically significant differences in the possession of competencies in the use of educational techniques and laboratory devices in vocational schools and the use of these techniques and devices according to the variable training courses for those who followed one or more courses. There were no differences regarding the obstacles of using educational techniques and laboratory equipment in vocational schools. The research concluded with a set of proposals aimed at developing the use of educational techniques and laboratory equipment in vocational secondary schools in Lattakia Governorate.
The purpose of the research is to identify the reality of the transformational leadership in the general secondary schools in Damascus, and the suggestions for activating its application from the point of view of the teachers. The researcher design ed a questionnaire consisting of (28) items divided into five axes. After being verified and validated, (220) members of the administrative staff, and (347) members of the teaching staff, and after the necessary statistical treatments, the research showed results, the most important of which are the following: - The average score of secondary school principals for transformational leadership (2.56), ie average grade. - There were no statistically significant differences between the average degree of principals of secondary education for transformational leadership according to the variables: years of experience, scientific qualification and gender of the sample members. - There were no statistically significant differences between the average responses of the members of the administrative body, and the average responses of faculty members on the reality of transformational leadership. - - Appreciating the efforts of the employees, providing them with incentive incentives, and setting up training courses for managers in the field of transformational leadership are the most important proposals of the sample to activate the application of transformational management in secondary education schools.
A total of 370 bottles of noncarbonated natural mineral water (domestic and imported) with different bottling dates, were collected directly from the markets in Syria one word one year 2006. Bacterial diversity was approached with tentative identification of the strains isolated using biochemical and enzymatic criteria (with the aid of API 20 NE identification system for nonfermenters).
This piece of research analyzes the general-index change of annual medium temperatures in some stations of the Syrian Coast during the years 1970-2010, so as to identify the amount of change in temperatures and the effect of such a change on the prob able density that results in annual medium temperatures that are both extreme and unnormal. Results point to an increase in temperatures in all those stations between 0.8 and 2 Celsius degrees. This increase is significant statistically. At the same time, temperatures had not gone lower than their general average in all those stations during the first decade of the 21st century, contributing to an increase of the annual average of temperature during the years 2001-2010 in comparison with the years 1970-2000. Using Natural Distribution Diagram during the years 2001-2010, analysis of the probable density of temperature refers to a great increase in the possibility of having higher extreme temperatures whose value did not exceed 5% over the last three decades. By contrast, lower extreme records had zero probability and got higher than they had been during the three decades of the late century.
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