استخدم الإنسان في معيشته بعد الاستقرار الزراعي أدواتٍ، و أهمها أدوات الطبخ الفخارية مثل
القدور و الصحون و غيرها، و قد خلفها آثارًا تدل على طريقة غذائه و معيشته. لذا من المفيد إجراء
التحاليل للكشف عن البقايا العضوية في القطع الأثرية الفخارية من قدور الطبخ أو الصحون من منطقة
حمص في العصرين الروماني و الإسلامي و خاصة عن اللبيدات التي تملك خاصية مقاومة عوامل البيئة
عندما تكون ممتصة في هيكل الفخار، حيث تستخلص بالمحلات المناسبة إما استخلاصًا كليًا أو
بالمعالجة القلوية للجزء غير المنحل من الفخار و من ثم تحليل المستخلصات بالكروماتوغرافيا الغازية أو
الكروماتوغرافيا الغازية المرتبطة مع المطياف الكتلوي ، و قد أعطت هذه التحاليل معلومات عن وجود
حموض كربوكسيلية أحادية وثنائية، وحموض مشبعة وغير مشبعة، كما قيست النسبة C١٦/C١٨ التي بينت بوضوح استخدام الشحوم الحيوانية في قدور الطبخ أو الصحون. و هذا لايمنع طبعًا من استنتاج أن تكون هذه الأدوات قد استخدمت في سلق الطعام أو طهيه باستخدام زيوت نباتية.
The ancient people had used and kept a lot of tools and most important of
all were clay cooking pots and dishes, etc.., and they left them as remains to tell
about the way they were living and feeding . So, it was quite important to carry
out some analysis on the organic residue of archaeological clay sherds from
cooking pots or dishes from the area of Homs from the era of the Roman and
Islam. A Special attention was focused on the analysis of lipids, which have the
properties of resisting the effect of the environment after it is absorbed in the
clay matrix. Lipids can be extracted with suitable solvents, either total
extraction, or after the treatment of the undisolved portion of the clay with
alkaline. Analysis using gas chromatography and gas chromatography - mass
spectrometery, revealed the existence of mono and di carboxylic acids,
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, alkanes, and mono, di, and tri glycerides.
The measurement of the ratio C١٦/C١٨ gave the indication to the use of animal
fats in these pots.
References used
Gibson,A.,M.,and Woods, A., Prehistoric Pottery for the archaeologist. Leicester University Press .1999
P. M. Rice, Pottery Analysis: A sourcebook, The University of Chicago press,1987
Christie,W., W., Gas chromatograph y and lipids .Ayr:Orly Press.1998
The study was conducted on randomized samples of virgin olive oils
collected from Hama, Aleppo, Daraa, Latakia, Homs and Idleb to investigate
the relationship between the quality indices of oil purity (peroxide value, the
figure iodine, coefficien
Conditions for Gas chromatography (GC) equipped with Flame Ionization Detector (FID) were optimized in order to dtermine volatile N-nitrosamine in meat and meat products, using optima XLB (30m × 0.25 mm × 0.25µm) column. Results reveal that the metho
The purpose of this article is how to use HPLC technique for analysis of
some vitamins. The studied vitamins are niacinamide (vit.PP), pyridoxine
hydrochloride (vit.B6), riboflavin (vit.B2) and thiamine hydrochloride (vit. B1),
which can be found
The thyme is a wild plant naturally present in the Syrian Seaside at varying altitudes
up to more than 1000 m above sea level. The essential oil was extracted from thyme plants
taken from seven sites (Safita - Beit Sheikh Younis, Khirbet Al-Mezah –
In this research, we focus on the swelling properties of clay, the cation
exchange capacity and the efficacy content of clay in mud, to deal
ideally the drilling problems attached to clay formations in Syrian oil
and gas fields.