يعد الفول من الحبوب القرنية ذات الأهمية البالغة في الإنتاج الزراعي و الغذاء اليومي لسكان العالم
منذ آلاف السنين. تمت دراسة المكونات الكيميائية للفول البلدي و قشر الفول، حيث أظهرت التحاليل العامة للفول زيادة نسبة السكاكر و البروتينات و انخفاض نسبة الشحوم بالمقارنة مع فول الصويا و الفول
Thousand years ago, Beans was known commonly as legumes or pulses.
And used to have an important role in agriculture production and daily food
for most of the world population. The chemical compositions of plant have been
studied. Comparing with soybeans and peanuts, the general chemical analysis
showed increase in sugar and protein rates, while the lipid rate was so low.
References used
حمودة ف. م.، اعرف صحتك، النباتات و الأعشاب الطبية كيف نستخدمها، صفحة ٩٧ ، مركز الأهرام . للترجمة والنشر، القاهرة ١٩٩٣
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), Official methods of analysis, International, Gaithersburg, MD 1995
A field experiment was conducted in Agriculture collage –Tishreen University for two years 2011&2012 to evaluate the effect of tillage depths and nitrogen fertilizer timing application on growth productivity indicators and seeds' chemical compositi
Carob pod is the fruit of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.). The
fruit and its products, sold both in large stores and local markets,
contribute strongly to the diet of people living in the Mediterranean areas
of Europe.
This study reports th
The effect of different concentrations of nitrate and phosphate and soil extract on the
total growth and chemical composition to the green algae Chorella vulgaris isolated from
some localaquatic habitats had studied in this research, at three type
Essential oils from peels of 6 citrus species were extracted. The species were
lemon (Citrus limon), orange (C. sinensis), grapefruit (C. paradisi), pomelo
(C. maxima), mandarin (C. reticulata) and bitter lemon (C. aurantium) using
Ten samples of dry, cooked Chickpea, Homos with Tahina, and Falafel were
randomly collected from different places in Damascus and urban side during
2003-2004 with an average weight of 200g for each sample. Chemical
composition, amino acids, fatty