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Influence of Storage Temperature on shelf-life of Some Tomato Hybrids

تأثير درجة حرارة التخزين في القدرة التخزينية لبعض هجن البندورة

1663   0   12   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Green tomato fruits of different studied hybrids such as, Amal, Steel, Tartila, and 2-75/96, which had been grown in a greenhouse at Abi- Jarash Farm were picked up and stored at temperatures of 12 c and 20 c for 29 days. The fruits, which were stored at 12 c had been transferred to 9 cْ, and then stored for an additional period of two weeks. The chemical composition of the stored fruits was evaluated, which included: acidity percentage, total soluble solids, and the quantity of vitamine C. The ratio of fruit weight loss during storage was studied as well.

References used
Boettcher, H. (1996). Frischhaltung und Lagerung von Gemuese. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co Stuttgart 252 pp
Herregods, M. and Goffings, G. (1990). Bewaren van Groenten. Comite voor Onderzoek op de Bewaring van Tuinbouwprodukten
Hong, J. H. and Gross, K. C. (2001) Maintaning quality of freshly-cuttomato slices through modified atmosphere and low temperature storage. J. Food. Sci. Chicago,III 66 (7) 960-965
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نفذ البحث خلال الفترة 2013-2016 م في كلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق , بهدف دراسة تأثير المعاملة ببعض المواد الكيميائية والطبيعية ( 1- ميثيل سكلو بروبان , ونتروبروسيد الصوديوم , الشيتوزان , وأمينوفينل علايسين , والميثيل جاسمونات , وفيتامين E ) في القدرة الت خزينية لثمار البندورة ( الهجين Tala ) وصفاتها البيوكيميائية ( نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة TSS ونسبة الحموضة القاتلة للمعايرة TA ) والفيزيائية ( الصلابة ونسبة الفقد بالوزن والفقد المطلق ومؤشرات اللون ) ومعايير الأكسدة ومضادات الأكسدة .
Background & Objective: Spray drying techniques are used to produce inhaled powders of enzymes and proteins without denaturation. The surface free energy data of these powders is used to reduce the time of formulation development. During storage, the surface free energy of the inhaled protein powders could change and so their performance will be affected. Many factors affect the limit of this change. Storage temperature is the critical factor. Material& methods: A spray drying method was optimized to prepare inhaled spray dried lysozyme powders. Inverse gas chromatography was utilized to measure the surface free energy of the prepared powders pre and post-storage to detect the effect of storage temperature on the surface free energy. Differential Scanning Calorimetry and biological activity tests were used to evaluate the integrity of lysozyme conformation after storage at different storage temperature. Results: Increasing the storage temperature decreased both dispersive and specific surface components of the spray-dried lysozyme powders significantly (ANOVA: P < 0.001) up to 12% and up to 31 % after storage for one year at 40 °C, respectively. The overall decrease in the polar components resulted in a reduction of the surface basicity. These decreases in the surface energetics would be due to the aggregation of denatured lysozyme molecules at the powder surface via hydrophobic regions rich with electrons. The same results were found after storage for one year at room temperature, but the extents of changes were smaller. Conclusion: It is advisable to store protein powders at 5°C to inhibit the changes in their surface free energy which is the crucial factor affecting their performance.
The research was carried out at Tal Hedya Research Center in Aleppo, General Commission for Agriculture Scientific Research (GCSAR), Syria, during 2011 and 2012 seasons. Seven genotypes of cotton were used, and complete diallel hybridization was m ade to study general and specific combining ability of some productivity traits (sympodial branch number, actual boll number and seed cotton yield). General combining ability (GCA) indicated that the parental genotype Cherpan432 had a high significant GCA for sympodial branch number and actual boll number, but the parents Aleppo118 and Deir El-Zour22 had the high GCA for seed cotton yield. This is a clear indication that these parental genotypes had the largest number of additive genes action, which plays important role in the inheritance of the above-mentioned traits. The estimation of SCA values showed favorite and high significant values in many hybrids resulted from parents, which had highly significant GCA, which means that the gene action type is (additive x additive), and this refers that these hybrids possessing the largest number of additive genes. High heritability broad sense refers to importance of genetic variance in the inheritance of all characters, but heritability in narrow sense values were low in general, indicating the importance of dominance and epistasis genes in the inheritance. According to this result it is recommended to follow the cross method for improvement of the studied traits.
The objective of this research was to study the refrigerated condition (temperature +-1°C, and relative humidity of 75-85%) and non-refrigerated methods of packaging and treatment with MCP-1 on the storage capacity of two onion cultivars (round and elongated). The experiment was carried out in the College of Agriculture - University of Damascus .
Pastrami, manufactured from beef and abdominal fat and of a ratio of 3 meat to 1 fat, was stored under refrigeration at (4±2 °C) and storage times (0, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 days). The effects of storage times on the most important chemical, micr obiological and sensory properties of pastrami were investigated. The results of chemical analyzes showed that the studied pastrami conformed to the Syrian Standards in terms of the proportion of salt and fat content, and it nearly conformed to the standards in terms of humidity. The results also showed a slight decrease in the percentage of moisture, fat and protein, and an increase in each of the acidity, proportion of total volatile nitrogen, soluble nitrogen and peroxide value in pastrami with the progress of the storage period at the temperature degree (4±2 °C). The microbial tests showed that pastrami is free from some sickening organisms especially salmonella and E. coli. It also showed that the census of the aerobic bacteria, yeasts and fungi was within the limits of the Syrian standards. The results showed deterioration in the microbial properties of stored pastrami with the progress of time; pastrami became invalid from a microbial point of consumption after two months of storage as a result of the big number of aerobic bacteria, yeasts and fungi. The sensory tests showed deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics of storage with the progress of time, the deterioration was clear after two months of storage; pastrami became unacceptable in terms of taste, color, smell and texture.
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