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Lead, Zinc Removal from Industrial wastewater using Syrian Natural Zeolite /phillipsite/ from southern Syria

إزالة الرصاص و الزنك من المياه الصناعية باستخدام زيوليت طبيعي /فليبسايت/ من جنوبي سوريا

2431   2   62   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study was carried out on the sorption of heavy metals (Pb+2, Zn+2) under static conditions from single- and multicomponent aqueous solutions by Syrian Zeolite mineral extracted from south Syria. The removal has an ion-exchange nature and consists of three stages: the adsorption on the surface of microcrystals, the inversion stage, and the moderate adsorption in the interior of the microcrystal, The study showed that equilibrium time is 6 hours, and The slight difference between adsorption capacity of the Zeolite toward lead, zinc from single- and multicomponent solutions may testify to individual sorption centers of the zeolite for each metal. The maximum sorption capacity toward pb2+ is determined as 33.89 mg/g at an equilibrium concentration of 261.07 mg/L and toward Zn+2 as 29.18 mg/g at 309.818 mg/L. Langmuir and Freundlich Adsorption Isotherms were used to evaluate natural zeolite adsorption performance for Lead, Zinc. These Isotherms were able to provide suitable fit with experimental data, the factor R2 ranged between 0.95 – 0.99, with better fit to Langmuir Isotherm.

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة إزالة المعادن الثقيلة (الرصاص والزنك) من المياه الصناعية باستخدام الزيوليت الطبيعي المستخرج من جنوب سوريا. أظهرت النتائج أن عملية الإزالة تعتمد على التبادل الأيوني وتتكون من ثلاث مراحل: الامتزاز على سطح البلورات الميكروية، مرحلة التحول، والامتزاز المحدود داخل البلورات الميكروية. تم تحديد الزمن اللازم للوصول إلى التوازن بـ 6 ساعات. أظهرت الدراسة أن هناك مراكز امتصاص فردية للزيوليت لكل معدن، حيث كانت سعة الامتصاص القصوى للرصاص 33.89 ملغ/غ وللزنك 29.18 ملغ/غ. تم استخدام نماذج خطوط تبادل امتزاز لانغموير وفريندليتش لتقييم أداء الامتزاز، وأظهرت النتائج ملاءمة جيدة مع البيانات التجريبية، مع ملائمة أفضل لنموذج لانغموير. كما تم دراسة تأثير حجم الجزيء، ودرجة الحموضة، والشوارد التنافسية، وشوارد الكالسيوم على فعالية الامتزاز. أظهرت النتائج أن الزيوليت الطبيعي يمتلك كفاءة عالية في إزالة الشوارد المدروسة سواء بوجود أو عدم وجود القساوة، مما يعزز من قيمته الاقتصادية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة في مجال معالجة المياه الصناعية وإزالة المعادن الثقيلة باستخدام مواد طبيعية وفعالة من حيث التكلفة. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. على سبيل المثال، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل درجة الحرارة والضغط على فعالية الامتزاز. كما أن الدراسة اقتصرت على الرصاص والزنك فقط، وكان من الممكن توسيعها لتشمل معادن ثقيلة أخرى شائعة في المياه الصناعية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن استخدام تقنيات تحليلية أكثر تقدماً لتحديد التركيب الكيميائي للزيوليت المستخدم بشكل أكثر دقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المراحل الثلاثة لعملية إزالة المعادن الثقيلة باستخدام الزيوليت الطبيعي؟

    الامتزاز على سطح البلورات الميكروية، مرحلة التحول، والامتزاز المحدود داخل البلورات الميكروية.

  2. ما هي سعة الامتصاص القصوى للرصاص والزنك باستخدام الزيوليت الطبيعي؟

    سعة الامتصاص القصوى للرصاص هي 33.89 ملغ/غ، وللزنك هي 29.18 ملغ/غ.

  3. ما هي النماذج الرياضية المستخدمة لتقييم أداء الامتزاز في الدراسة؟

    تم استخدام نماذج خطوط تبادل امتزاز لانغموير وفريندليتش.

  4. كيف يؤثر حجم الجزيء ودرجة الحموضة على فعالية الامتزاز؟

    زيادة المساحة السطحية الخارجية عبر تقليل حجم الجزيء تؤدي إلى زيادة عدد المواقع المتوفرة لامتصاص المعدن، وزيادة درجة الحموضة (pH) تؤدي إلى زيادة فعالية الامتزاز.

References used
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(Trgo, M. and Peric, J., The effect of concentration and pH on selectivity of ion exchange in system natural zeolite – Na+/Zn2+ aqueous solutions. Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Split, Teslina 10/V 21000 Split, Croatia.(2005
Bogdan Bogdanov, Dimitar Georgiev, Krasimira Angelova, Krasimira Yaneva : Natural zeolites: clinoptilolite BULGARIA Review . International Science conference. 4th - 5th June 2009, Stara Zagora
rate research

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The study was carried out to remove of heavy metals (V+5, Ni+2) under static conditions from aqueous solutions by Syrian Zeolite mineral extracted from south of Syria. The results revealed that operational conditions such as initial solution pH and concentration, adsorbent particle size, the presence of competing cations, are able to affect the adsorption capacity and efficiency of natural zeolite.
The changes in coefficient of distribution of lead and cupper has been studied in system with two phases, liquid water contaminated with lead and copper-solid (natural Phosphate of Syria) correlation of the following factors: Time of mixing phases, size of the developed steel ,change the values of PH ,concentration of elemental lead and concentration of element capper ,the concentration of calcium as a competitor to the occupation of sites available on the solid phase, the ratio V\m presents the water phase size on the mass of phase ,the Percentage removal of lead from aqueous samples prepared in the laboratory91,57-99,95% were the best conditions for a vast proportion removed can be summarized as follows: PH=[6,63-10,11], Time of mixing phases =60 minutes and V/m=1000. The Percentage removal of copper from aqueous samples prepared in the laboratory 95,27 -99,96 % were the best conditions for a vast proportion removed can be summarized as follows: PH= [7,89-11,01] , Time of mixing phases =60 minutes and V/m=1000. Ideal conditions have been applied that were obtained according to laboratory tests on water samples from industrial input to Banias refinery and water samples from industrial drainage to Syrian company for oil transport after Removal for lead was( 100%,99 %). Removal for copper was( 100%,98 %) .
In this work the process of removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions was studied using natural Syrian zeolite. Two samples were used: natural zeolite Z and modified zeolite with NaCl solution Z-Na. The removal percentage of zinc ions vs. time was determined using differential initial concentrations of Zn+2: 50,100,200,300,400 mg/L. The contact time was determined and it was 360 min. The removal of Zn+2 ions as a function of temperature and pH have been studied. It was found the increasing of removal percentage by increasing temperature and increasing when pH increasing up to ~7,then the precipitation of zinc hydroxide accurse. The Langmuire adsorption isotherm equation used to calculate the maximum sorption capacity and it was 21.7 and 28.5 mg/g for Z and Z-Na respectively. Results indicate a significant potential for the natural and modified zeolite as an adsorbent/ion-exchange materials for heavy metal removal.
Syrian natural zeolit was used to study the adsorption of phenol from aqueous solutions. Batch method was used to study the adsorption process. The results showed that the adsorption process accurs rabidly at the first time and the equilibrium ach ieved after 120min . The adsorption process performed in the rang of PH (3-10). The adsorption of phenol increased by increasing of PH value up to(6-7) and then decreased. The temperature affect the adsorption process and the results showed that the increasing of the temperature leads to decreasing of the adsorption of phenol.The maximum adsorption amount of phenol was 8 mg/g at 25C0 when the initial concentration of phenol was 60mg/l. Adsorption amount of phenol increased when the adsorbent dosage increased up to 0.3g of zeolite. The resulted data of the adsorption isotherm were fitted with Langmuire model and the monomolecular layer adsorption formed on the surdace of the adsorbent.
studied the elimination of lead using natural zeolite by studding the the best conditions to removal lead in a system with two phase: liquid (contaminated water with lead)-solid (natural zeolite), correlation of the following factors: time of mixin g phase, granular size of solid phase, change of pH values, concentration of the calcium element as a competitor element for the available sites for occupation on the solid phase, the ratio V/m represents the size of the aqueous phase to the mass of the solid phase and concentration of lead element. On the other hand, the possibility of using natural zeolite as a template for storaging dangerous materials such as lead, has been studied by changing water quality, pH and temperature. The results of this research show that and under the following experimental conditions: time of mixing=4hour, mix of granular size of solid phase, pH< 8, concentration of calcium = 20 ppm,V/m=100 and concentration of lead = 1000 ppm , the rate of lead removal range from 60% to 99%. On the other hand, the results of this research show that changing water quality has no impact on the ability of natural zeolite for storaging lead as a hazardous waste, while pH changes have minor effects on this ability of retention and an effect for the high temperatures on the template was also observed.
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