درست تغيرات معامل توزع الرصاص و النحاس في منظومة ذات طورين [سائل (مياه ملوثة بالرصاص و النحاس) - صلب (فوسفات خام سورية )] و ذلك بتابعية العوامل التالية زمن خلط الطورين, الحجم الحبيبي للطورالصلب, تغير قيم الأس الهيدروجيني PH, تركيز العنصر الملوث, تركيز عنصر الكالسيوم كعنصر منافس للمواقع المتاحة على الطور الصلب, النسبة v/m كنسبة تمثل حجم الطور المائي على كتلة الطور الصلب. تراوحت نسبة إزالة الرصاص من عينات المحاليل المائية المحضرة مخبريا ﹰ91,57-99,95 % و كانت أفضل الشروط للحصول على أعلى نسبة إزالة للرصاص كالتالي:
درجة حموضة تتراوح بين 6,63-10,11 و زمن خلط للطورين يصل إلى 60m و بنسبة V/m تبلغ .1000
و تراوحت نسبة إزالة النحاس من عينات المحاليل المائية المحضرة مخبرياﹰ -95,27 99,96% و كانت أفضل الشروط للحصول على أعلى نسبة إزالة للنحاس كالتالي:
درجة حموضة تتراوح بين 7,89-11,01 و زمن خلط للطورين يصل 60m و بنسبة V/mتبلغ.1000
جرى تطبيق الشروط المثالية التي تم الحصول عليها مخبرياﹰ على عينات مأخوذه من مياه الدخل لوحدة المعالجة في شركة مصفاة بانياس و مياه دريناج مأخوذه من الشركة السورية لنقل النفط فكانت نسبة الإزالة للرصاص
( (100%,99 % و كانت نسبة إزالة النحاس ( (100%,98 % .
The changes in coefficient of distribution of lead and cupper has been studied in
system with two phases, liquid water contaminated with lead and copper-solid (natural
Phosphate of Syria) correlation of the following factors: Time of mixing phases, size of the
developed steel ,change the values of PH ,concentration of elemental lead and
concentration of element capper ,the concentration of calcium as a competitor to the
occupation of sites available on the solid phase, the ratio V\m presents the water phase size
on the mass of phase ,the Percentage removal of lead from aqueous samples prepared in
the laboratory91,57-99,95% were the best conditions for a vast proportion removed can be
summarized as follows:
PH=[6,63-10,11], Time of mixing phases =60 minutes and V/m=1000.
The Percentage removal of copper from aqueous samples prepared in the
laboratory 95,27 -99,96 % were the best conditions for a vast proportion removed can be
summarized as follows:
PH= [7,89-11,01] , Time of mixing phases =60 minutes and V/m=1000.
Ideal conditions have been applied that were obtained according to laboratory tests
on water samples from industrial input to Banias refinery and water samples from
industrial drainage to Syrian company for oil transport after Removal for lead was(
100%,99 %). Removal for copper was( 100%,98 %) .
References used
Saxena,S;Souza, S.F. D. Heavy Metal Pollution Abatement Using Rock Phosphate Mineral. Heavy metal pollution using Founder’s Day Special Issue, 2005 ,94- 99
Sarioglu,M; Atay,U.A.Removal of copper from aqueous solution by phosphate rock .Desalination181,2005,303-311
Mouflih,M;Aklil,A. Removal of lead from aqueous solution by naturalphosphate Hydrometallurgy 81,2006, 219-225
The study was carried out on the sorption of heavy metals (Pb+2, Zn+2) under static
conditions from single- and multicomponent aqueous solutions by Syrian Zeolite mineral
extracted from south Syria. The removal has an ion-exchange nature and consis
Studied the distribution coefficient of elemental copper and lead contaminants in the aqueous phase using a Bi-phase system: solid phase (the sands of Palmyra) and liquid phase (water containing the former two elements), where they were sampling sand
This study aims to use the ash formed from the burning of firewood and the different
pruning residues to remove the hardness of water
Soda ash was characterized using different techniques, including XRD,flame
spectroscopy , volume titration and ot
studied the elimination of lead using natural zeolite by studding the the best
conditions to removal lead in a system with two phase: liquid (contaminated water with
lead)-solid (natural zeolite), correlation of the following factors: time of mixin
The study was carried out to remove of heavy metals (V+5, Ni+2)
under static conditions from aqueous solutions by Syrian Zeolite
mineral extracted from south of Syria. The results revealed that
operational conditions such as initial solution pH and concentration,
adsorbent particle size, the presence of competing cations, are able
to affect the adsorption capacity and efficiency of natural zeolite.