أجريت هذه الدراسة لإزالة المعادن الثقيلة (Zn2+, Pb2+) في حالات السكون من المحاليل المائية الأحادية و المتعددة المكونات باستخدام الزيوليت الطبيعي السوري. بينت الدراسة أن هذه الإزالة لها طبيعة تبادل أيوني و تتألف من ثلاث مراحل هي: الامتزاز على سطح البلورات الميكروية، مرحلة التحول، الامتزاز المحدود داخل البلورات الميكروية. بينت الدراسة أن الزمن اللازم لحصول التوازن هو 6 ساعات، و أن الاختلاف البسيط بين سعات امتزاز الزيوليت بالنسبة للرصاص و الزنك من المحاليل الأحادية و المتعددة المكونات يثبت وجود مراكز امتصاص فردية للزيوليت من أجل كل معدن. قيست سعة الامتصاص القصوى بالنسبة لـ pb2+ و هي 33.89 mg/g عند التركيز التوازني 261.07 mg/l ، و بالنسبة لـ Zn2+ كانت 29.18 mg/g عند 309.818 mg/l . تم استخدام نماذج خطوط تبادل امتزاز Langmuir و Freundlich لتقييم أداء امتزاز الزيوليت الطبيعي للرصاص و الزنك. كانت هذه النماذج قادرة على تقديم ملاءمة جيدة مع البيانات التجريبية، مع معامل ارتباط R2 يتراوح بين 0.95-0.99، مع ملائمة أفضل لنموذج لانغموير.
The study was carried out on the sorption of heavy metals (Pb+2, Zn+2) under static
conditions from single- and multicomponent aqueous solutions by Syrian Zeolite mineral
extracted from south Syria. The removal has an ion-exchange nature and consists of three
stages: the adsorption on the surface of microcrystals, the inversion stage, and the
moderate adsorption in the interior of the microcrystal, The study showed that equilibrium
time is 6 hours, and The slight difference between adsorption capacity of the Zeolite
toward lead, zinc from single- and multicomponent solutions may testify to individual
sorption centers of the zeolite for each metal. The maximum sorption capacity toward pb2+
is determined as 33.89 mg/g at an equilibrium concentration of 261.07 mg/L and toward
Zn+2 as 29.18 mg/g at 309.818 mg/L. Langmuir and Freundlich Adsorption Isotherms
were used to evaluate natural zeolite adsorption performance for Lead, Zinc. These
Isotherms were able to provide suitable fit with experimental data, the factor R2 ranged
between 0.95 – 0.99, with better fit to Langmuir Isotherm.
References used
(Korkuna, O., Leboda, R., Skubiszewska-Zieba, J., Vrublevs’ka, T., Gun’ko, V.M., Ryczkowski, J., Structural and physicochemical properties of natural zeolites: clinoptilolite and mordenite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 87, 243 – 254. (2006
(Trgo, M. and Peric, J., The effect of concentration and pH on selectivity of ion exchange in system natural zeolite – Na+/Zn2+ aqueous solutions. Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Split, Teslina 10/V 21000 Split, Croatia.(2005
Bogdan Bogdanov, Dimitar Georgiev, Krasimira Angelova, Krasimira Yaneva : Natural zeolites: clinoptilolite BULGARIA Review . International Science conference. 4th - 5th June 2009, Stara Zagora
The study was carried out to remove of heavy metals (V+5, Ni+2)
under static conditions from aqueous solutions by Syrian Zeolite
mineral extracted from south of Syria. The results revealed that
operational conditions such as initial solution pH and concentration,
adsorbent particle size, the presence of competing cations, are able
to affect the adsorption capacity and efficiency of natural zeolite.
The changes in coefficient of distribution of lead and cupper has been studied in
system with two phases, liquid water contaminated with lead and copper-solid (natural
Phosphate of Syria) correlation of the following factors: Time of mixing phases,
In this work the process of removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions was studied using natural Syrian zeolite. Two samples were used: natural zeolite Z and modified zeolite with NaCl solution Z-Na. The removal percentage of zinc ions vs. time was
Syrian natural zeolit was used to study the adsorption of phenol from aqueous
solutions. Batch method was used to study the adsorption process.
The results showed that the adsorption process accurs rabidly at the first time and the
equilibrium ach
studied the elimination of lead using natural zeolite by studding the the best
conditions to removal lead in a system with two phase: liquid (contaminated water with
lead)-solid (natural zeolite), correlation of the following factors: time of mixin